Wednesday 21 March 2018

दिग्दर्शक संजय जाधव यांचा नवीन उपक्रम ...

मराठी सृष्टीतील लाडका दिग्दर्शक, संजय जाधव, यांनी सिनेमा प्रेमींना अभिनयासाठी आपली आवड शोधण्याची आपल्या क्षमतेवर विश्वास ठेवण्याची एक संधी योजली आहे व त्यानुसार एक मंच उपलब्ध करून दिला आहे.
ड्रीमिंग डिजिटल फिल्म इन्स्टिट्यूट या त्यांच्या नवीन उपक्रमात, फिल्म-मेकिंगमध्ये डिप्लोमा कोर्स उपलब्ध करून देण्यात येणार आहे.
सुरुवात म्हणून, त्यांनी अभिनयावर एक मोफत कार्यशाळा करण्याचं योजलं आहे, ज्यात मर्यादित जागा असून ते २५ मार्च २०१८, रविवार, रोजी आयोजित केले जाईल.
या कार्यशाळेत आपल्याला सर्वोत्तम पाठिंबा देण्यासाठी, सिनेसृष्टीतील व्यावसायिकांकडून भाग घेतला जाईल.
इच्छुक व्यक्ती  ड्रीमिंग डिजिटल फिल्म इन्स्टिट्यूट' मध्ये संपर्क साधू शकतात +९१-९८६७०३३३६६ किंवा ०२२-२९२७६५२७ क्रमांकावर.
त्यांचा ऑफिस चा पत्ता: ४०१, सिनर्जी बिझनेस पार्क, सहकार रोड, विरविनी इंडस्ट्रियल इस्टेट मागे, गोरेगाव (पूर्व), मुंबई - ४०००६३
संजय, तुम्हाला या नवीन उपक्रमासाठी शुभेच्छा.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

वास्तववादी व्यक्तींच्या कर्तृत्वाची जाणीव करुन देणारा पुरस्कार - किरण नगरकर

दत्ता पाटील व अविनाश गोडबोले ‘चैत्र चाहूल’ पुरस्काराने सन्मानित
मुंबई, प्रतिनिधी - चैत्र चाहूलच्या वतीने विविध क्षेत्रातील व्यक्तिंना देण्यात येणारे ध्यास सन्मान व रंगकर्मी सन्मान म्हणजे वास्तववादी व्यक्तीच्या कर्तृत्वाची जाणीव करुन देणारे पुरस्कार असल्याचे, उद्गार ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिक किरण नगरकर यांनी काढले.
मराठी नववर्षाचे औचित्य साधत नेहमीप्रमाणे यंदा हा चैत्र चाहूल सोहळा आज रविंद्र नाट्यगृहात दिमाखदारपणे पार पडला. याप्रसंगी लेखक दिग्दर्शक दत्ता पाटील यांना रंगकर्मी पुरस्कार तर ज्येष्ठ कला दिग्दर्शक अविनाश गोडबोले यांना ध्यास सन्मान देऊन सन्मानित करण्यात आले. याप्रसंगी ऋषी परांजपे दिग्दर्शित सॉरी परांजपे ही गाजलेली लोकांकिका सादर करण्यात आली.
उल्लेखनीय कामगिरी केलेल्या व्यक्तींना त्यांच्या विशेष कामगिरीसाठी दाद म्हणून ध्यास सन्मान व रंगकर्मी सन्मानाने गेले १३ वर्षे सन्मानित केले जाते. यंदा या सोहळ्यात लेखक दिग्दर्शक दत्ता पाटील यांना रंगकर्मी पुरस्कार तर ज्येष्ठ कला दिग्दर्शक अविनाश गोडबोले यांना ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिक किरण नगरकर यांच्या हस्ते शाल, श्रीफळ, स्मृतिचिन्ह व रोख रुपये २५ हजार देऊन सन्मानित करण्यात आले. तसेच खासदार विनय सहस्रबुध्दे यांची भारतीय सांस्कृतिक संबंध परिषद (आय.सी.सी.आर) च्या अध्यक्ष पदी निवड झाल्याबद्दल ज्येष्ठ पत्रकार व साहित्यिक अंबरीश मिश्र यांच्या हस्ते विशेष सन्मानित करण्यात आले. संगीत नाटक अकादमीचे पुरस्कार विजेते आणि ज्येष्ठ अभिनेते मोहन जोशी यांनाही सन्मानित करण्यात आले. श्री. जोशी यांच्या अनुपस्थितीत सौ. जोशी यांनी सन्मान स्वीकारला.
दत्ता पाटील यांच्या ‘सेलीब्रेशन’ ह्या पहिल्याच एकांकिकेला प्रतिष्ठेचा पुरुषोत्तम करंडक पुरस्कार त्यानंतर कृष्णविवर, मध्यमपदलोपी या सारख्या दीर्घांकाला तसेच ब्लॅक आऊट, सयामी, सिटीलाईल या एकांकिकांना प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार त्याचप्रमाणे नुकतेच गाजलेले नाटक ‘हंडाभर चांदण्या’ या नाटकास मुंबई व्यावसायिक नाट्यनिर्मात्यासंघाच्या दीर्घांक स्पर्धेत प्रथम पारितोषिक मिळालेले आहे.
तसेच जे. जे. स्कूल ऑफ आर्टस, मुंबई येथून पदवी संपादन केल्यानंतर देशभरातील मोठमोठ्या प्रतिष्ठीत संस्थांमधून क्रिएटीव्ह डायरेक्टर म्हणून काम करणारे व कमर्शियल आर्टिस्ट म्हणून गिल्ड (कॅग) या संस्थेने ‘हॉल ऑफ फेम’ या प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्काराने सन्मानित केलेले ज्येष्ठ कला दिग्दर्शक अविनाश गोडबोले यांनाही सन्मानित करण्यात आले.
अविनाश गोडबोले यांनी जरी जाहिरात क्षेत्राला मोठे योगदान दिले असले तरी त्यांचा मूळचा ओढा चित्रकलेकडे अधिक होता. त्यांना पक्षाघाताचा झटका आल्यांनतरही त्यांनी आपल्या आजारपणातील प्रतिकुल परिस्थितीवर मात करुन त्यांनी डाव्या हाताने आपला चित्रकलेचा छंद जोपासून लोकांपुढे इच्छा तिथे मार्ग हा आदर्श ठेवला आहे, असे प्रशंसोद्गार नगरकर यांनी काढले.
या सोहळ्याची सांगता रुद्र एंटरप्रायजेसच्या वतीने आयोजित शास्त्रीय गायकांनी गायलेल्या गीतांवर आधारित ‘स्वरधारा’ या कार्यक्रमाने झाली. यावेळी महेंद्र पवार, निमंत्रक संजीव सावंत व विनायक गवांदे, कॉक्स ॲण्ड किंग्जचे आशुतोश मेहरे, दिलीप करंबळेकर आदी मान्यवर उपस्थित होते. सोहळ्याचे सूत्रसंचालन चैत्र चाहूलचे विनोद पवार यांनी केले.

