Saturday, 21 September 2019

NXP Introduces Secure UWB Fine Ranging Chipset to Allow Broad Deployment in Mobile Devices

                 World’s first all-in-one solution to combine Secure Element (SE), Near Field Communications (NFC) and Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) fine-ranging technology

                 Delivers unparalleled precision sensing, including 360 degrees positioning
                 Leverages NXP’s leading end-to-end security architecture for secure localization capabilities in a variety of security applications
                 Provides ±10 cm range and ±3° angle accuracy

New Delhi, India, Sept. 19, 2019 -- NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) today officially announced its secure fine ranging chipset, SR100T – designed to bring remarkably precise positioning performance tailored for next-generation UWB-enabled mobile devices. With the SR100T, mobile devices will be able to communicate with connected doors, points of entry, and cars to open them once approaching. Lights, audio speakers, and any other connected device with UWB sensing capability will be able to follow users from one room to another, and smart connected technology will intuitively be embedded in people’s lives.
The new UWB-based chipset, SR100T, amplifies and builds on NXP’s connectivity, security ecosystem expertise, and proven security architecture found in many of today’s popular mobile payment-enabled devices featuring NFC and SE hardware. Adding UWB brings the use case of spatial awareness and relative positioning among multiple devices, whether indoor or outdoor, with little to no interference. Additionally, the UWB implementation delivers unprecedented accuracy, even in crowded, multipath signal environments with numerous walls, people, and other obstacles. The technology also uses angle-of-arrival (AoA) technology to accurately indicate the direction of a signal for added precision.
Furthermore, the SR100T expands NXP’s mobile wallet solution to include spatial awareness for new handsfree access applications.

“The use cases that UWB enables is one of the most highly anticipated developments and NXP is the first out of the gate to bring seamless, interoperable experiences with an all-in-one solution for mobile devices,” said Rafael Sotomayor, senior vice president of Mobile. “Today, NXP’s mobile wallet solutions already impact millions of consumers around the world. The SR100T is an evolution of our secure connected offerings and is designed to complement existing standards like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. This is a major step forward in allowing developers to deliver ubiquitous UWB experiences to people around the globe.”

Setting the Benchmark on Robust Wireless Accuracy and Localization

                6 to 9 GHz; 500 MHz bandwidth per channel
                High accuracy of AoA estimates with dual-Rx for AoA functionality
                Exceptional range accuracy in non-line-of-sight (nLOS): ±10 cm with angle accuracy (LoS): ±3°

Multi-layered Security Approach

                Best-in-class RF security provided through the security extension currently being specified in IEEE 802.15.4z Multiple integrated security mechanisms for both the protection of keys and software security
                Unified security architecture with NFC and Secure Element

Leading a UWB Revolution
NXP is a co-founder of the FiRa Consortium, a community of industry experts dedicated to the development and widespread adoption of seamless user experiences based on the secure fine-ranging and positioning capabilities of interoperable UWB technologies.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

SHM Shipcare Celebrates ‘Women in Maritime’ – CWIM 2019

SHM Shipcare Celebrates ‘Women in Maritime’ – CWIM 2019 on the occasion of ‘World Maritime Day 2019’
Theme for this year is to focus on ‘Empowering Women in the Maritime Community’
Stressing the need for increasing participation of women seafarers in maritime

Mumbai, September 13, 2019: SHM Shipcare, leading manufacturer of safety & survival systems for Indian Navy, Merchant Navy, Oil & Gas in the country, organised “Celebrating Women in Maritime” – CWIM2019 on the occasion of ‘World Maritime Day” with a vision to honour the contribution of women seafarers to this fraternity and motivate young women to take up seafaring as their career.

‘Empowering Women in the Maritime Community’ is theme for World Maritime Day, 2019. This provides SHM, an opportunity to raise awareness about gender parity in Maritime and other allied sectors.

