Sunday, 7 March 2021

Häfele India’s long-standing endeavour to uplift women

 Mumbai - 7 March 2021 - Häfele India’s long-standing endeavour to uplift women in different strata of the society and bring gender equality sees light via the IWD (International Women’s Day) football tournament organized predominantly for the underprivileged 

To encourage women empowerment through sports, Häfele India, together with IWFA (Indian Women’s Football Alliance), sponsored a one-day long football tournament entirely organized by and for women. The tournament held on 6th March at St. Joseph Ground, Mumbai, saw a fierce competition among ten teams comprising of girls aged between 16 and 32 from underprivileged backgrounds brought together by different NGOs. Each team played for a specific cause such as ‘Education sets me free’, ‘Dowry kills dignity’, ‘A blessing called Beti’ and so on and had a renowned face as their team mentor along with support-mentors to uplift their spirits during the day. The team mentors included Kunal Kapoor, Tusshar Kapoor, Rahul Bose, Nandita Shah, Adhuna Bhabani, Bhairavi Jaikishan, Ankit Tanna, Richa Bahl, Nitasha Gaurav, Chef Sarita Pareira, and Nishrin Parikh. Kunal Kapoor, supporting the ‘Slum Soccer’ team said, “Through this team, we are supporting the 'Silence Fuels Violence' cause and truly hope that this initiative brings awareness on speaking up for any wrongdoing against women in the society.” Rahul Bose, cheering for Akshara Superstars, said, “I am so happy to hear that the Indian Women’s Football Alliance (IWFA) kicked-off their first competition called ‘Girls Love Goals’ - what a fantastic name! The ten girls’ teams pitted against one another each playing for a specific cause is a brilliant way to spread awareness.”
As a homage to Women’s Day, the tournament was created entirely for women by women sporting female coaches, referees, lineswomen, nutritionists, as well as therapists. The IWFA Girls Love Goals Cup is a tribute to sportswomen across India, who have used their grit, determination, blood and sweat to get where they have reached today. It is also a shoutout to girls across the country to stand by their goals in the face of gender, race, colour, or any such discrimination. The winning team gets a cash prize, proceeds of which are given to select NGOs that use football as a medium of social change for women across India. “I think we're just at the tip of the iceberg and we really need to create a mountain of hope, a mountain of success and victory for these girls so that the future is bright for our kids for their kids, especially women who are always side-lined with sport that are predominantly male centric. The most important thing is to break stereotypes that only certain kind of women can play sports or that women don't like to play sports or that people don’t like watching women play sports. The mindset needs to change, once that happens, the rest will follow,” concluded Tusshar Kapoor, summing up the spirit of the initiative. 
Häfele believes that all individuals are responsible for their own thoughts and actions, all day every day, irrelevant to the gender. Sanjay Swami, Head of Marketing, Hafele India Pvt. Ltd. says, "You will notice that we as an organization challenge encourage and uplift our women colleagues constantly. Being a patron for promoting women football for the past three years in India, Häfele has extended its support to IWFA Girls Love Goals football tournament to celebrate the International women’s day this year. Our Theme, “Equality has no Gender” also promotes our beliefs."A number of Häfele India’s previous initiatives such as Supermom – a cooking competition for women across the country along with the International Celebrity Chef Sashi Cheliah; or the mentoring of aspiring female footballers from Manipur at the hands of the FCB Munich Legends Klaus Augenthaler (Auge) & Bixente Lizarazu, have been aimed towards creating a larger impact for the women community across the country. Moreover, their next event scheduled in Imphal, Manipur, will be another football tournament primarily for the North East states offering girls out there a platform to display their skills, plan a future in sports, and be able to bring about a larger social change. Häfele’s aim is to work at the grass root level to support this cause and give the best exposure to these budding women footballers so that they are ably trained to be able to represent India at an International level.

