Bhumi Pednekar floored the audience with her debut as Sandhya in Dum Laga Ke Haisha (DLKH) and is all set to recreate the magic in her next film with Ayushmann Khurrana. Bhumi recently signed her second film where interestingly, she has been paired with her former co-star once again.
Post Dum Laga Ke Haisha, Bhumi’s weight loss has been creating a lot of buzz and the actress seems to have achieved the feat successfully. Bhumi’s weight loss mission originated from her quest to play diverse roles rather than be stereotyped as a particular kind of character. Adding to this she said, “I’m trying to recreate Bhumi all over again. There’s such a drastic visual difference between how I was then and now. I feel like this will be a relaunch for me. Before DLKH, I was a regular, medium-sized girl. For a few months, I was overweight, and for the other months, I wasn’t. For Sandhya, I did gain a good amount of weight, but now, I am probably the thinnest I’ve ever been. It’s still a work in progress.”
After attaining the perfect shape and a healthy body the talented actress is now focusing on her upcoming project. She says, “I read the script a few weeks ago, and I was completely blown away by it. I’m really happy to work with Ayushmann again. He was my first hero. He’s a great friend, a brilliant actor, and we already share a comfort level with each other. But we will have to outdo what we did in DLKH. So, that’s a bigger challenge for us.”