The event witnessed the presence of dignitaries like Mr. Amitabh Kumar (IRS), Director General of Shipping, Mrs. HK Joshi, Director (Finance), SCI, Mr. Suresh Jandial, Executive Director ONGC, Mr. David Birwadkar - VP Great Eastern Shipping, Capt. Raj Razdan - Provost - Tolani Maritime Institute, Capt. Suneha Gadpande, Seasoned Seafarer and Ms. Sanndhya Pillai - Maritime Lawyer.  The panel tabled a healthy discussion around the idea of ‘Making seafaring accessible to Women’ and concrete ideas emerged from the same.

According to IMO, today, women represent only 2% of the world’s 1.2 million seafarers and 94% of the female seafarers are working in the cruise industry. The maritime industry has been traditionally male-centric. This year the IMO has made it their prime mission in line with the UN SDG 5 of Gender Equality, to bring in more inclusivity in the fraternity from a socio-cultural point of view.

Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Saifuddin H. Hajee, Chairman, SHM Group of Companies said that, “We are extremely delighted to organize this event where we are celebrating women in maritime. Empowering women fuels thriving economies across the world, spurs growth and development and benefits everyone working in the global maritime community in the drive towards safe, secure, clean and sustainable shipping. We are proud to say that 20% of our workforce is women.”

Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Amitabh Kumar, Directorate General of Shipping said that, “In 1990’s women’s participation in employment was 40% which in 2017 went down to 26% and further decreasing. If the work force is diverse with women, overall productivity of the company increases.  There is a need to attract more women for shipping industry. Globally, around 2% women are in maritime industry and in India it is less than 1%.
On the occasion of World Maritime Day, our first strategy should be to encourage women to join maritime industry. Then manage to get them to training institutes and retain them by providing on-the-job training. Going further, the seafarers should be supported during breaks in their career like maternity, by providing them with alternative career options like ship managers, lawyers or recruiters.” 

Thursday, 12 September 2019

गोदरेज इंटेरिओ के 'मेक स्पेस फॉर लाइफ' सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार 61% भारतीय अपने जूनून को पूरा नहीं कर पाते

नई दिल्ली में अभियान के उद्घाटन में लोकप्रिय टीवी अभिनेत्री दिव्यांका त्रिपाठी ने लोगों से अपने काम और जीवन के बीच स्वस्थ संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया।

नई दिल्ली,  सितंबर, 2019:  भारत का सबसे अग्रणी फर्नीचर और इंटीरियर उत्पादों और सुविधाओं का ब्रांड गोदरेज इंटेरिओ ने आज अपने नए अभियान - 'मेक स्पेस फॉर लाइफका शुभारंभ किया। लोकप्रिय टीवी अभिनेत्री दिव्यांका त्रिपाठी ने इसका उद्घाटन किया। 'मेक स्पेस फॉर लाइफअभियान इस वास्तव पर रोशनी डालना चाहता है कि व्यवसायनौकरी में ज्यादा से ज्यादा अच्छे प्रदर्शन की दौड़ में लोगों को अपने पारिवारिक संबंध और दोस्तों के साथ अच्छा समय बिताने के मौके पीछे छोड़ने पड़ रहे हैं।

गोदरेज इंटेरिओ ने हाल ही में किए गए एक सर्वे के नतीजों ने यह दिखा दिया है कि कई भारतियों के लिए कई भारतियों के लिए व्यावहारिकता जूनून से बढ़ कर हो गई है।  सर्वे में यह भी पता चला है कि कई भारतियों ने उनके परिवारदोस्तों और जूनून के बीच संतुलन और समय पाने में असफलता को स्वीकार किया है।