Friday, 5 March 2021

एशियन पेंट्स ने फिर से शुरू की अपनी शोकेस वेब-सीरीज ‘व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़’

एशियन पेंट्स ने अपनी शोकेस वेब-सीरीज ‘व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़’ के साथ की वापसी

सीजन 4 खासतौर पर परिवार और रिश्‍तों पर केन्द्रित है, जैसा कि सेलीब्रिटीज के घरों के जरिये दिखाया गया है

राष्‍ट्रीय, 4 मार्च, 2021- लॉकडाउन के बाद से घर की परिभाषा और अपने प्रियजनों के साथ समय बिताने का अर्थ नाटकीय रूप से बदला है। हम तो यह बदलाव देख रहे हैं, लेकिन क्‍या हमारे द्वारा फॉलो किये जाने वाले सेलीब्रिटीज भी ऐसा ही सोचते हैं? हम यही देखने के लिये निकले हैं कि इस नई दुनिया में उनके लिये घर का मतलब क्‍या है, क्‍योंकि एशियन पेंट्स की सबसे ज्‍यादा प्रतीक्षित और पसंद की जाने वाली ओरिजिनल वेब सीरीज ‘व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़’ सीजन 4 के साथ लौट रही है।

बहुत प्‍यार पाने वाले सात सेलीब्रिटीज के सात अनोखे ढंग से खूबसूरत घरों का एक एक्‍सक्‍लूसिव टूर हमें याद दिलाएगा कि हमारे घर हमारे पवित्र स्‍थान क्‍यों हैं। सेलीब्रिटी के निजी जीवन और सजावट की प्रेरणा पर जानकारी के साथ यह वेब-सीरीज रिश्‍तों का अर्थ जानेगी और यह कि क्‍या चीज घर को सचमुच घर बनाती है। पहला एपिसोड 5 मार्च को लाइव होगा, जिसमें जाने-माने संगीतकार और कम्‍पोजर शंकर महादेवन होंगे।

‘व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़’ की विरासत इस सच्‍चाई में निहित है कि इस शो ने हमेशा से दर्शक को खोज का बोध दिया है। चाहे एक साधारण रंगीन दीवार हो, अनूठे कलेक्टिबल्‍स या सजावट के एलीमेंट्स, इस शो ने देश में घरों की व्‍यापक किस्‍मों को जीवंत किया है और इस स्‍पेस में देखने लायक एक सच्‍चा मापदंड स्‍थापित किया है। इस शो और उपभोक्‍ताओं के बीच मजबूत जुड़ाव है, क्‍योंकि एशियन पेंट्स ने पिछले तीन वर्षों में 22 घर और 27 सेलीब्रिटीज दिखाए हैं और 250 मिलियन से ज्‍यादा व्‍यूज पाए हैं। हर सीजन में एशियन पेंट्स विभिन्‍न क्षेत्रों के विख्‍यात व्‍यक्तित्‍वों को आगे लाता है, जिनकी अपनी खासियत है और अपने घरों के साथ अलग लगाव भी। और हर एपिसोड के साथ दर्शक देखते हैं कि वह व्‍यक्तित्‍व असल में किसके लिये है और वे अपने रिश्‍तों में सजावट को कैसे शामिल करते हैं।

इस साल अनीता डोंगरे, स्‍मृति मंडाना, शंकर महादेवन, तमन्‍ना भाटिया, राजकुमार राव, प्रतीक कुहाद, शक्ति मोहन और मुक्ति मोहन जैसे सेलीब्रिटीज दर्शकों के लिये अपने दरवाजे खोलेंगे और यह झलक दिखाएंगे कि वे पर्दे के पीछे और मैदान से बाहर क्‍या हैं।

