Thursday, 17 March 2022

गोदरेज एंड बॉयस ने अपनी स्वदेशी मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेशन तकनीक के जरिए भारत के टीकाकरण अभियान को मजबूत किया


~गोदरेज अप्लायंसेज ने कोविड -19 टीकाकरण अभियान के लिए देशभरमें मेड इन इंडिया मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेटर और फ्रीजर की 24,000 से अधिक इकाइयों की आपूर्ति की है

मुंबई, 16 मार्च 2022: गोदरेज समूह की प्रमुख कंपनी, गोदरेज एंड बॉयस अपने बिजनेस गोदरेज अप्लायंसेज के माध्यम से 2015 से देश में टीकाकरण अभियान को मजबूत कर रही है। विशेष रूप से पिछले दो वर्षों में, वे भारत में चल रहे कोविड टीकाकरण अभियान में अपने उन्नत, मेड इन इंडिया, मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेशन समाधानों के माध्यम से सहयोग कर रहे हैं। इन समाधानों को, विशेष रूप से केवल सही तापमान पर संवेदी टीकों की सुरक्षा के लिए तैयार किया गया है। टीकों के भंडारण स्थान के तापमान में एक निर्दिष्ट सीमा से अधिक उतार-चढ़ाव होने पर उनके खराब होने का खतरा होता है जिसका असर स्वास्थ्य के साथ-साथ आर्थिक रूप में भी हो सकता है। गोदरेज अप्लायंसेज अत्याधुनिक रेफ्रिजरेशन समाधान उपलब्ध कराता है जो टीकों को सुरक्षित रखने के साथ-साथ देश के टीकाकरण मिशन में भी सहायक हैं। उन्होंने पिछले एक साल में 24,000 से अधिक मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेटर और फ्रीजर की आपूर्ति की है।

गोदरेज एंड बॉयस द्वारा प्रमुख रूप से नवाचार पर जोर दिये जाने के साथ, गोदरेज अप्लायंसेज ने मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेटर्स की अपनी रेंज में विशिष्ट श्योर चिल टेक्नोलॉजी को एकीकृत किया। यह अत्याधुनिक तकनीक टीके और ब्लड बैंक स्टोरेज दोनों के लिए मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेशन हेतु संपूर्ण समाधान प्रदान करती है। गोदरेज अप्लायंसेज वर्तमान में वैक्सीन रेफ्रिजरेटर्स का उपयोग कर रहा है जो भारत में अत्यधिक तापमान संवेदनशील कोवैक्सिन और कोवीशील्ड टीकों को स्टोर करने के लिए 2 डिग्री सेल्सियस से 8 डिग्री सेल्सियस का सटीक तापमान बनाए रखते हैं। कोविड टीकाकरण अभियान को सुदूर जगहों तक पहुँचाने के लिए आवश्यक डाइलुएंट्स और आइस पैक्स के लिए भी मेडिकल फ्रीज़र्स का उपयोग किया जा रहा है जो तापमान को -20°C पर बनाये रखते हैं। इस पोर्टफोलियो में नये तौर पर अल्ट्रा - लो टेम्परेचर फ्रीजर्स को शामिल किया गया है और ये विशेष रूप से एमआरएनए आधारित टीकों के लिए उपयुक्त हैं जिनका उपयोग वर्तमान में अन्य देशों में किया जा रहा है

गोदरेज अप्लायंसेज के बिजनेस हेडऔर एग्जिक्यूटिव वाइस प्रेसिडेंट, कमल नंदी ने कहा, "हमारा 'मेड इन इंडिया मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेटर' आत्मनिर्भर भारत 'के प्रति हमारी प्रतिबद्धता का प्रमाण है। हमें गर्व है कि हमारे मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेशन समाधानों ने देश में टीकाकरण कार्यक्रम में मदद की है और अनगिनत जिंदगियों को सकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित किया है। इन वर्षों में, हमने नवीनतम तकनीक को अपनाया है और ऐसे मेडिकल रेफ्रिजरेटर और फ्रीजर बनाए हैं जो गंभीर स्वास्थ्य चुनौतियों के दौरान वितरित किए गए हैं। वर्तमान में, हमने अतिरिक्त मांग को पूरा करने के लिए अपनी विनिर्माण क्षमता बढ़ाई है।"

गोदरेज एप्लायंसेज को हाल ही में ‘कोविड संरक्षण परियोजना' श्रेणी के तहत एकीकृत स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण (आईएचडब्ल्यू) परिषद द्वारा 'इंडिया हेल्थ एंड वेलनेस अवार्ड्स 2020 - गोल्ड' भी प्राप्त हुआ है, जो सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल सुविधाओं में जहाँ कोविड वैक्सिन को रखा गया और उपयोग में लाया गया था, वहाँ कोल्ड चेन को मजबूत करने में इसकी भूमिका के लिए दिया गया।