Merz Pharma unveils the pure truth on anti-ageing therapies on 110th anniversary

L-R (Dr David Chang, Sonja Sattler, Manju Garg)

Mumbai – Monday, 19 March 2018 – Merz Pharma, an international healthcare company specializing in the fields of dermatology, neurology and metabolic disorders today celebrated its 110th anniversary. Merz is a global leader in the pharmaceutical industry headquartered at Frankfurt, Germany.
Merz anniversary celebration event was to align everyone to the fact that Merz Pharma completes 110 years, Merz India completes 3 years and Merz India has all the products for the Indian doctors to achieve the most well-proportioned face in people and making them more beautiful. Mr. Raymond Ong, Regional commercial director-Merz APAC, Dr David Chang, Senior manager-Merz medical affairs, Manju Garg, Country Head-Merz India, Archana Kochhar, celebrity fashion designer and Noorin Sha who is an actor, last seen in the movie ABCD and who has facial measurements as per the golden ratio were a part of the celebration. Dr Sonja Sattler, a doctor from Germany who has wide experience in using botulinum toxins and finds merit in the use of PURE incobotulinum toxin i.e. Xeomin was the guest of honour.

The event also showcased a wide-ranging portfolio of aesthetic products offered by Merz India which includes Ultherapy, the only U.S. FDA-cleared non-invasive skin lifting and tightening ultrasound device, Xeomin (IncobotulinumtoxinA), Belotero (hyaluronic acid dermal filler) that enables physicians in India to meet the aesthetic needs of patients. “Ulthera has more than 1 million users globally” says Manju Garg, country head, Merz India.
The pure truth of anti-ageing therapies was unveiled at the celebration with 4 key messages about Xeomin:
Truly effective treatment performance: XEOMIN results are clinically proven. Efficacy and safety is well established and significant improvements are seen when the treatment is used for glabellar lines.
Highly purified: Xeomin is a botulinum neurotoxin uniquely free from complexing proteins thus providing the lowest possible risk of antibody formation. The unique manufacturing process of Xeomin removes complexing proteins which are not needed for therapeutic effect. Xeomin is distinct from other products as Xeomin is a purified neurotoxin which does not come with complexing proteins. Complexing proteins are foreign proteins, with the potential to stimulate neutralising antibodies. These neutralising antibodies act against the neurotoxin and may result in partial or complete treatment failure. This assumption is backed by recently released clinical data as in aesthetic practice, secondary treatment failure is being recognized more frequently. Five practices reported cases of treatment failure linked to neutralising antibody formation after the administration of conventional botulinum toxin containing complexing proteins. Thus, choosing a neurotoxin free from complexing protein provides low risk
More than a decade of trust and value: US FDA approved.
Highly stable – This is an added advantage for the physicians since there is no need for refrigeration for shipping and storage.
“We are focused on constant innovation and product development” said Mr Raymond Ong, Regional commercial director, Merz APAC. Merz Aesthetics serves the Indian practitioners more than just products. Merz Aesthetics is the 1st Pharma company to launch a new medical guideline to help aesthetic doctors achieve well-proportioned faces in Asians. “I am very happy to be in India for the 110th anniversary of Merz Pharma. Xeomin is a superior and the purest toxin available in the world at the moment” said Dr Sonja Sattler.

