Ali relives his childhood Christmas memories through Jeannie & Juju
Ali got to know that he is going to play Santa Claus in Jeannie &
Juju, he could not help but share his fond childhood memories of
Christmas. Coming out straight from the horse’s mouth, Ali used to
eagerly await Christmas so that he can dress up as Santa Claus in the
school. And if you think this was because of his love for Christmas or
Santa Claus, you are very wrong! Ali, who has studied in an all-boys
Convent, used to get a chance to go to the Girl’s section dressed up as
Santa, which was otherwise prohibited.
school, we had separate boys and girls sections, and we were not
allowed to interact with girls. My one point goal in school was to
manage to interact with girls somehow. And Christmas looked like the
best option, as I was allowed to go to the girl’s section dressed as
Santa. Every year on Christmas, I used to dress up as Santa just to
interact with the girls. Over the period of time, the meaning of
Christmas has changed for me. I now play Santa to my daughter. Even
though I don’t dress up as Santa, but I do fulfil all her wishes” says Ali.
Let’s get set to watch Ali as Santa in Christmas Special of Jeannie & Juju.