गोदरेज एंड बॉयस ने हाल ही में हेल्थकेयर सेगमेंट में प्रवेश किया और पिछले दो वर्षों में अपनी रेंज का विस्तार किया। वर्तमान में, स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्षेत्र राजस्व का गोदरेज एंड बॉयस के कुल राजस्व में 10% से कम का योगदान है। कंपनी को महामारी के बाद भी इस क्षेत्र से महत्वपूर्ण संभावना नज़र आ रही है और यह आने वाले वर्षों में स्वास्थ्य देखभाल क्षेत्र के बुनियादी ढांचे को मजबूत करने की ओर अग्रसर है। गोदरेज एंड बॉयस का हेल्थकेयर कारोबार पिछले एक साल में 22 -25% के बीच बढ़ा है। आत्मनिर्भर भारत के लिए प्रतिबद्ध होने के चलते, स्वास्थ्य देखभाल क्षेत्र में गोदरेज एंड बॉयस द्वारा बिक्री किये जाने वाले लगभग 90% उत्पाद स्थानीय मूल्यवर्धन के माध्यम से हैं। वे स्थानीय विनिर्माण, सोर्सिंग और सहयोग के माध्यम से इस अनुपात को बढ़ाने के लिए लगातार काम कर रहे हैं।

About Godrej Appliances: 

Godrej Appliances, a business unit of Godrej & Boyce, is one of the leading Home Appliances players in India. Godrej & Boyce was the first Indian Company in 1958 to manufacture Refrigerators and since then Godrej Appliances has expanded its portfolio across many other categories like Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Microwave Ovens, futuristic Thermo-electric cooling solutions, Air Coolers, Deep Freezers, highly specialized Medical Refrigerators and more recently, UVC Technology-Based Disinfecting devices and Dishwashers, all powered by the driving philosophy of 'Things Made Thoughtfully’.

This thought extends from human-centric design to planet centric design. Environment is a core value at Godrej. Both manufacturing units of Godrej Appliances became the first in the country to win the coveted Platinum Plus Green Co certification for their pioneering green manufacturing practices. The brand takes pride in not just its carefully designed products and environment-friendly technologies, but also best in class after-sales service delivered through over 680 service centers and more than 4500 SmartBuddy service experts spread all over the country.

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Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai achieves a milestone of 200+ kidney transplants in three years

Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai organized a press conference on Long term patient outcomes & quality of life after kidney transplants. The hospital has performed over 200+ kidney transplants in just a span of 5 years and has been recognized as the center of excellence in kidney transplants with successful clinical outcomes. The experts discussed some remarkable cases of kidney transplants and new advancements in the surgeries.

~ Remarkable achievement of the Renal Transplant Program in saving lives despite the challenges due to the COVID pandemic ~


Mumbai, March 16, 2022: Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai today celebrated a remarkable milestone of its Renal Transplant Program with the successful completion of over 200 life-saving kidney transplants in three years. The achievement is especially commendable as it includes kidney transplants carried out during the challenging period of the COVID pandemic. The 200+ kidney transplants were carried out by the experienced team of transplant specialists at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai and are testament to their high calibre and organ-specific domain knowledge in Nephrology supported by the latest in Robotic technology.


At a press conference held to announce the 200+ kidney transplant milestone, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai’s renal transplant team presented some remarkable insights into how kidney transplants have saved lives with better short-term and long-term outcomes as compared to those patients on dialysis. The team highlighted the high success rate of over 99% with complex transplants successfully carried out including ABO-incompatible (mismatched blood group) transplants and repeat (second) transplant cases.


Dr Amolkumar Patil, Consultant Robotic Urologist and Renal Transplant Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai said, “At Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai, there is a continuous upgradation of surgical technology with minimally-invasive techniques the norm today. These allow for better postoperative pain control, faster recovery and improved aesthetic outcome, with much smaller scars that heal very quickly. With state-of-the-art robotic technology such as the ‘da Vinci Surgical System’, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai offers patients treatment options and outcomes that are at par with the best available in the world. Positive clinical outcomes and a world-class experience have made Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai a popular referral option for patients across India as well as around the globe.”


With over 99% success rates for multiple transplants in India, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai Renal  Transplant Centre is a beacon of quality and hope for patients not just from India, but from across the world. As international travel restrictions eased with a decrease in COVID cases, medical value travel saw a return with the team successfully performing kidney transplant surgeries on 15 foreign patients from Yemen, Rwanda, Kenya, and Sudan.


Dr Amit Langote, Chief Consultant Nephrologist and Transplant Physician, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai said, “As a Centre of Excellence, our expertise in ABO-incompatible transplants has enabled us to help many patients of kidney failure who have been waiting for a matching blood group cadaver or live donor for years. Our skilled team have made this a viable option with a reduced risk of rejection. The quantum of ABO-incompatible cases has reached 11% of the total cases to date and is seeing an upward trend due to the widening of the donor pool. We are grateful for the opportunity to have helped many critical patients who underwent transplants and went back to their normal lives and thrived.”