गोदरेज इंटेरिओ के बी2सी के सीनियर वाईस प्रेसिडेंट श्री. सुबोध मेहता ने बताया"मेक स्पेस फॉर लाइफ अभियान भारतियों के जीवन में काम और जिंदगी के बीच संतुलन के महत्त्व पर आधारित है।  जिंदगी जीने की जगह बनाना यह संकल्पना भारतियों के लिए केवल भौतिक रूप से नहीं बल्कि हम जिन तनावों और बंधनों को हर दिन झेलते हैं उनकी दृष्टी से भी बहुत मायने रखती है।  हमारे सर्वे के नतीजों के अनुसार कामप्रौद्योगिकी और दैनंदिन जीवन की भागदौड़ और तनावों के बीच भारतीय लोग अपने पारिवारिक रिश्तों-संबंधों और जूनून के लिए बहुत ही कम समय निकाल पाते हैं।  आधुनिक प्रौद्योगिकी के गलत इस्तेमाल से यह ट्रेंड बढ़ता जा रहा है।  भारतियों के जीवन में काम और जिंदगी के बीच संतुलन रख पाना कितना मुश्किल है यह इन जानकारियों से पता चलता है।  एक ब्रांड होने के नाते गोदरेज इंटेरिओ अपने अभिनव फर्नीचर डिजाइन्स से घरों में खुशियांउत्साह लाने के प्रयास करता है और भारतियों को प्रोत्साहित करता है ताकि वे अपने परिवारदोस्तों के लिएअपने दिल पसंद कामों के लिए ज्यादा समय निकाले।"   

सर्वे के नतीजों से सहमति दर्शाते हुए और अभियान को समर्थन देते हुए लोकप्रिय टीवी अभिनेत्री दिव्यांका त्रिपाठी ने कहा, "आम तौर पर लोगों को किसी भी सेलिब्रेटी की चकाचौंध दिखती है लेकिन उसके पीछे की कड़ी मेहनत और भागदौड़ को नजरअंदाज किया जाता है।  काम के सिलसिले में यहां-वहां भागनाहमेशा व्यस्त रहना इसकी वजह से मेरे लिए काम और नीजि जीवन के बीच संतुलन बनाए रखना एक चुनौती है।  परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ सुकून से मिलने-जुलने के लिए समय निकाल पाना बहुत ही कठिन हैकितना भी दिल करें लेकिन मैं अपने दिल पसंद काम पूरे करने के लिए समय ही निकाल पाती हूँ।  लेकिन अब मैं मेरी जिंदगीमेरे जूनून और मेरे परिवार के लिए जगह बनाने के लिए जानबूझ कर प्रयास करती हूँ।  मैं आप सभी से भी अनुरोध करती हूँ कि अपने काम और जीवन के बीच स्वस्थ संतुलन बनाए रखने की कोशिश कीजिए।"

गोदरेज इंटेरिओ के सर्वे में पाया गया है कि इसमें शामिल 61% लोगों के पास अपने जूनून पूरे कर पाने के लिए समय नहीं है और कई लोग मानते हैं कि वे पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारियों की वजह से अपने पसंदीदा कामों के लिए पर्याप्त समय नहीं दे पाते।

साथ हीसर्वे में सहभागी 40% लोगों का मानना है कि वे पैसों की तंगी की वजह से अपने पसंद के काम नहीं कर पाते।  वास्तव में सबसे चिंताजनक बात यह सामने आई है कि सर्वे में सहभागी 56.7% से ज्यादा लोग कहते हैं कि उनके जीवन में काम और जीवन के बीच संतुलन बिगड़ गया है और 68.2% लोग कहते हैं वे अपने हिसाब से जिंदगी जी नहीं सकतेजब कि56.5% लोगों का कहना है वे अपने व्यवसायनौकरी की वजह से दिल पसंद कामों के लिए समय निकाल नहीं पाते।  चौका देने वाली बात है कि 72% लोगों को लगता है कि उनके जीवनसाथी उनसे ज्यादा स्मार्ट डिवाइसेस की और ध्यान देते हैं।  

चंडीगढ़मुंबईजयपुरपटनाकोईम्ब्तूरपुणेलखनऊहैदराबादकोलकातादिल्लीचेन्नईबेंगलुरुअहमदाबादकानपूर इन 14 शहरों के 1300 लोगों को इस सर्वे में शामिल करवाया गया था। 

Amagi Announces 1,000-Channels Broadcast Monitoring Facility

BANGALORE — September 10, 2019 — Amagia global leader in cloud-based technology for TV and OTT broadcasters, today announced that it has launched a new broadcast monitoring facility in New Delhi, India. The state-of-the-art facility can monitor up to 1,000 channels with 24x7 support, and is powered by playout monitoring platform on the cloud, complete with ML-ready advanced automation capabilities.

