Thursday 5 September 2013

“Buniyaad thought me a lot”, says Alok Nath

Buniyaad thought me a lot”, says Alok 


Buniyaad was one television serial of 1980’s in which director Ramesh Sippy had demonstrated not one or two but there generations. Alok Nath who played the character of Haveli Ram had started with a 27 year old Haveli Ram and ended with an 80 year old Haveli Ram. This got him a lot of roles of an old man. But Alok Nath has no regret and says, “Everything happens for a good reason and see I am a known actor today. Buniyaad thought me a lot and I am happy.”
This classic TV serial is aired again these days on Doordarhsan every Thursdays and Fridays at 8.30 pm

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