Another highlight was the renal transplant team being the leading figure in kidney transplants during the pandemic. With strict protocols in place, the team performed kidney transplants on 90+ critical patients who could not have otherwise survived waiting for a transplant till the lockdown opened up and relaxations set in. The transplants were successful despite the challenges of the pandemic period due to the experience of the team who performed the transplant surgeries with strict infection control procedures in place. 


Dr Ravindra Nikalji, Consultant Nephrologist and Kidney Transplant Physician, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai said, “The overall health and health-related quality of life after transplantation have improved due to advanced techniques and improved immunosuppression. This has enabled us to help many patients who come in for a second or repeat transplantation with a better survival advantage to patients over dialysis. These are challenging surgeries but we are proud to have performed repeat transplants too very efficaciously. We have also been able to create awareness that a healthy elderly individual can also become a donor in saving the life of an individual without having any critical impact on the health.”


A heart-warming case presented was that of an 81-year-old lady, the oldest living donor in India, who donated a kidney to her 54-year-old son. It was an ABO-compatible transplant case and donor and recipient made a full recovery with no adverse impact on the health of the 81-year old donor.


Dr Ravi Shankar, Joint Medical Director, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai said, “Once Chronic Kidney Disease reaches Stage III, it is only a kidney transplant that gives a permanent solution with a more normal quality of life as compared to dialysis. It is only the scarcity of kidneys available for transplant that leads to patients going in for dialysis. We are glad that our Centre of Excellence in Renal Transplants has the expertise and experience to successfully meet the increasing demand for kidney transplants as this is the only option left to restore patients with renal failure back to good health and give them a better and longer life.”


Today, India is seeing a steady increase in kidney disease with over 17% suffering from some form of kidney disease. Early diagnosis, when the disease is still in stages I and II, can help in halting or slowing the progression with proper treatment and medicines. But in advanced stage III, renal replacement therapy in the form of regular haemodialysis or a kidney transplant is necessary. Haemodialysis has side effects and limits a patient’s independence

and quality of life. A kidney transplant is a preferred option for treatment for patients with end-stage kidney disease.


Santosh Marathe, Regional CEO Western Region, Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai said:  “From developing the first organ transplant registry in India to performing some of the landmark kidney transplant surgeries in India, the Apollo Hospitals Group has been at the forefront of delivering quality outcomes in transplant surgery enabled by state-of-the-art medical technology. The Kidney Transplant Team at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai is headed by some of the finest transplant surgeons in the country backed by years of experience. The team is supported by specialists from a variety of fields including nephrologist, urologists, transplant coordinators, social workers, psychiatrists and anesthesiologists to deliver outcomes that are par with the best available in the world. We are proud to have the specialized services offered by the kidney transplant centre in our portfolio of services. We run a patient support group activity wherein at periodic intervals the families of patients and patients themselves meet and share experiences and their fight against the disease.


The transplant program at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai includes cadaveric renal transplantation, cadaver-donor kidney transplantation, living donor kidney transplants and laparoscopic donor nephrectomy

Thursday, 10 February 2022




Mumbai- February 10, 2022In order to boost its customer service and agility, footwear firm Metro Brands Ltd., which is on an expansion mode, is restructuring its C-Suite by flattening the hierarchy and focusing on its core business strengths. 


Metro Brands Ltd. has recently appointed Nissan Joseph to be the CEO of the organization effective July 2021. Under the new structure, all the core business heads, and the Business Development team will report directly to the CEO Nissan Joseph going forward. Alisha Malik, who is currently President of E-commerce & Marketing will now focus on the fast-growing e-commerce business.  The company also announced that Sohel Kamdar, its Chief Operating Officer who has been with the organization for over 15 years will be relinquishing his role in the organisation. Metro Brands Ltd. has also been strengthening its structure with new C Suite positions getting filled in the last two years including CTO, Mr Rajgopal Nayak (formerly with Marico), CHRO – Ms. Nandini Mehta, (Formerly with Landmark Group), VP-Ecommerce, Mr. Khantil Mazmudar, (formerly with the Tata Group), and Supply Chain head – Mr. Amol Prasadi, (formerly with Kaya Ltd.)


“Metro Brands Ltd. has always moved with the times, prioritising our customers’ changing preferences at each step. This restructure will enable us to serve our customers better, as we gear up the organization for future growth. The new team structure will help us stay focused on our core business units, marketing, and e-commerce divisions. We would like to thank Sohel for his many years of service to Metro Brands and wish him well in his future endeavors,” said Nissan Joseph CEO Metro Brands Ltd

Dr. Jayantilal Gada (Pen Studios) gives Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja's ‘KHILADI’ a Hindi release

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Dr. Jayantilal Gada’s Pen Studios is the key torchbearer in the entertainment industry for introducing the South Indian movies dubbed in the Hindi language. Pen Studios has a remarkable history of dubbing movies and content and has been doing it for decades for various entertainment platforms. As the Indian film industry is interacting a lot more with each other in the past years, films from Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada are releasing in Pan India format, equally reaching to Hindi speaking audiences.