“As large and traditional broadcasters are starting to make cloud as their primary playout and distribution platform, the need of the hour is a complete platform that can accommodate all operational needs of broadcasters on the cloud platform”, said Baskar Subramanian, co-founder, Amagi. “In this context, apart from cloud playout, it’s imperative that broadcasters also focus on comprehensive monitoring capabilities as well to manage broadcast operations on the cloud. Amagi’s new monitoring facility is a direct response to evolving needs of the industry”.

Being a cloud-first technology company, Amagi has invested in building automation across the workflow, starting from live and media ingest, pre-processing of content to explore automated delivery mechanisms and making operations monitoring efficient and automated. Amagi’s powerful monitoring platform runs on the cloud and is extensible as it is completely resource-unconstrained and can scale to hundreds of channels without any capital infrastructure. The platform is also AI/ML-ready in terms of embracing cutting-edge audio-video based machine-learning capabilities in driving automation further and reduce human costs and errors dramatically over time.  

“Amagi’s new monitoring facility allows global broadcasters across linear TV and OTT enhance their broadcast operations- be it for live sports, news or thematic content. The extended capability sets us apart in the market as we can scale operations in no time as per our client needs” added Srini, co-founder, Amagi.

Amagi has deployments in 40+ countries and delivers more than 200 channels to audiences worldwide. Amagi clients include industry heavyweights such as Turner Broadcasting, Viceland, Discovery, Viacom18, IMG, PBS America, Quest TV, Zee TV, and ‘digital first’ networks – Tastemade, Cinedigm, TYT, RoosterTeeth, PeopleTV and more. Amagi also offers content delivery and monetization solutions on platforms such as YouTube TV, Sony PlayStation Vue, SonyLIV, Twitch, Amazon Prime Video, Xumo, YuppTV among others.

For more information about Amagi and its cloud-based broadcast solutions, visit Amagi solutions will also be on display at IBC2019, Amsterdam from September 13-17, 2019, Booth #2.B19.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Government to improve Ease of Doing Business for OTT, VoD platforms: OSD to Maharashtra CM

MUMBAI, 6th September 2019: Mr Kaustubh DhavseJoint Secretary designated as Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to the Chief Minister, Government of Maharashtra, yesterday said that the government will provide necessary support and improve Ease of Doing Business for over-the-top (OTT) and video on demand (VoD) media platforms.
Speaking at the fourth edition of FICCI Knowledge Series: ‘FAST TRACK INDIA – Maximizing the Content Value Chain’, Mr Dhavse said, “This event gives the government an understanding of the digital space very closely. It helps us create an enabling ecosystem so that people across value chain benefit from the incentives of the government.”
Mr Neeraj Roy, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Hungama Digital, Media Entertainment Ltd said, “When it comes to the broadcast market, an audience is being generated in both television as well as the internet which culminates the perfect storm of storyteller.” He further added, “An average Indian consumer, consumes 17 gigabyte data a day which means, never letting the content devices be away from the users.”
Mr Rishika Lulla Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Eros Digital, said that India is one of the fastest growing entertainment and media market globally and is expected to keep that momentum. “As data and digital infrastructure has become exceedingly accessible even in small cities of India, the market for OTT has widened enormously. At Eros Now, we strive to constantly engage the existing consumers and expand our reach by offering new and innovative services,” he added.
Defining the current VoD landscape which has evolved rapidly over the last few years, Mr Karan Bedi, Chief Executive Officer, MX Player said, “I am delighted to be sharing insights on the role of OTT and the rise of the digital medium at FICCI FAST TRACK INDIA 2019. Our first 6 months at MX Player has taught us so much about the varied preferences of the consumer palette; its only upward and beyond from here on.”
Ms Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer, Zee5 Global said, “This is the best of times for both consumer and content creators. For those of us running an OTT business, the key priority remains monetization, but we increasingly see that consumer are willing to pay for great content and that remains a strong stimulus for the ecosystem.’’
Mr Alistair Jennings, Vice President, APAC Content Protection, Motion Picture Association said, “India is the fastest growing media and entertainment market globally and its video streaming industry has enormous growth prospects. Now is a vital time to build the right checks and balances to protect the legal dissemination of online content. I am delighted to join this year’s Fast Track to share more on MPA’s efforts and our recent site blocking successes in India.”
Mr Girish Menon, Partner & Head, Media & Entertainment, KPMG in India said, “The online video consumer in India has evolved in a significant way in the last couple of years. With consumption now going mass and viewers spending close to 8.5 hours a week on online video, we see a homogenous pattern of consumption emerging cutting across age groups, income levels and professions.”