सीजन 4 इस शो में कुछ नये एलीमेंट्स जोड़ेगा। यह सीजन दर्शकों को सेलीब्रिटीज की सजावट और उनके घरों की ज्‍यादा भव्‍य कहानियां दिखाएगा। जगह को प्राथमिकता देने की अप्रोच के साथ दर्शक अपने चहेते सितारे के घर के ज्‍यादा हिस्‍सों को देखेंगे: चाहे सजावट पर भरोसा जताने वाला कोई बोल्‍ड बदलाव हो या कोई छोटी पसंद, नये सीजन का लक्ष्‍य सेलीब्रिटी के घर की उन असली, रहने योग्‍य और सुखद जगहों पर जाना है, जो वास्‍तव में उनकी हैं, ऐसी जगह, जो उनसे मेल खाती है और उन्‍हें प्रतिबिम्बित करती है। इसके अलावा, दर्शक लॉकडाउन के दौरान के सेलीब्रिटी के अनुभवों और पलों को देखेंगे, परिवार, एकजुटता को लेकर उनका कॉन्‍सेप्‍ट समझेंगे और यह कि इस नई दुनिया में उनके लिये घर का अर्थ क्‍या है। यह शो रिश्‍तों की खूबसूरती पर भी जाएगा और बताएगा कि घर के लिये साझा प्‍यार उसे कैसे मजबूत करता है। सेलीब्रिटी से घर को सजाने के कुछ जुनूनी आइडियाज और टिप्‍स मिलने की उम्‍मीद भी की जा सकती है।

सीजन 4 सेलीब्रिटीज के उत्‍साही फैन्‍स के लिये एक नया और रोमांचक एलीमेंट भी लाया है, जिसमें हर एपिसोड में एक भाग्‍यशाली विजेता को अपने सेलीब्रिटी से कोई खास चीज मिलेगी।

इस शो के बारे में एशियन पेंट्स लिमिटेड के एमडी और सीईओ अमित सिंगले ने कहा, ‘’हम बहुत पसंद की गई सीरीज व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़ का सीजन 4 अपने उपभोक्‍ताओं के लिये लॉन्‍च करके खुश हैं। इस सीरीज ने दर्शकों को अपनी चहेती शख्सियत के व्‍यक्तित्‍व को देखने का मौका दिया है और ऐसा मंच बनी है, जिसने उपभोक्‍ताओं को प्रेरित किया है और दर्शकों के मन में सुंदर घरों को डिजाइन करने और अपने रहने की जगह को ज्‍यादा पसंद करने की आकांक्षा जगाई है; ऐसा कुछ खूबसूरत घरों और भारत की सबसे चहेती हस्तियों में से कुछ की कहानियों के जरिये किया गया है। एशियन पेंट्स में हमारा मानना है कि मकान व्‍यक्ति का चरित्र व्‍यक्‍त करता है, इसलिये इस शो का मूड, स्‍टाइल और भागीदारी दर्शक को एहसास देती है कि अपनी करीबी हर जगह को डिजाइन करने के लिये कितना प्‍यार और मेहनत चाहिये। इस शो में इंटीरियर डिजाइन के लिये जानकारी वाले टिप्‍स भी होते हैं, ताकि दर्शकों को अपनी जगहें खूबसूरत बनाने में मदद मिले। इस प्रकार घर का महत्‍व मजबूत होकर उभरता है।‘’

देश में लॉकडाउन हटने के बाद इस शो की प्‍लानिंग और शूटिंग हुई थी। सीरीज के क्रियेटर और स्‍टोरीज इन मोशन के सीईओ जोशुआ कार्तिक ने कहा, ‘’एशियन पेंट्स और हमारे लिये हर कदम पर अपने सेलीब्रिटी मेजबानों और अपनी टीमों की सुरक्षा सबसे अधिक महत्‍वपूर्ण थी। मास्‍क के लिये कठोर प्रोटोकॉल और सामान तथा उपकरणों के सैनिटाइजेशन से लेकर क्रू साइज़ पर बाध्‍यता और शूटिंग से पहले अनिवार्य टेस्टिंग तक, यह सुनिश्चित करने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी गई थी कि हमारे मेजबानों के घरों में हमारा दौरा सावधानीपूर्वक हो। यह एक चुनौती थी, लेकिन कला को बाधाएं पसंद हैं और हमने इस साल व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़ सीजन 4 के माध्‍यम से और भी बेहतर कहानियां प्रस्‍तुत की हैं।‘’

तो एशियन पेंट्स व्‍हेयर द हार्ट इज़ सीजन 4 देखिये और उस अचंभे की खुशी मनाइये, जो हमारे दैनिक जीवन में होता है।

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Schwing Stetter India inaugurates 52-acre IoT enabled, energy efficient Global Manufacturing Facility in Cheyyar, Tamil Nadu