Dr. Gada’s Pen studios have an interesting movie line-up for Pan India audiences, they also hold Hindi dubbing rights for multiple south Indian movies, amongst the key titles set to release are; Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, Ramesh Varma, Satyanarayana Koneru’s ‘KHILADI’ which is all set for a grand worldwide theatrical release and will also hit the silver screen in Hindi for the audiences on 11th February 2022. Followed by Jr NTR, Ram Charan, and Alia Bhatt starrer S.S. Rajamouli’s ‘RRR’ all set to release in the key languages including Hindi.  Tamil superstar STR starrer ‘PATHU THALA’, Superstar Ram Charan and megastar Chiranjeevi starrer ‘ACHARYA’ and many other upcoming super hit films lined up by Pen Studios to reach the Hindi audiences in the year 2022.

Sharing the thoughts on South film reaching the Hindi speaking audiences, Dr. Jayantilal Gada adds, “As the success of south films has evoked a new trend, the lines between industries have blurred. The charm of south Indian content is extremely different and unmatched, the action-packed movies keep audiences thoroughly engaged and on the edge of their seat. Moreover, audiences now have a huge platter of entertainment to enjoy with straight access to various genres and watch the movie of their favourite south Indian actors.”

Adding to the excitement of ‘KHILADI’ releasing in Hindi, megastar Ravi Teja adds, “I am extremely happy that Dr.  Jayantilal Gada is going to give Khiladi a grand Hindi release to the Hindi speaking audiences. I really hope the audiences shower their love and enjoy Khiladi with their family and friends.”

Pen Studios' line-up is all set to create ripples at the Box Office, these star-studded multilingual releases will indeed be a treat for the audiences.

Khiladi is presented by Dr.Jayantilal Gada (Pen Studios), produced by Sajid Qureshi, and is distributed by Pen Marudhar.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Budget Reforms Optimise G&J Sector For Peak Performance


1st February 2022, Mumbai: GJEPC congratulates the Govt. of India and the honourable Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman for presenting a strong pro-reform and export growth-oriented Union Budget under the visionary leadership of our honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. 

The gem and jewellery sector in India is overwhelmed by the Government support extended to the gem and jewellery industry in the Union Budget 2022-23. There is a swathe of favourable policy reforms announced that empowers the industry and puts it on a firm footing to capitalise on growth opportunities in the coming decade. 

The Indian gem & jewellery sector is one of the leading contributors to the national economy and the country is the undisputed leader in diamond processing. GJEPC hopes to replicate this success in the jewellery vertical, too, and help India become the ‘Jeweller to the World’.  

GJEPC is grateful that the Government considered its recommendation to reduce the Customs duty on cut and polished diamonds, gemstones and sawn diamonds. In her Union Budget speech, Smt. Sitharaman announced that the Customs duty on Cut and Polished Diamonds and Coloured Gemstones had been reduced from 7.5% to 5%, while that of Simply Sawn diamonds was brought down to nil duty.

Colin Shah, Chairman, GJEPC said, “The Indian gem & jewellery sector is one of the leading contributors to the national economy and the country is the undisputed leader in diamond processing. Reduction in import duty on cut & polished diamonds to 5% will further help in strengthening the sector and retain its leadership position.”

“Since more than 90% of the gem & jewellery sector consists of MSMEs, the extension of the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme” (ECLGS) for MSMEs up to March 2023 will be a great relief to the sector, and we are happy that its outlay has been increased by ₹50,000 Crore to a total cover of ₹5 lakh crore, Colin Shah noted. 

“Acceptance of personal surety bonds in place of bank guarantee for import of gold will meet our longstanding demand of simplifying duty free gold availability, especially to the SME exporters of gold jewellery and revive the exports of plain gold jewellery. Surety Bonds in place of Bank Guarantee will be made acceptable to reduce indirect costs for suppliers. This will help gold jewellery exports,” said Colin Shah. 

The Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act will be replaced with a new legislation that will enable the states to become partners in development of enterprise and service hubs. This will cover all large existing and new industrial enclaves to optimally utilise available infrastructure and enhance competitiveness of exports. 

Increase in Capital expenditure by 4.1% is good for the impetus of the economy. A composite basic Customs duty rate of 20% or Rs. 400/kg, whichever is higher is being applied on Imitation Jewellery. 