About Merz Pharma:
Merz Pharmaceuticals is an international healthcare company founded in 1908 specializing in over-the-counter and prescription creams, ointments and injectables in the fields of dermatology, neurology and metabolic disorders. Based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Merz is a leader in the field of Alzheimer's disease research and developed memantine as the first drug for the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease.
Other franchises covered by Merz are hepatology / metabolic diseases and dermatology (including Mederma scar gel). In Asia Pacific, the Merz franchise covers aesthetic dermatology (including Radiesse and Xeomin).

Learn more at


Wizcraft 30 years logo

~PM Townhall, GVK Airport Launch And Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence 2018~
12th March 2018, Mumbai: Wizcraft, India’s leading Communication and Entertainment giant integrates creativity, strategy, technology, and unmatched excellence to create unprecedented experiences. Wizcraft, yet again proves itself the pioneers of events industry as it successfully delivered three revolutionary mega events in a week’s span, PM Townhall, GVK Airport Launch and Magnetic Maharashtra Convergence 2018.
-          PARIKSHA PE CHARHCA PM MODI KE SAATH was the second Town Hall done by the Prime Minister of India in India. Ministry of HRD, under the aegis of Minister Prakash Javadekar organised a special town hall for 3000 kids from various Kendriya Vidyalaya schools across Delhi NCR who got an opportunity to hear our Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi live in Talkatora Stadium on 16th Feb 2018.
-          The foundation stone-laying ceremony of GVK AIRPORT was attended by Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi held at the project site in Navi Mumbai on 18th February, 2018. Over the span of 8 days, Wizcraft pulled off this event which was spread over 10 acres of land, with an area of 450’ x 1100’ used for a setup despite the stringent security measures that were being levied upon at the venue for the event.
-          Maharashtra Government organised one of the largest Global Investors Summits in the country from the 18th – 23rd of February, 2018 at the MMRDA Grounds, BKC captioned as MAGNETIC MAHARASHTRA – CONVERGENCE 2018. Inspired by the Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ vision, the Maharashtra Global Investment Summit 2018 saw investors from all over the world converging in Maharashtra to explore the diverse investment opportunities the state has to offer. The event was attended by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, the Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra and other Cabinet Ministers from the center and the state along with the top Indian and global Corporate Heads.
Sandeep Mehta, Chief Operating Office - Brand Activation, Wizcraft International stated, “It is a privilege to be called upon to deliver such prestigious mammoth events that are changing the very fabric of India. Right from the get-go, Wizcraft has always strived to create and deliver compelling experiences that have been instrumental in shaping the event management industry in India. With our depth of expertise in creating large scale events and ability to bring to life new age concepts we hope to scale new heights and create larger experiences that are memorable.”
Wizcraft as a holistic enterprise continues to create the best in the world of events and entertainment!

“50 Beautiful Houses in India – Volume IV”

Introducing A New Genre Of Indian Contemporary Design

A new coffee table book consists of beautiful color images which give a rare and delightful glimpse into the fifty most beautiful houses from every corner across India, giving the reader a rich and luxuriant experience of a wide range and scope of styles and genres. A house is a living space that is self-defining and reflects the architect’s personal approach and architectural sense developed in his decades-long experience of working and teaching.

An Introduction to “50 Beautiful Houses in India – Volume IV” does more than simply establish a clear and precise classification of Residential Architecture and Interior Design that has emerged in India in recent years. It identifies works that largely represent current trends and tastes, across the country, from metro cities to second and third tier cities and towns.

Each property in this book tells a different story right from the origination of the idea to the treatment of its actuality which is the byproduct of the architect’s creation, giving a grand visual treat at the same time.