Chennai, February 13, 2021: Schwing Stetter India, one of the largest manufacturers of concreting and construction equipment’s across the country, today inaugurated its 5th manufacturing facility in Cheyyar, Tamil Nadu. The state-of-the-art integrated facility of 52 acres comprising 50,000 square metres of built up area will now become a Global Manufacturing hub for Schwing’s concrete boom pumps, stationary pumps, self-loading mixers, shotcrete pumps, excavators, wheel loaders and motor graders. Schwing Stetter signed an agreement with the Tamil Nadu Government through the Global Investors Meet in 2019 and has already invested 300 crores in this facility. The company will continue to invest in this facility in the next couple of years.


Key features:
-	Use of smart robots for quality & safety critical processes 
-	Centralized energy management system
-	Wastewater treatment
-	Visual & Real-time displays on the shopfloor
-	Plans to induct 25% of its shop floor staff as women

Schwing Stetter, the market leader in concreting equipment industry, currently has four factories located in Sriperumbadur, Tamil Nadu. The new facility, built to be sustainable with a natural green cover, focuses on ensuring digitalization of all equipment’s and production process with an extensive usage of telematics, IoT and robotic machine learning. The new facility will also include a NABL Certified Quality Testing Lab and a custom bonded warehouse facility.


Schwing Stetter India, which is a “Centre of Excellence” for training in concreting products is a partner to the IESC Skill Council and will be housing a modernized training centre at its new facility, which will provide skilling to youth across nearby districts.


Global Manufacturing Hub will employ woman workforce in the shop floor as part of initiative towards equality and empowerment of women. This facility is created with all the amenities required by the women workforce.


Speaking at the inauguration, Mr. V.G. Sakthikumar, Managing Director, Schwing Stetter India, said, “Today, is an historic moment for us at Schwing Stetter. This new facility is the beginning of our journey towards industry 4.0. The smart facility has taken all initiatives to be a sustainable manufacturing unit. The newly inaugurated facility will export to International markets across Africa to ASEAN and cater to the internal needs of Schwing’s subsidiaries across the Globe. Having entered the export market of Bauma, Munich and Eastern Europe, from this global manufacturing hub, we expect to enter Brazil, USA and GCC market.


The Global Manufacturing Hub also has space for creating future expansion and hydraulic excavator factory will be ready in the next three months to add a capacity of 7500 units per year. Presently, in this factory, Schwing has increased production capacities, for example, pump by 50%, truck mounted boom pump by four times, Self-loading Mixers by five times and truck mixers and Batching Plant capacity to go up by two times.

About Schwing Stetter India Private Limited:

Incorporated in June 1998, and commencing its manufacturing operations in 1999, Schwing Stetter India is a 100% subsidiary of Schwing GmbH, a 1.30 billion USD German concreting machinery manufacturer and a part of XCMG group. Schwing Stetter is a pioneer in manufacturing equipment for concrete preparation, placement, transportation and recycling. Schwing Stetter (India) Private Limited manufactures concrete batching plants, concrete placing booms, concrete pumps, concrete truck mixers for transporting readymade concrete to construction sites, concrete truck mixers with concrete pumps, concrete recycling plants, plastering pumps, self-loading mixers and sludge pumps.


Schwing Stetter (India) sells and services equipment like concrete pavers, aerial working platform, all terrain crane, cold milling machine, crawler crane, excavator, horizontal directional drilling, motor grader, rotary drilling rig, tower crane, truck crane and wheel loader are our various newer range of equipment that have been launched recently from GOMACO and XCMG. We cater to the requirement of infrastructure developers and also act as an OEM supplier to various cement companies who offer ready mix concrete. Schwing Stetter has its manufacturing units in 12 countries including Germany, Austria, USA, Brazil, Russia, Ostrava, UK, India supported by sales and service centers in France, Netherlands, Austria and Sweden as well as representations in more than 150 countries Worldwide. Contact us on :  Follow us on:         pinterest

Squaremeal Foods introduces delectable meal



~ Squaremeal Foods introduces delectable meal in a box with multiple cuisine options for every foodie ~