Vipul Shah, Vice Chairman, GJEPC commented, “The Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman has announced some much-needed reforms that would springboard the sector to multi-fold growth in the coming year, thus eclipsing its relatively modest performance over the last decade. The emphasis on infrastructure spending is good news for the India Jewellery Park Mumbai (IJPM) which will be greatly benefitted due to the same. We also expect these reforms to raise the level of trust and transparency in the Indian gem and jewellery sector to a whole new level.”

Colin Shah further added, “The Government has been quick to realise the  potential of e-commerce and has proposed to implement a simplified regulatory framework by June 2022 to facilitate gem & jewellery exports through the e-commerce route, ensuring that jewellers from every district in the country are able to ship their products overseas in a fast and economical manner. This is the need of the hour as the e-commerce sales of jewellery are growing exponentially in US and the consuming markets. The broad basing of the exports through this measure have the potential to grow the exports from this sector to USD 100 billion dollars in the next 5 years.”

“The announcement of the honourable Finance Minister in bringing a new SEZ regime by changing the SEZ Act is another big relief for our sector as the exports from SEZ are growing at a rapid pace and have the potential of getting FDI in manufacturing and exports of jewellery from SEZ and take the country’s  exports to one trillion dollars within the next three years,” he added. 


GJEPC worked towards strengthening the gold jewellery industry through 2021. The Council supported mandatory hallmarking and mediated with the Govt. on behalf of the industry for progressive solutions. It supported the World Gold Council's "You Are Gold" campaign to make gold jewellery attractive to the Millennial and GenZ. GJEPC also spearheaded discussions on operationalising the India International Bullion Exchange (IIBX) along with stakeholders from across the gold ecosystem. 

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

MG Motor ने ZS EV के दो साल पूरे किए, इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों का 27% मार्केट शेयर लिया; लगभग 4,000 ZS EV की बिक्री दर्ज की


नई दिल्ली, 31 जनवरी:  MG Motor India  ने भारत में ZS EV के दो सफल वर्ष पूरे किए हैं, जो देश में पर्यावरण के अनुकूल ऑटोमोबाइल के लिए ब्रांड की प्रतिबद्धता की पहचान है। दो वर्षों में, MG ने लगभग 4,000 ZS EV की बिक्री दर्ज की है। MG ने इस सेगमेंट में 27% मार्केट शेयर लेकर भारत में दूसरा सबसे बड़ा EV निर्माता बनने की दौड़ में है। ZS EV भारत में ग्राहकों की रुचि को आकर्षित करना जारी रखता है क्योंकि MG की प्रति माह औसतन 700 बुकिंग होती है। वर्ष 2021 MG के लिए उत्साहजनक था, क्योंकि ब्रांड ने ZS EV की बिक्री में वर्ष 2020 की तुलना में वर्ष 2021 में 2798 पर 145% की वृद्धि दर्ज की।

बाजार में ZS EV की सफलता भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए वास्तव में सहयोगी पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र-निर्माण दृष्टिकोण की शुरुआत है।  MG Motor India अपने देश, यूके के वैश्विक लोकप्रिय प्लेटफॉर्म पर आधारित सबसे अधिक वैल्यू-फॉर-मनी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन - MG ZS EV प्रदान करता है, जिसकी एक फुल-चार्ज में 419 किलोमीटर की प्रमाणित रेंज है, इसकी तुलना में सबसे लंबी रेंज की पेशकश की गई है। भारत में किसी भी EV के लिए। कार अपनी श्रेणी में सर्वश्रेष्ठ 44.5 kWh हाई-टेक बैटरी के साथ आती है। नए 215/55/R17 टायरों से लैस, वाहन और बैटरी-पैक ग्राउंड क्लीयरेंस को क्रमशः 177 मिमी और 205 मिमी तक बढ़ा दिया गया है। ZS EV दो वेरिएंट, एक्साइट और एक्सक्लूसिव में आता है, जिसकी कीमत रुपये 21.49 लाख से शुरू होती है। 

EVs में बदलाव MG मालिकों के बीच सबसे अधिक दिखाई देता है। पुणे के नितिन अग्रवाल, हेक्टर स्मार्ट डीजल के मालिक को MG ZS EV में अपग्रेड किया गया है। एक अन्य ग्राहक, मुंबई के दीपक सिंह ने 2021 में हेक्टर 2019 से ZS EV में अपग्रेड किया है। ZS EV में शिफ्ट करने वाले वफादार MG ग्राहकों के अलावा, अन्य ब्रांडों के मालिक भी MG ZS EV के साथ अपने ICE का आदान-प्रदान करने में मूल्य देख रहे हैं। रोहिणी नई दिल्ली की सीमा रावल, जीप की एक ग्राहक एक EV में जाना चाहती थी। उसने अपनी जीप को ZS EV के लिए एक्सचेंज करने का फैसला किया।