Most of the projects showcased in the volume, enable us to observe many of the characteristics that constitute an overview of the current state of architecture and design in India, making this volume of immense interest to architects, interior designers and students of this discipline. 

With over 50 handpicked designs which broadly define contemporary residential design in India. Ultimately, the houses presented in this volume all share a similar objective – to formalize environments that are suited to a particular function or lifestyle, as well as to respond to the needs of the clients, without compromising the design and aesthetics.

Focused on explaining the details and exclusivity of each house, the introduction to this title is by none other than renowned senior architect Mr. Alfaz Miller. The book is an outcome of an intense research work, making it an assimilation of truly unique, exquisite and stand-alone properties in India.

The book is a must have for Non-Resident and Indian Residents and architects as it provides a single reference point for emerging architects, aspiring home owners, art connoisseurs & book lovers.

This book is available at all major book stores across India or can be sought from White Flag publishers.

Contact No: 022 2866 5100 / 022 6180 2700

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Friday 16 March 2018

My parents and family were never afraid to send me out till late night when I was in college: Nushrat Baroocha

On the special occasion of International Women's Day, actress Nushrat Baroocha popularly known for her roles from the films ‘Pyar Ka Punchnama 1 & 2’ as well as her latest release ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’, said that she is proud to be a girl and that women can achieve whatever they set their eyes on. Nushrat was invited as a guest for an event celebrating Women's Day in Oshiwara, Mumbai, hosted by MukkaMaar an organization that aims at empowering girls through free martial-arts and self-defense training, powered by The Spartan Poker, India's leading poker gaming portal. 

Actress Ishita Sharma known from movie ‘Dil Dosti Etc,’ who started the MukkaMaar organization along with a martial arts expert Alex Fernandes to train children in martial arts, taekwondo and self-defense invited Nushrat to talk about her childhood, growing years and becoming the independent and progressive woman that she is now. Nushrat met the MukkaMaar girls and shared her experiences, she said, “I am very privileged that I am a girl. When I was in college, my parents and family were very comfortable with me staying out late at night, but then when they heard of incidents they started worrying, I tried learning martial arts for self-defense as well but unfortunately couldn’t continue. But now, I run my house, I earn my own bread and butter and I live by myself. Women today are empowered and we can achieve whatever we set our hearts to. It’s really important that girls from a very young age are trained to care for themselves by themselves and that’s where martial arts is necessary now. So I would like to tell all the MukkaMaar girls that continue learning this and do not stop come what may.” 

Parle Agro signs on Superstar Salman Khan as the new face of Appy Fizz

- Salman to feature in the newest #FeelTheFizz campaign-
- Aims to make the Fruit plus Fizz category Rs. 4,000 Crore –

MUMBAI, 15 March 2018: Parle Agro, the largest Indian beverage company, today announced Bollywood superstar Salman Khan as the new face of its brand Appy Fizz as it aims to fuel levels of growth far higher than category averages. With the on-set of summer across India, Salman will feature in the new #FeelTheFizz campaign for Appy Fizz, India’s first sparkling fruit juice drink.
Salman’s stylish, macho and magnetic attitude is a seamless fit for Appy Fizz’s bold and edgy persona and shall help drive far reaching impact and recall for the brand.
Since its launch in 2005, the Rs. 650 crore brand has been a market leader in the category of fruit + fizz drinks. Associating with Salman Khan is a part of Appy Fizz’s strategic large scale marketing investments, aiming to further strengthen the brands connect with millions of consumers across India. The brand’s recent association with Bigg Boss season 11 met with huge success, when Parle Agro unveiled a special edition Appy Fizz PET bottle along with the show, giving fans an exclusive chance to meet their hero. 

Commenting on the announcement, Nadia Chauhan, Joint MD and CMO, Parle Agro said, “Appy Fizz has established a strong foothold in the market over the years and with this collaboration, we want to further build the brand through aggressive marketing initiatives. Salman Khan’s magnetic personality seamlessly reflects the brand’s identity, and with his popularity along with the power of Appy Fizz, we aim to make this brand a household name.”
Speaking about this collaboration, Salman Khan said, ‘’I am delighted to come on board as the brand ambassador for Appy Fizz. With the exciting new campaign, I am positive the fans and the brand’s consumers will Feel the Fizz!”

Salman Khan is the newest addition to the existing list of A-listers as the face of a Parle Agro brand with Alia Bhatt as the brand ambassador for Frooti and its variants and Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun for Frooti in South India.

The Bollywood superstar will feature in an exciting new Appy Fizz TVC supported by a multi-media campaign which will be rolled out this summer. 

Microwave based Brix measurement technology will help sugarcane farmers .

Ministry of Electronics & IT MeitY's R&D Institute SAMEER transfers technology for Sugar Content Measurement to two private enti...