Mumbai, February 16, 2021: Get ready for a wholesome, preservative-free & affordable meal-in-a-box from the house of Mirchi & Mime! Squaremeal Foods popularly known for its flagship brands Mirchi & Mime and Madeira & Mime, is all set to embark on a new journey with its first-ever cloud kitchen and the launch of ‘Squaremeal BOX’. The specially curated box offers you a perfect meal that you can relish at your home or your work desk. You can opt for a sumptuous Indian meal or relish the Desi Chakhna. Alternatively go for Italian, Mexican or Chinese cuisine depending upon your craving. Priced at Rs.199 onward one can place the order with Zomato or Swiggy or Call 7868919191 and the box will be delivered to your doorstep. As an introductory offer, one can order the box at a Flat 50% discount until 15 March 2021.

The box is sheer bliss for every foodie and it promises the quality of the restaurant. Keeping the safety and hygiene standards intact with uncompromising quality, the expert chefs cook up an ideal meal at the cloud kitchen. Presently the box can be delivered in the radius of 7 kms of Vikhroli. The curators of this new avatar of food are the founders of Mirchi & Mime and Madeira & Mime, popular restaurants, that employs speech and hearing impaired individuals.

“Convenience and hygiene have become the priorities of consumers. Keeping these factors in mind we have conceptualized the Squaremeal BOX that one can order anytime. We want to offer customized meal in a box that gives you the experience of the restaurant, that’s what makes our product unique”, said Mr. Raja Sekhar Reddy, Founder & Director of Squaremeal Foods.

Whether you are WFO or WFH or bored cooking daily or you want to host a party at home or you need to grab a bite quickly before you head out, Squaremeal BOX is the perfect bet.  Place your order today!

About Squaremeal Foods:

Squaremeal Foods, was founded by Shishir Gorle and Raja Sekhar Reddy, two first generation entrepreneurs in 2014, with a vision to provide employment to 500 hearing and speech-impaired individuals and provide them with a sustainable and respectable livelihood.

They launched Mirchi & Mime, a trendy dining restaurant serving Modern-Indian cuisine, first of its kind in India, served exclusively by speech & hearing-impaired service staff. The restaurant offers seasonal and selects classical dishes from regions across India with contemporary expression presented by a highly experienced kitchen team. Good food served quietly.

Staff with speech and hearing impairment; who joined the company are provided opportunities as servers, bartenders, cashiers. An eight-week classroom training program in association with Dr Reddy’s Foundation and supported by NASEOH and Rochiram T Thadani High School for the Hearing Handicapped targets their self-development and skill development and this was followed by on-the-job training of 4 weeks. Several of staff from the last three years have been promoted to supervisory levels and likely to be promoted managerial levels as well. The entire core team including chefs and managers were taught basic sign language by a certified tutor.

Madeira & Mime, the next venture, which was opened in 2016, is a friendly neighborhood Bar & Café, with your favorite drinks and continental finger food served exclusively by speech & hearing-impaired service staff. Here you can spend time reading, playing, drinking and meeting friends or just a casual meal with family. An ideal place to unwind with your office colleagues or just friends enjoying curated music by an in – house DJ every evening. Our third restaurant, Madeira and Mime, is opening soon on 21st Feb 2021 in Thane.

Saksham 2021 concludes with Valedictory function in Mumbai


Saksham 2021 


Mumbai, February 16, 2021:  SAKSHAM is a significant annual event organized jointly by Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) and Oil Industry under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India and guidelines of PCRA with sole purpose of bringing awareness among the people on need of Oil & Gas conservation and means to do it.


The ultimate goal of the program is to curb wasteful expenditure on fossil fuel, reduce the growing burden on foreign exchequer and protect the environment from the adverse effect of Green House Gases emanating from burning of fossil fuels. Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) has been in the forefront to create mass awareness towards conservation of petroleum products, promoting fuel-efficient equipment and helping the government in proposing policies and strategies for petroleum conservation.


The valedictory function of Saksham-2021 was conducted in Maharashtra at Yashwantrao Chavan Centre, Mumbai and the function was graced by the chief guest on this occasion, Shri Kailash Pagare, Controller of Rationing & Director of Civil Supplies, Government of Maharashtra. Shri Devendra Joshi, Arjuna Awardee and Shri Soumen Ganguly, Ex-National Table Tennis Player were the Guest of Honors for the function.