MG ZS EV 143 PS पावर और 350 Nm टॉर्क के साथ आती है और 8.5 सेकंड में 0 से 100 किमी प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार पकड़ सकती है। भारत की पहली शुद्ध इलेक्ट्रिक इंटरनेट एस-यू-वी के रूप में, यह MG सिग्नेचर ग्लोबल डिज़ाइन संकेतों को अपनाती है और पैनोरमिक सनरूफ, 17-इंच डायमंड-कट अलॉय व्हील्स, पीएम 2.5 फ़िल्टर, और बहुत कुछ जैसी सुविधाओं से भरी हुई है। ZS EV के साथ, MG अपने ग्राहकों को 5-वे चार्जिंग इकोसिस्टम का विस्तार करता है, जिसमें निवासों / कार्यालयों में मुफ्त एसी फास्ट-चार्जर, पोर्टेबल इन-कार चार्जिंग केबल, डीलरशिप पर डीसी सुपरफास्ट चार्जिंग स्टेशन, 24x7 चार्ज-ऑन- जाने की सुविधा (5 शहरों में), और सैटेलाइट शहरों और पर्यटन केंद्रों में चार्जिंग स्टेशन।

MG Motor India की गुजरात के हलोल में एक अत्याधुनिक विनिर्माण सुविधा है, जिसकी वार्षिक उत्पादन क्षमता 80,000 वाहनों की है और इसमें लगभग 2,500 कार्यबल कार्यरत हैं।

Quench Botanics | Bravocado Ultra Light Nourishing Face & Body Cream | New Launch

 Moisturise Your Skin With Quench Botanics’ Newest Launch Which Is A 2-in-1 Hydrating Cream It’s time for your body enter into repair mode to regenerate the skin. Introducing you to the Quench Bravocado Ultra Light Nourishing Face & Body Cream, whose quick-absorbing and unique gel-based texture restores the essential moisture your skin needs and has vitamin C rich pomegranate extracts that boost skin radiance along with refreshing rice water to keep skin dewy-soft, supple and smooth Priced at: ₹499 Link: Say hello to smooth, supple and glowing skin from head to toe with our skin-soothing Bravocado Ultra Light Nourishing Face & Body Cream. Crème de la crème of body creams and face moisturizers, our 2-in-1 uniquely hydrating formula packed with the goodness of apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, sea buckthorn fruit oil along with pomegranate extracts and rice water, intensively nourishes both face and body. Non-sticky, non-greasy and fast-absorbing, this pleasantly scented gel-based face and body cream targets dryness, restores moisture and leaves your skin looking healthy, dewy in that natural, litfrom-within sort of way. A luxurious, one of a kind formula infused with aromatic lavender oil, this creamy moisturizer brings a perfect medley of natural ingredients and pure oils that strengthen skin's barrier, boost radiance and keep your complexion firm and hydrated all day long. Key Benefits and Features: • Richly hydrating face and body cream that suits all skin types • Packed with nourishing oils of avocado, apricol kernel and sea buckthorn. Together this skinloving blend keeps complexion soft, smooth and healthy-looking • This artificial fragrance-free face and body cream has natural goodness of rice water, pomegranate fruit extracts, glycerin, jasmine, mint leaf and rosemary extracts • The intensely soothing formula with aromatic lavender oil scent, restores skin moisture, repairs dry, damaged and irritated skin and keeps skin supple and glowing • Unique gel-based texture and pleasantly lightweight formula that easily absorbs into the skin and does not make skin greasy • Perfect for all climates and daily-use, this intensely moisturizing formula evens out skin tone, boosts skin elasticity and offers all day hydration! Hero Ingredients: Avocado | Pomegranate | Rice Water | Apricot Kernel Oil | Lavender Oil How To Use: Apply a generous amount of the cream onto your face and body. Massage gently until absorbed. When to use: Use daily for great results. Best used on clean, dry skin after shower. Treat your skin to some TLC as you gear up for the fun and glamour this year! About Quench Botanics: We, at Quench, believe in the power of high-quality Korean beauty products inspired by the goodness of natural ingredients. Beauty should be easy and make you feel happy! Our forever aim is to bring you the most luscious, skin rejuvenating formulas that are safe, toxin-free and evoke your inner glow! Each one of us is different. And, each one of us is beautiful. At Quench, we take great care in simplifying Korean beauty for you and bringing the most unique and authentic skincare formulas that relentlessly work to make your skincare routine much more effective. All our products are best suited for Indian skin and help it reset to its best and the supplest state ever.

About Quench Botanics:

We, at Quench, believe in the power of high-quality Korean beauty products inspired by the goodness of natural ingredients.
Beauty should be easy and make you feel happy! Our forever aim is to bring you the most luscious, skin rejuvenating formulas that are safe, toxin-free and evoke your inner glow!

Each one of us is different. And, each one of us is beautiful.
At Quench, we take great care in simplifying Korean beauty for you and bringing the most unique and authentic skincare formulas that relentlessly work to make your skincare routine much more effective. All our products are best suited for Indian skin and help it reset to its best and the supplest state ever.

