Friday 16 March 2018

Girnar Tea joins hands with Ajay Devgn starrer ‘Raid’

Mumbai, 15th March 2018:- Leading FMCG conglomerate Girnar Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd has joined hands with Ajay Devgn starrer upcoming Bollywood big ticket film RAID, slated to release Worldwide on 16th March 2018. Leading film marketing and brand alliance agency, Blue Bang Media & Entertainment pvt. Ltd clinched the plum deal bridging brand Girnar Tea and mass entertainer Raid.
Girnar Tea, a brand which started its journey four decades ago, now holds the reputation ofbeing one of India's finest tea brands, with a respectable name amongst tea connoisseurs across the globe. Its prime ethos rests on a yearning to promote and offer world class teas to its customers fuelled by a passion for excellence.

The deal entails a co-branded TV commercial has been created to seamlessly merge the brand with the film, featuring the lead star of the film Ajay Devgn. The salient features of the brand inherently align itself to the central character of ‘Raid’ played by Ajay Devgn hence the association fructified. Girnar Tea is one of India's finest tea brands and a respectable name amongst tea connoisseurs across the globe while the lead character of Raid is that of a tough and honest officer who strongly believes in his principles.
The lead character has an excellent connect with the brand’s TG of Kadak-chai lovers which has been used to link the brand and the film in the co-branded communication. The co-branded TV spot spans over 20 seconds and will play out across leading media platforms.
Says Director, Girnar Tea “An excellent fit between our brand and the character played by the star of the film Ajay Devgnin RAID attracted us towards the tie up. Our TG of Kadak-Chai lovers look up to Ajay Devgn as a symbol of toughness and principles as portrayed in the film.  Also it was a great opportunity to reach our core target audience by aligning our brand with an entertainment platform.”
Mr. Vinod Bhanushali, President - T-Series, says, “The partner brand Girnar has seamless synergy with our film RAID and the brand ethos of toughness and principles is in line with the character of Ajay Devgn in the film. Hence, we saw a great connect between the brand and the film and we are very happy to have a prestigious brand like Girnar as a brand partner on our film RAID.
Talking about the association, Mr Vinay Punjabi, MD and CEO, Blue Bang Media & Entertainment, the agency behind the alliance says “The key objective for the brand Girnar was to engage with their core TG which is tea lovers through an entertainment platform that reaches out to a large audience base of similar demographics and psychological profiling.  By associating with the Hindi feature film, Raid, Girnar Tea accomplishes its objective of connecting with its core TG through an entertainment platform that echoes the salient features of the brand. Because of the seamless synergy between the brand and the film, this association is sure to be a win-win for both entities.
RAID is a thriller film produced by T-Series and Panorama Pictures, starring Ajay Devgn, Ileana DCruz and Saurabh Shukla in lead roles. It is an edge of the seat thriller based on a real life story with a talented cast that will keep audiences hooked till the end.

फेसबुक हॅकिंगच्या प्रकाराने सावनी धास्तावली!!

सावनी रवींद्र आपल्या सगळ्यांची लाडकी झाली  तू मला, मी तुला.." या  गाण्याला तिने दिलेल्या गोड आवाजामुळे. गुरुवार ची सकाळ, सावनी खडबडून जागी झाली, जेव्हा तिने ई-मेल वाचले, ज्यात तिचा अकाउंट हॅक झाल्याचा  उल्लेख होता.
सूत्रांनी दिलेल्या माहितीनुसार, सावनी चे  फेसबुक पेज आधल्या रात्रीच हॅक झालं होतं, पण रात्रं असल्यामुळे ते तिच्या लक्षात नाही आलं. आपलं फेसबुक पेज कोणीतरी हॅक केलाय हे सावनीला  समजताच, तिने ताबडतोब फेसबुकच्या मुख्य कार्यालयात आपली तक्रार नोंदवली. 
सुदैवाने, हॅकरने काहीही पोस्ट केले नाही आणि आता खाते नवीन पासवर्डसह सुरक्षित केले गेले आहे. 
सावनी म्हणते, " सेलिब्रिटि अकाउंट्सची हॅकिंगची प्रकरणे दिवसेंदिवस वाढत आहेत. काही महिन्यांपूर्वी माझ्या एका मैत्रिणीचा अकाउंट हॅक झाला होतं. तिची माहिती व नाव बदलण्यात आलं होतं. नशिबाने माझ्या बाबतीत असा अनुचित प्रकार घडला नाही. पण हे खरोखरच भयानक आहे एखाद्या कलाकारासाठी त्याचं सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट हॅक होणं. आमचा अकाउंट १चा दुरुपयोग होऊ शकतो. अशा आहे, ह्याचा पुढे असं होणार नाही. मी आधीच संबंधित लोकांकडे याची नोंद केली आहे आणि मला खात्री आहे की हॅकर लवकरच पकडला जाईल. "   

Thursday 15 March 2018

रॉकिंग राऊत!