Sunday, 1 September 2019

ICAI Convocation 2019-20 (1st Round) held in Mumbai.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Convocation 2019-20 (1st Round)
at Yogi Sabha Gruha, Dadar (E), Mumbai on Saturday the 31-August, 2019.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India organized the ICAI Convocation 2019-20 (1st Round) at Yogi Sabha Gruha, Dadar (E), Mumbai on Saturday the 31-Aug-19.
Shri Arvind G Sawant, Hon’ble Union Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Chief Guest and CA. Prafulla Premsukh Chhajed, Hon’ble President ICAI while congratulating the newly qualified Chartered Accountants exalted them to persistently strive for Excellence, Independence and Integrity.
CA. Durgesh Kumar Kabra, Convocation Co-ordinator for Mumbai and Vice-Chairman Board of Studies ICAI administered the professional oath to the newly qualified Chartered Accountants. CA. Dheeraj Kumar Khandelwal and CA. Shriniwas Joshi, Central Council Members addressed the members. CA. Priti Paras Savla, Chairperson WIRC introduced the Chief Guest.
Chief Guest, Shri Arvind G Sawant Hon’ble Union Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises congratulated the new successful Chartered Accountants being conferred Rank Certificates and Membership Certificates today, who have achieved this qualification  through Self Study and striving hard like the legendry Eklavya who mastered great archery skills through practice in front of his assumed Guru Dronacharyas’ statute.
Today in all sectors/ industry, there is a need of Chartered Accountant. He recalled his earlier visit to the Institute function wherein Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji had recognized the important role of Chartered Accountants in the critical issue of Black money being faced by the nation. He asked important questions - Who can search this out, who can prevent this, who support government initiative to curb black money? He noted that the ICAI and its Chartered Accountants play an important role in this.
He recalled the important statement of ICAI is Partner in Nation Building made by Hon’ble Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Ex-President of India.  He noted that the ICAI is making earnest efforts in this regard.
He recalled that Shri Bal Thakarey Founder of Shiv Sena believed that to build the nation, there should not be any distinction based on Caste, Creed or Religion.  He expressed happiness that the ICAI gives equal opportunity without discretion. He also noted that the daughter of an Autorickshaw driver stood first in CA examination.  The Honorable Minister requested the Institute to provide details of hardships being faced by industry and business with remedial measures to boost the economy and suggest the way forward.
Shri Arvind G Sawant, Hon’ble Union Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Chief Guest and CA. Prafulla Premsukh Chhajed, Hon’ble President ICAI conferred Rank Certificates for CA Final Exam held in November-18 to 30 Rank holders. Over 1,000 newly qualified members enrolled from December-18 to April -19 were awarded Membership Certificates.