We have a range of Path-breaking Korean Skincare products powered by effective natural ingredients like Korean Ginseng, Cica, Lotus Root, Grapefruit, Cherry Blossom Extracts creating perfect recipes for happy, healthy and radiant skin. These intensely nourishing and refreshing formulas target, care and prevent skin concerns like acne, blemishes, oil control, open pores, dull and uneven skin and promise you only a smoother, hydrated and healthier-looking complexion. 

All Quench products are free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates and alcohol, they are 100% vegetarian and cruelty-free. 

Find us on - Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

L&T Technology Services launches e-VOLTTS platform to accelerate go-to-market requirements of EV OEMs and Tier I companies



India, December 15, 2021: L&T Technology Services Limited (BSE: 540115, NSE: LTTS), a global leading pure-play engineering services company has stepped up its EV play with the launch of e-VOLTTS platform designed for next-generation electric vehicles along with an EV Lab and in-house Autonomous Drive platform.


The e-VOLTTS platform developed in-house by LTTS engineers is a scalable and modular high-efficiency Reference platform that can be easily customized for use in a wide range of vehicle segments such as off-highway vehicle, passenger cars and 2 / 3 wheelers. It also serves as a reference design and is reusable as well as customizable thereby enabling faster EV related product development. Effectively the launch of the platform further consolidates LTTS’ position as a best-fit one-stop shop for e-mobility solutions with expertise ranging from build to specification definition to vehicle level integration.


LTTS’ e-VOLTTS platform is designed to offer distinct features in tune with the expectations of the evolved needs of an EV using consumer. These include an electric propulsion system comprising of inverter converter topology that enables a compact, cost-attractive electric drive proposition. Furthermore, the ‘heart’ of the car, has a traction motor that is equipped with excellent torque characteristic thereby ensuring that with a single charge the vehicle runs a optimum distance. 


Pertaining to battery, it is designed to reduce excess heat to the environment utilizing various factors such as Cell selection, Cell Spacing, Pack construction, Thermal Management materials and Battery enclosure design. 


The prototype version of the EV vehicle developed by LTTS also comprises a 5G enabled next gen digital cockpit with multiple displays. These capabilities have earned the Company interest from global customers and helped win multi-year engagements with e-Powertrain manufacturers.


The company has also launched in-house developed Autonomous Drive platform which integrates various ADAS applications and Mechatronics (precise control for mechanical components). The platform is showcased in LTTS’ prototype Autonomous Vehicle which comprises of a LIDAR Cameras and over a dozen Ultrasonic Sensors which can make decisions through a Central Control Unit. LTTS’ home-grown scalable sensor fusion framework supporting 3D LIDAR system and other advanced sensor applications provide superior driver safety pushing the industry closer to the ultimate goal of autonomous cars.


With the latest launch, LTTS has again demonstrated its capabilities around Power Electronics Platform Design and Controls, System Integration and Vehicle Integration including Thermal management to enable e-mobility for global OEMs and Tier I companies.


LTTS has also set up a one-of-its-kind EV Testing Lab at its Bengaluru delivery center that will cater to EV component level testing. This state-of-the-art lab provides various types of electric powertrain testing such as performance testing, endurance testing, and functional testing of e-Motors, Inverters, DC-DC Converters, Battery, and On Board / Off Board Chargers


Industry Recognitions in the segment:

·         LTTS has been recognized as a ‘Leader’ in Everest Group’s Autonomous, Connected, Electric & Shared Mobility Automotive Engineering study

·         LTTS has been recognized as ‘Leader’ in Automotive, ADAS, Telematics segments, among others, in the Zinnov Zones ER&D Services Report


About L&T Technology Services Ltd

L&T Technology Services Limited (LTTS) is a listed subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro Limited focused on Engineering and R&D (ER&D) services. We offer consultancy, design, development and testing services across the product and process development life cycle. Our customer base includes 69 Fortune 500 companies and 57 of the world’s top ER&D companies, across industrial products, medical devices, transportation, telecom & hi-tech, and the process industries. Headquartered in India, we have over 17,900 employees spread across 17 global design centers, 28 global sales offices and 72 innovation labs as of September 30, 2021.


For more information please visit https://www.LTTScom/

Parcos Beauty Influencer Awards, 2022 - To award and celebrate influencers in India across beauty, lifestyle, and luxury.


 Parcos Beauty Influencer Awards, 2022
to award and celebrate Influencers in India across Beauty, Lifestyle and Luxury.
Announcement with eminent personalities (L to R)
Jatin Kampani- Ace Fashion Photographer
Chandru R, VP, Baccarose
Narendra Kumar - Fashion Designer
Biju Antony, CEO & ED - Baccarose
Clint Fernandes- Celebrity Make-up Artist
Villo Daji - Group CMO Baccarose


  • Announcing a first-of a kind influencer award ceremony that gratifies influencers for excellence with 23 awards across 4 categories. An inclusive programme that covers the entire influencer landscape. 