'सा रे ' लिटिल चॅम्प्स फेम, महाराष्ट्राचा आवडता तरुण गायक, रोहित राऊत, याला नुकत्याच पार पडलेल्या रेडिओ मिरची संगीत पुरस्कारांमध्ये,बेस्ट फिल्म सॉंग ऑफ इयर: हृदयात वाजे समथिंग’ आणिबेस्ट अल्बम ऑफ इयर: ती सध्या काय करते’ साठी तब्बल पुरस्कार देण्यात आले.
रोहितला एकूण गटात नामांकने होती, त्यापैकी गटात, परीक्षकांच्या बहुमतांनी, त्याने पुरस्कार पटकावले.
आनंद व्यक्त करताना रोहित म्हणतो, " हे वर्ष माझ्यासाठी खूप खास होतं. मला प्रत्येक टप्प्यावर पाठिंबा दिला तो म्हणजे माझ्या संगीत क्षेत्रातील दिग्गजांनी, माझ्या मित्रांनी आणि अर्थात घरच्यांनी. त्यांनी माझ्यावर केलेलं जीवापाड  प्रेम आणि त्यांचा माझ्यावर असलेला विश्वास मी कधीही विसरू शकणार नाही. मला मिळेलेले पुरस्कार हे माझ्यासाठी अधिक चांगलं काम करण्याचं प्रोत्साहन असतं माझ्या परीने मी नक्कीच उत्तम काम करत राहीन.”
रोहित, तुला आमच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा आशा आहे तुझा अल्बम लवकरच भेटीला येईल.

Friday 9 March 2018

Bajaj Electricals launches first IoT Air Cooler - Bajaj COOL.iNXT

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The ‘Wi-Fi Direct & Internet Enabled’ air-cooler that can be operated from anywhere in the world via a mobile app

Mumbai, March 8, 2018: Gearing up for the Indian summer season, Bajaj Electricals Ltd., India’s leading consumer durable and lighting company, today launched the first of its kind IoT enabled air cooler– Bajaj COOL.iNXT. With the launch of this IoT product, Bajaj Electricals aims to improve customer’s experience through smart technology and intuitive designs. In the next two years, the company expects a huge potential for IoT enabled air coolers, not only from the residential space but also commercial.

The unique features of Bajaj COOL.iNXT can be accessed through a smartphone from anywhere in the world. The specially designed app provides complete control to its unique features and functions at the fingertips of the user making the cooling experience smart and convenient.

Being the pioneer of new age intelligent IoT technology, Bajaj COOL.iNXT has the following features that differentiate it from other air coolers:

                    3 Methods of Control: With the state of the art mobile app; IR remote and digital control panel
                    Easy ‘Wi-Fi  & Internet Enabled’ operation with the mobile app
                    Intelligent Sensor that reads the temperature and humidity of the room
                    Auto mode to automatically adjust the fan and cooling speed on the basis of the temperature and humidity of the room
                    5 level speed control and 4 cooling levels
                    Digital control and display panel
                    Digital low water level indicator
                    Honeycomb cooling media for efficient cooling
                    Ice Chamber for faster cooling

Realizing the importance of rapid transformation in the market place, Bajaj Electricals Ltd. through its R&D Centre ‘AB Square’ aims to drive innovation and introduce cutting edge solutions in IoT space. Recently, the research and development center has been certified Platinum Status for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) which is the highest Green Building Standard for its design, operation and maintenance that aims to help, building owners and operators be environmentally responsible.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Jindal Mansion plays host to Eli’s of Elephant Parade

MUMBAI, MARCH 06, 2018: JSW Group has unveiled an impressive installation of elephant sculpture atJindal Mansion on Pedder Road in Mumbai. The installation is part of the 101 gorgeous elephant sculptures by leading artists and designers including LN Tallur, Princess Pea, Christian Louboutin, Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Masaba Gupta that have been set up for public display as part of the Elephant Parade India. Jindal Mansion is a heritage building embedded in the warp and weft of Mumbai. Over the last few years, it has also become a live canvas to various art initiatives to encourage passers-by to stop, admire and think about Art and Beauty. The idea is to make public art accessible so that there is more dialogue around it. The installation is also a precursor to JSW’s annual Earth Care Awards, currently in its seventh edition. The JSW Earth Care Awards have created a platform for recognising climate change mitigation champions, and showcase their path breaking work.