Saksham 2021 was inaugurated in Maharashtra state by Shri Bhagat Singh Koshiyariji, Honorable Governor of Maharashtra on 16 January, 2021. During the last one month, the Oil & Gas industry collectively conducted a slew of mass awareness campaigns, around 21 different types corresponding to 1900 number of activities in Maharashtra like debate competition for school children, group talk and wall painting for college students, interactive sessions for engineering students, etc.  Public awareness was created by the fuel efficient driving competition for car owners, heavy vehicles and also for the Fuel efficient CNG Autorikshaws.


To implement easy and practical conservation tips for women and domestic sectors group, discussions were held. Quiz competition was organized for club, society, NGO’s etc. To promote oil conservation through Article writing competition in newspapers, press conference, publishing conservation message of Hon'ble Governor and Chief Minister in newspaper and Public awareness films, TV spots, radio jingles.

Senior officials of the oil industry, petrol pump dealers, LPG distributors, press media, school children, teachers etc. were present during the program. During the program school/college students, wall Painting competition, debate competitions and newspaper representatives were honored for their outstanding performance.  As part of the Valedictory function, the skit on fuel conservations were played by professionals from Kalyan and Kandivali.


-View the majestic collection of Forevermark solitaires till 28th February 2021

Gurugram: February 9th, 2021: Forevermark, a diamond brand from De Beers Group, in partnership with Malabar Gold & Diamonds is coming up with a rare collection of over 300 diamond solitaires which will be showcased at the Malabar Gold and Diamonds store in Gurugram. The stunning solitaire pieces, starting from 0.14 carats onwards, will be on display from 13th February 2020 till 28th February 2021.

Forevermark diamonds come with a unique inscription number and are the world’s most carefully selected diamonds, assuring you that they are the most beautiful, rare and responsibly sourced natural diamonds. While Forevermark holds up to its users’ expectations in every way, Malabar Gold & Diamonds are widely renowned for their uncompromised quality, transparency and upheld trust, making this union of both brands an ideal one.

With reference to the solitaire show, Anees Basheer KP, Store Head, of Malabar Gold and Diamonds, said, “We, at Malabar Gold & Diamonds have always had a high regard for Forevermark diamonds and the reputation it upholds time and again. Knowing that less than 1% of the world’s diamonds are eligible to become a Forevermark pushes us to create the best diamond jewellery for our customers, something which will be witnessed by all at the Solitaire show. This event not only showcases the brilliance of Forevermark diamonds, which are the rarest of the rare but also allows our customers to select the perfect pieces for themselves and their loved ones. We trust that Forevermark’s Diamond Grading Card mounts up to the promise that the diamond you buy and wear, is ethically and responsibly sourced. Hence our partnership with Forevermark is not just a testament to our trust and credibility but also to the ones we owe to our customers.”

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sachin Jain, President, Forevermark India, said, “Forevermark diamonds go through a stringent selection and grading process, making it certain that it meets Forevermark’s standards of beauty and rarity, hence making us proud to showcase its unique collection of diamond solitaires at Malabar Gold & Diamonds, which is amongst the brand’s most cherished partners. Forevermark diamonds are among the world’s most beautiful diamonds and at Malabar Gold & Diamonds solitaire showcase, you are destined to find a diamond for your special occasion.”

Forevermark’s collection of solitaries will be on showcase at Malabar Gold & Diamonds at, Gold Souk Mall, Gurugram till 28th February 2021.

Forevermark diamonds are the world’s most carefully selected diamonds. Each Forevermark diamond undergoes a journey of rigorous selection and bears a unique inscription at its heart, which is an assurance that every Forevermark diamond is beautiful, rare and responsibly sourced. Less than 1% of the world’s diamonds are worthy of this inscription which is a promise that the diamond has been carefully selected to meet Forevermark’s standards of quality and integrity.