  • Launch of Beauty Influencer Award microsite -- now open for registration at Branded hashtag - #ParcosBeautyInfluencerAwards 

  • 3-tiered judging criteria audited by leading advisory & audit firm - Ernst & Young and judged by an esteemed jury of industry leaders from the world of fashion, beauty and lifestyle. 

  • Winners will be inducted into the Parcos circle to tie up on long term content partnerships & give them the opportunity to work with international giants in the world of beauty.  



Mumbai, December 15, 2021 


Parcos, the leader in the Indian luxury beauty retail segment, has announced Parcos Beauty Influencer Awards 2022, to celebrate influencers, who, with their creative content, get up-close-and-personal with consumers and have a profound impact on their beauty, luxury and lifestyle habits. Parcos has always worked very closely with influencers in India to nurture international partnerships and as an extension of the Baccarose partnership, it showcases brands such as the SHISEIDO GROUP, L'OREAL, PUIG, COTY, INTERPARFUMS & many others. This pioneering step by Parcos will nurture talent, provide a platform to the rising community of beauty and lifestyle influencers in India and provide them exposure to international brands within the Parcos family.  


The judging process, audited by Ernst & Young, will be judged by an esteemed Jury team comprising of established names in Fashion, Beauty and Luxury in India. The microsite,, will be open for entries from today till 6th Jan 2022. The selection process will follow 3 stages and will be scrutinized through a customized digital tool. Contestants’ entries will be open for public voting till 18th Jan 2022. The final 23 winners will be awarded at a glittering awards evening at St. Regis Mumbai on Jan 21st 2022.  


Parcos has partnered with Ernst & Young LLP as the 'Process Advisors' of the award. They have defined a three-stage evaluation process which will include: 

a. Due-diligence of applications based on the defined eligibility criteria 

b. Evaluation of the entries by an independent panel of experts based on pre-defined parameters to determine the finalists  

c. Presentation by finalists to an independent well-known Jury to determine the winner followed by public voting. 

This will ensure fairness and transparency in the proceedings. 


The jury comprises of eminent personalities from the industry:  

  • Narendra Kumar   (Fashion Designer) 

  • Jatin Kampani (Ace Fashion Photographer)  

  • Clint Fernandes  (Celebrity Make-up Artist) 

  • Dr. Harshna Bijlani  (Celebrity Skin Expert) 

  • Anees Muss (Celebrity Hairstylist) 

  • Kamna Malik (Director of Content & Editor, ELLE India) 


Gratification –  

The Winners to be inducted into the ‘Hall Of Fame’ and be contracted with Parcos for a year-long partnership to be part of masterclasses, workshops and mentorship programs.  They will also receive incredible media coverage, which would include a campaign where winners will feature in a leading magazine.  


There will be 23 awards divided into 4 categories: Best in Class, Emerging Influencers, Platform & Category Influencers, and Creative Influencers. Influencers can only register through the microsite,   


Biju Antony, CEO & Executive Director, Baccarose Perfumes and Beauty Products Pvt Ltd says, "Ever since the launch of the first Parcos store is 2004, to our current presence of 46 stores, we have established award-winning retail outlets in 18 cities servicing customers across metros, select tier 1 & tier 2 cities with a plan to expand operations to 100 stores across India by end of 2023. From physical retail, we have expanded our operations to an omni-channel approach with the launch of, the go-to online destination for authentic luxury fragrances, skincare and colour cosmetics. As Parcos continues to grow, we must acknowledge that Influencer Marketing has played a key role in our brand evolution and is a vital component in our media mix suggestion to our partner brands, replacing traditional mediums of selling beauty. Inspired by Parcos’ ‘The Beauty of Luxury’ and fueled by our ambition to broaden the base of luxury beauty to a wider audience across different geographies and demographics, we are pleased to announce for the 1st time the “Parcos Beauty Influencers Awards 2022” in India to provide a platform for beauty and lifestyle influencers.   


Villoo Daji, Group Marketing Head, Baccarose Perfume and Beauty Products Pvt. Ltd., said, “Parcos has pioneered and grown Luxury Beauty in India over the last 20 years. Beauty is personal and influencers understand their audiences’ needs to craft their own, authentic yet realistic definition of beauty. Influencers form the core of popular consumer segments in marketing across categories and act as new-age beauty gurus for millennials and generation Z. Our aim, at Parcos, is to empower this community of influencers that powers our brands. We, at Parcos, are committed to developing and growing the beauty category in India and we will do this through collaborations, curations, and community building. The Parcos Beauty Influencer Awards 2022 is a step towards this.” 


Crompton Launches New Range of Decorative Wall Lights Providing a Perfect Blend of Uniqueness & Aesthetics

December 16, 2024, Mumbai – Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Limited, renowned for its dedication to quality and innovative...