Adding to the hordes of the crazy ‘Spidey’ fanatics, who have
gone to extreme lengths, right from travelling for days to catch the film on the
big IMAX screens in major metros to duplicating the stunts, is an Indian by the
name of Muhesh Spaleesh from Mumbai! The guy has initiated a worldwide petition
to Director Marc Webb to release a special Director’s cut of The Amazing
Spiderman 2 and show not only his vision but some of the scenes that have been rumored
to have been left out!!
Sparking this petition on www.change.org,
a website operated by Change.org, Inc hat
provides a free petition tool for 65 million users, the petition which needs 10,000 signatures has already
received almost 3000!
Well, looks like this one petition
that must get the support it needs! Hope Director Marc Webb is listening!!