Commenting on the Elephant Sculpture installed at Jindal Mansion, Mrs Sangita Jindal, Chairperson -  JSW Foundation said, "As a patron of art, I strongly believe that art and culture contribute towards the growth of society and creates positive ripples of conversation for our future generations. It is important that Art is inclusive and should be experienced by a wide array of audiences. I am pleased to bring The Elephant Parade to Jindal Mansion and contribute towards creating awareness around #HelpTheHaathi."

The official inauguration of the parade was done in Mumbai at the Gateway of India in the august presence ofShri Devendra Fadnavis, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Sudhir Mungantiwar, Hon'ble Minister of Finance, Planning and Forests and Smt. Poonam Mahajan, Hon'ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and Parade Ambassador. The Elephant sculptures have been displayed in herds at prominent Mumbai locations to be photographed, hugged and kissed by an admiring public as part of what has become recognised as the world's biggest public art event. Each elephant is on sale to raise funds for their endangered wild cousins and forest homes. Created as part of the 2017 UK India Year of Culture, Elephant Parade India is organised by Elephant Family in association with Good Earth. After the public display, these Elephant Sculptures will be sold in an auction to raise funds for Asian elephant corridors and projects to address human-elephant-conflict throughout India.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Soul surrender: Goa the perfect destination for women travelers! A Women’s Day special feature

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It is said, ‘The hand  that rocks the cradle rules the world’.  Today it  is said, ‘The hand  that rocks the cradle  explores the world!’

And  Goa is that perfect destination,  the melting pot for women travelers from around the world to converge, explore and experience  that peace and  tranquil  away from the humdrums  of life.
Women have been travelling more than ever experiencing both inbound and outbound tourism. Nowadays, women have been earning more and therefore spending more. This is dynamically changing  the trend of women travelling solo and in women-only groups. Financial independence and the freedom to behave independently has accorded to the rise of the modern female traveler.
As you all know, Goa is the most preferred holiday tourism destination, and is now gaining recognition as a popular tourist destination for women travelers.
MICE tourism has picked up greatly in the state and have seen women embarking on business trips most often these days. Subsequently, the number of travel providers offering their services exclusively to women has also increased.
Adventure tourism in Goa is rapidly gaining popularity amongst female travelers and has many takers. Women prefer leisure shopping getaways to adventure trips, and that’s exactly what Goa is all about.
Goa has also witnessed a surge in the number of female travelers and is reflected in every segment and every age group. The social media has given women travelers a great platform for quickly accessing information about destinations or activities that they would like to experience. Recent statistics suggest that more than 40% of Indian women opt to travel alone. This  also goes for  a sizeable number of  women foreign tourists who visit India and do not miss a trip to Goa even  if it mean a short halt vacation.  The ETV  regime has also added a further boost  to women  travelers  who opt for Goa as the Port of Arrival.
The demand for travel being very specific, well defined and safe is increasing and the state of Goa takes adequate measures to see that tourists especially women travelers feel safe and secured during their vacation.
Goa was declared as among  the Top 3 Indian Destinations for Females recently. This was highlighted by none other than Thomas Cook India. For Goa, the survey confirmed the fact that the beauty of Goa is in sync with the beauty of women.

Goa today offers plethora of activities for women in the areas of fashion, shopping, films, dance, cuisine, yoga, wellness etc. Goa is one of the top beach and nightlife tourism destinations in the country and thousands of women travelers visit the state to experience this uniqueness.

Cristina Piotti,  a freelance journalist said “During my solo week in Goa I had the freedom and the pleasure of experiencing one of my favorite type of holiday: a solo travel. I had one of the most relaxing, surprising,  and memorable time moving from Tiracol to Arambol, from Old Goa to far south. I loved the natural escapes, the crazy clubs, the great meals, and the lively atmosphere that Goa offers to a solo woman. I felt not just safe, but always welcome. As a woman travelling alone, this made the difference.”

Odette Mascarenhas, Goa’s Culinary expert said, “ Generally speaking- is safety the prerogative of woman in this day and age? No, we have a long way ahead to create a paradigm shift in the minds of certain sections of society. However, as a woman I am extremely confident to travel around in Goa anytime- day or night. For me, Goa is the perfect haven for a safe journey. Even if one has to travel solo.”

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