Friday, 12 February 2021

This Valentine’s Day, Splurge into some self-love with Royal Enfield’s wide range of Apparel and Riding Gear



No V-day plans? No problem! Whether you have a date or not this Valentine’s, there are still plenty of ways to cheer and pamper yourself. Much-like what Royal Enfield stands for i.e. self-exploration and introspection, this love week, delight yourself and celebrate self-love with your bike and your own company. 


Either way, if you’re pampering yourself or planning to surprise your loved ones, it's time we moved beyond the clichés of chocolates, perfumes and flowers. Let Royal Enfield inspire a more unique approach with a plethora of specially curated riding and apparel range perfect for you and your partner’s style and safety. 


Your search for Valentine’s present ends here as we've rounded up some of the finest riding gear by Royal Enfield, so you and your partner don't have to settle for anything but the best. Get scrolling and take a look at the below range of riding gear and accessories. 




Carrying a graphic of the Nord Kapp - Cape Town trail on the front, this t-shirt pays a tribute to this iconic trail and the adventure it offers. With 100% cotton fabric and a crew cut style, this t-shirt moves with you, wherever you go.


Colour: Off White/ Rust


MRP: INR 1,400


With metallic buttons and branding, this classic washed-out denim shirt is a must-have for a rider with a rugged sense of style. Crafted with a denim that is designed to move with you, this shirt is a perfect match for jaunts and rides alike.


Colour: Black/ Grey


MRP: INR 2,700


Riding Jackets for Women


A blend of comfort and safety, The Marshall Jacket is apt for both, your ride and for the after-hours. A classic motorcycle leather jacket that's ride-ready with armour pockets on shoulders and elbows, this is a good fit for all your adventures.


Colour: Black/ Brown


MRP: INR 10,900


The Royal Enfield Nubra Women's 4 Season Riding Trousers are  all-rounder protective riding trousers for the all-rounder motorcyclist. Whether touring beyond the road or a quick weekend escape, these all-weather trousers are built to brave it all.


Colour: Olive


MRP: INR 14,000

Riding Jackets for Men

Description: NIRVIK 

The Royal Enfield NIRVIK jacket creates a new standard in touring jackets. Crafted from high-density NYLON & Cordura fabrics, quipped with D3O – T5 EVO PRO/CE Level 2 protectors around the shoulders and elbows, this jacket provides superior protection against impact and abrasion yet remains light. CE certified Level 1 protection at the back and Level 2 at the chest adds another layer of safety, whether on asphalt or gravel. 


Colour: Black/ Brown


MRP: INR 14950



The Royal Enfield Windfarer riding jacket is perfect for those looking to blend safety with comfort & style. Crafted with higher airflow mesh & high-density Polyester fabric, this riding jacket is designed to provide ventilation and protection at the same time. The KNOX Microlock CE Level 1 certified armour at shoulders and elbows are soft to wear and absorb maximum energy on impact. Shoulder & elbow areas are reinforced with Cordura fabric patches which ensure higher resistance to abrasion. For a jaunt around the city or a weekend trip, this versatile jacket comes with a detachable liner, built with an integrated thermal and waterproof, yet breathable layer.


Colour: Black/ Olive


MRP: INR 6,950




Whether you are an avid adventurous or an urban commuter, the Spirit Helmet is a blend of classic looks and unique features, which fits you snugly and keeps you airy on your rides, long or short.


Colour: Blue/ Black/ Brown


MRP: INR 3600

Description: MiY Helmets 

With Royal Enfield’s MiY for apparel, users can now have an exciting range of personalization options across helmets. There are now more than 7,000 distinctive options to personalize one’s helmet using text, decals, graphics, colours, and several other choices. 


MRP: Starting from INR 3200 

3D Scale Model


The 1:12 Royal Enfield Meteor 350 scale model represents the eternal essence of riding, the spirit of the cruise; with classic contours & timeless design cues. This scale model is the official detailed replica of Meteor 350.


Colour: Stellar Black


MRP: INR 1,390

Crompton Launches New Range of Decorative Wall Lights Providing a Perfect Blend of Uniqueness & Aesthetics

December 16, 2024, Mumbai – Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Limited, renowned for its dedication to quality and innovative...