Friday, 30 August 2019

जेसीबी इंडियातर्फे कोल्‍हापूर व सांगलीमधील पूरग्रस्‍त भागांमध्‍ये मशिन्‍स तैनात करत मदतकार्याला हातभार

Image result for JCB logo

मानवहितकारी प्रयत्‍नांना पाठिंबा देण्‍यासाठी नागरी अधिका-यांच्‍या सहयोगाने ११ जेसीबी मशिन्‍स तैनात
कोल्‍हापूर / सांगली, 29 ऑगस्‍ट 2029: जेसीबी इंडिया लिमिटेड या भारताच्‍या अर्थमूव्हिंग व बांधकाम उपकरणाच्‍या आघाडीच्‍या उत्‍पादक कंपनीने पुण्‍यातील त्‍यांचे डिलर सिद्धार्थ ऑटो इंजीनिअर्सच्‍या सहयोगाने महाराष्‍ट्रातील कोल्‍हापूर व सांगली जिल्‍ह्यांमधील पूरग्रस्‍त भागांमध्‍ये उपकरण व त्‍यांची टीम तैनात केली आहे. 
पुण्‍यातील त्‍यांचे डिलर सिद्धार्थ ऑटो इंजीनिअर्सच्‍या सहयोगाने ११ जेसीबी मशिन्‍स 22 ऑगस्ट पासून ते आज पर्यन्त प्रत्यक्ष काम करीत असून यापुठेही कोल्‍हापूर व सांगली जिल्‍ह्यांमधील पुरग्रस्त भागांमधील पुरचा कचरा स्वच्छ करण्यासाठी अजुन काही दिवस मदत करणार आहेत.
जेसीबी इंडिया लिमिटेडचे व्‍यवस्‍थापकीय संचालक व मुख्‍य कार्यकारी अधिकारी विपीन सोंधी म्‍हणाले, ''नैसर्गिक आपत्‍तीचा परिणाम सोसावा लागणा-या समुदायांना पाठिंबा देण्‍याची कटिबद्धता कायम राखत जेसीबी इंडियाने कोल्‍हापूर व सांगलीच्‍या पूरग्रस्‍त भागांमध्‍ये पूराचा कचरा स्‍वच्‍छ करण्‍यासाठी आणि सुरू असलेल्‍या मदतकार्याला हातभार लावण्‍यासाठी ११ मशिन्‍स तैनात केल्‍या आहेत. आमच्‍या टीम्‍स या अवघड काळामध्‍ये स्‍थानिक प्रशासनाच्‍या सहयोगाने काम करत आहेत आणि पूरग्रस्‍त भागांची स्थिती पूर्वपदावर येण्‍याप्रती योगदान देत आहेत. या भागांमध्‍ये राहणा-या लोकांना गेल्‍या दोन आठवड्यांमध्‍ये अत्‍यंत हलाखीच्‍या स्थितीचा सामना करावा लागला आहे आणि त्‍यांनी अशा परिस्थितींमधून देखील पुढे जाण्‍याचा निर्धार केला आहे.''
जिल्‍ह्यांमध्‍ये पुन्‍हा पायाभूत सुविधा पूर्वपदावर आणण्‍याचे काम सुरू होण्‍यापूर्वी पूराचा कचरा स्‍वच्‍छ करणे महत्‍त्‍वाचे आहे. पूरग्रस्‍त भागांमध्‍ये अहोरात्र काम करत या जिल्‍ह्यांमधील स्‍थानिक प्रशासनांनी लक्षणीय कामगिरी केली आहे. जेसीबी मशिन्‍स कच-याचे ढिगारे, गाळ आणि मृत पशु स्‍वच्‍छ करण्‍यासाठी स्‍थानिक प्रशासनाच्‍या मदतीने काम करत आहेत.
जिल्‍ह्यांतील लक्ष्‍मीपुरी, शाहूपुरी, शिरोळ तालुका, शिंगणापूर वॉटर पंपिंग स्‍टेशन, कोल्‍हापूर-रत्‍नागिरी महामार्ग आणि आरे गाव, तसेच सांगलीमधील टिंबर भाग – सांगली बायपास आणि मुख्‍य शहर क्षेत्र – ट्रक अड्डा या ठिकाणी जेसीबीने मशिन्‍स तैनात केल्‍या आहेत.
कंपनीने गेल्‍या वर्षी केरळला उध्‍वस्‍त केलेल्‍या पूरादरम्‍यान देखील मदतकार्यामध्‍ये हातभार लावला होता.
जेसीबी इंडिया बाबत:
जेसीबी इंडिया लिमिटेड ही भारतातील अर्थमूव्हिंग व बांधकाम उपकरणाची आघाडीची उत्‍पादक कंपनी आहे. १९७९ मध्‍ये कंपनी एक संयुक्‍त उद्यम म्‍हणून सुरू झाली आणि आता युनायटेड किंग्‍डममधील जे सी बॅम्‍फोर्ड एक्‍सेव्‍हेटर्सची पूर्णत: मालकीची उपकंपनी आहे. भारतात पाच अत्‍याधुनिक कारखाने असलेली कंपनी आज ८ उत्‍पादन केंद्रांमध्‍ये ६० हून अधिक उत्‍पादनांची निर्मिती करते. भारतात या उत्‍पादनांची विक्री होते, शिवाय ही उत्‍पादने १०० हून अधिक देशांना निर्यात केली जात आहेत. 
जेसीबीचे बांधकाम उपकरण उद्योगामध्‍ये सर्वात मोठे डिलर नेटवर्क आहे. तसेच भारतभरात ६० हून अधिक डिलर्स आणि ७०० आऊटलेट्स आहेत. जेसीबीने भारतातील दिल्‍ली-एनसीआर, पुणे आणि जयपूर येथील त्‍यांच्‍या कारखान्‍यांच्‍या आवारात असणा-या समुदायांना नेहमीच सक्रियपणे पाठिंबा दिला आहे. आज जेसीबी ५५ हून अधिक सरकारी शाळा आणि १० व्‍यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण केंद्रांना पाठिंबा देते. ज्‍याचा १५,५०० हून अधिक विद्यार्थी आणि स्‍थानिक तरूणांना लाभ होतो.

