Whoever said ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’ would never have thought that India’s first interactive movie channel ‘&pictures’ would take that quote and turn it around. In just two days of the digital film going live, the country’s first crowd-sourced film has already sent the digital audiences into a frenzy, engaging around 15,000 users! Of these more than 30% of them have accessed the film through their mobile phones. The specially created Twitter hashtag #GiveMovieNamesWithAnd trended organically on the very first day of the never ending film going live in cyberspace.
With the vibrant campaign page andpictures.in bringing in the most traffic, engagement levels are phenomenal with users who access it from desktops staying on the microsite for 5+ minutes, mobile net users staying on the site for 4.2+ minutes and page views reaching over 4 views per person. Though users have the option to participate through Twitter and Facebook, there is maximum fun on the campaign micro site which has led to exceptionally high stay time per user.
Debashish Ghosh, Chief Knowledge Officer – EsselGroup, Technology and Digital Strategy while talking about the high user engagement on ‘the never &ing movie’ says “All innovative campaigns do well for obvious reasons. But this one has really surpassed even my expectations. Counting all social shares, mentions, tweets etc, exposure for the Brand ‘&Pictures’ as a result of the ‘never &ing movie campaign’, has gone to several hundreds of thousands, possibly crossed million. All of this essentially drives home the point that the initiative is perhaps tending to become one of the better case studies of Ideation Led Digital initiatives in India and perhaps even the world. The fact that there is almost 50% mobile engagement proves that people are constantly following the campaign and engaging at will. This is PURELY because of the power of the idea and digital execution. “
He further added, “The compelling part of the idea is that it hands control to consumers ... and consumers love it! Especially when brands recognize that consumers are cognitive and intelligent in their approach. In my opinion - that’s what made consumers align so easily with the concept. They felt ONE with it and a part of it. And most importantly - it is a TOTALLY FUN experience which is yet serious and non-frivolous. It lends a sense of fulfillment to consumers in co-creating that ultimate ‘Junta Scripted’ movie. This innovative idea is in sync with the brand ethos and helps showcase &pictures as being significantly different from all existing movie channels. The results have proven that we were right in our choice - so far - and the participation by consumers have been phenomenal.“
Talking about the phenomenally high response to the digital film, Mr. Akash Chawla, Marketing –Head, National Channels, ZEEL, says “The digital film has been extremely successful in reaching out to the right kind of audiences and creating a huge buzz for ‘&pictures’ as a brand. As a movie channel, it has been the perfect medium to engage users with the brand through the creation of a film that is ‘for the people and by the people’. We have urged users to get their creative juices flowing and there have been over 2200 responses for the script and dialogues with thousands liking and following dialogues through the day.”
“Our data on the campaign has shown us that we have gained a large group of loyal followers who have been following the progress of the film from the stage of inception. These users follow the campaign as they leave their places of study and work leading to a huge spike in traffic between 7-11 PM. Though digital trends in the past show that people have been averse to the idea of signing up, it is encouraging to see that they haven’t resisted the process or let it stop them from participating in the campaign.”
Join us as we premiere the film that YOU made possible! The film premieres on Monday, August 12 on andpictures.in. Stay tuned!