Motoroyale launches the most awaited MV Agusta Turismo Veloce 800 at the inauguration of its new dealership in Navi Mumbai

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·         Motoroyale by Kinetic introduces the only tourer with a racing spirit-The Turismo Veloce 800
·         Turismo Veloce is a perfect combination for sheer riding pleasure and endless travelling
·         This new aggressive and compact, sporty touring bike is powered by an in-line three-cylinder engine and the only touring superbike with a counter rotating crankshaft
·         The Turismo Veloce is priced at an ex-showroom of INR 18.99 lakhs
·         Motoroyale offers a special price of INR 16.99 lakhs for its first three customers
·         Motoroyale by Kinetic opens its sixth multi-brand superbikes showroom in Navi Mumbai
National, 29 August 2019: Motoroyale by Kinetic, India’s first multi-brand superbike manufacturer and exclusive distributor of MV Agusta in India launched the MV Agusta Turismo Veloce 800at the inauguration of its new dealership in Navi Mumbai today.
The Turismo Veloce is beautifully crafted with a vision to harness MV Agusta’s racing pedigree into the bodywork of a touring motorcycle. It is a comfortable touring bike, munched up with the DNA of a pure racing machine, added with enough load capacity and fuel consumption, to MV’s natural speed and agility.
Some of the many elements that have made the Turismo Veloce 800 an instant icon include:
·         798 cc, three-cylinder engine
·         110 hp of maximum power at 10,150 rpm
·         80 Nm of peak torque at 7,100 rpm
·         Turismo’s torque curve is uniquely designed to generate 90% of its torque as low as 3800 rpm, for maximum performance.
·         8 Level traction control
·         Bosch 9 plus ABS
·          Brembo front and rear disc brakes
·          Marzocchi fully adjustable front suspensions, Sachs fully adjustable rear suspensions
·          Immobilizer, Cruise Control, Bluetooth and an adjustable wind shield
·         The only tourer with a counter rotating crankshaft
·         Rear Wheel lift up Mitigation. System controls the pressure applied on front brake to avoid involuntary rear wheel lift up.

It is also equipped with a ride by wire throttle, and is the only bike in its category to come with an up and down quick-shifter along with a hydraulic activated slipper clutch. The Turismo is not only aggressively stylish to look at, but is also packed with performance and safety features. Every single detail starting with compact side panniers (Can be purchase as additional accessories)  to diamond shaped LED headlights, to a large sculpted fuel tank, hand guards with integrated turn indicators and exquisitely crafted tyre hugger, uphold MV Agusta’s values of craftsmanship and innovation making it one of the most advanced sports tourers in the world.

This brand new Turismo Veloce is priced at an ex showroom of INR 18.99 lakhs and will be available in India in two colors - grey and red.
Motoroyale also announced a special price of INR 16.99 lakhs for its first three customers of the Turismo Veloce.

Motoroyale inaugurates its sixth multi-brand superbikes showroom after Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Cochin, and Thane at a prime location in Navi Mumbai (Plot N. 48, Sector 1, Shiravane, Nerul, and Juinagar Station Road). Motoroyale’s new dealership in Navi Mumbai will be a one-stop shop for bike enthusiasts and will retail super sports, street nakeds, cruisers, hipsters, off roaders, tourers and many other motorcycle segments.
The world class showroom will showcase brands like Norton, M V Agusta, F.B Mondial, and SWM & Hyosung that are associated with Motoroyale. The elegantly designed showroom will offer customers a truly enriching buying and service experience by offering global standards of customer care and after-sales support.

Speaking about the announcement, Ajinkya Firodia, Managing Director of Motoroyale Kinetic said, “MV Agusta is known for providing top quality and unique designs, while keeping the safety of the rider in mind. The Turismo Veloce 800model combines MV’s racing DNA with the need to provide a comfortable and safe ride for long journeys. Aggressive and compact, yet comfortable and always under control. Turismo Veloce represents the perfect combination of sheer riding pleasure and endless travelling, making it so unmistakably MV.
With the launch of Turismo we at Motoroyale have once again established our objective of bringing the most iconic and exotic bikes with an unparalleled blend of power, speed and performance for the riders in India.”

He further added, “This day is even more exciting for us as we announce our association with Redman Super Drives PVT LTD in Navi Mumbai. We are extremely glad to have Mr. Anand Reddy and Mr. Ashish Patil as our Motoroyale’s exclusive dealers in Navi Mumbai with the newly opened showroom.
Our customers are always at the heart of our business, and this new dealership with two enthusiastic partners will make it a truly unique customer experience with five top international brands under one roof. All bike aficionados across India can count on us for world class sales, service and spare parts at each of our dealerships for the entire range of products that we offer.”

Mr. Anand Reddy, Director, Redman Super Drives PVT LTD added, “Kinetic is one of the oldest brands in the country and we are truly honoured that they have chosen to partner with us through this exciting journey. The superbike segment is not only restricted to business but also involves a lot of passion that brings us here today. We at Redman Super Drive will ensure that we meet the evolving customer needs with the support of our skilled staff, who will offer world class sales and service at our showroom and workshop.”

Motoroyale by Kinetic is the exclusive distributor of MV Agusta, Norton, SWM, FB Mondial and Hyosung bikes in India. The company currently has multi-brand showrooms in Thane-Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru and Kochi. Motoroyale is on an expansion spree and is looking for the right partners in order to open showrooms in Delhi, Indore, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kolkata and other important markets.

About Motoroyale by Kinetic:
Motoroyale is a part of the Kinetic Group of companies, a pioneering automotive group in India. Kinetic has been in the automotive business since 1972 and is widely known for its innovative products. Kinetic has always been known for introducing advanced technologies in India and has extensive experience in retail as well as in after-sales service for two-wheelers, and Motoroyale envisages persisting with the same.
Motoroyale launched MV Agusta in 2016 followed by the Norton Joint Venture announcement in November 2017, with an overwhelming response in the Indian automobile market and an award winning product range. It now has 5 brands and 9 products in its range starting from 250 cc to 1000 cc and price range of Rs 3L to 60L making it true to its concept of a multi-brand store for one and all. All its products are exotic and never seen before.

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