Friday 16 February 2018

C&S MediaNet Pvt. Ltd. – A Novel initiative for the distribution platforms

A Knowledge Sharing Platform for all DPOs

Mumbai, 15th February’18: C&S Medianet today announced that it has supported Dish TV India Limited, Videocon D2H Limited and Siti Cable Network Limited and successfully brought to conclusion the Interconnection Agreement with Discovery. With the conclusion of the arrangement, Jeet - the new GEC Channel of Discovery has also been prominently placed on all the three platforms. The arrangement has been beneficial to both - the Broadcaster as well the Platforms C & S Medianet believes that this is the first step among many milestones it can help the DPO’s achieve.
About C & S Medianet Private Limited:
The Indian Television distribution industry – comprising DTH operators, Multi System Operators and Local Cable Operators has been fragmented with very little co-ordination between its constituents them as well as without having any common knowledge and experience sharing platform. The operators have been running the business with limited resources and expertise which has been costing them dear as well as finding their business unviable. The industry was in the need of an entity which could assist them in various areas of operations to save their business.
With the expected implementation of the new Regulation and Tariff Order proposed by TRAI, it is imperative for the industry to be ready for a complete turnaround from how the industry operates today.
With the aim to provide a common platform for knowledge and experience sharing as well as to provide the gamut of services required by the Distribution Platform Operators (DPOs), Media Entity “C&S Medianet Pvt. Ltd.” has commenced its service. Headed by industry veterans, Himanshu Dhoreliya & Anil Malhotra, C&S Medianet aims to provide following consultancy services to the DPOs in order to help them tackle the issues faced by the Distribution Industry:
·         Leveraging combined knowledge
·         Knowledge sharing on packaging, increase of a-la-carte revenue
·         Dispute Management, Regulatory Intervention & Compliance
·         Collection & sharing of Data
·         Engaging with Govt. for giving Ads to the members
·         Engaging with DAVP for formulation of the policies
·         Assistance in ensuring compliance with QoS Regulation
·         Assisting in implementation of TRAI Regulations & Support in Audits
·         Advertisement sales service and Value Added Service

Amazon Prime Music continues to expand its multi-lingual catalogue with Times Music


Amazon Prime Musicthe soon to be added latest Prime benefit for Prime members in India, will offer Times Music’s selection to its vast selection in Non Film music in Hindi & Punjabi, Fusion, Classical, Spiritual, Indie & film soundtracks in Tamil & Telugu languages.

MUMBAI – February 15, 2018 - Amazon Prime Music today announced the launch of Times Music on its streaming service adding more than 25,000 tracks to its growing global catalogue of millions of songs. Soon to be launched as a Prime benefit at no additional cost, Amazon Prime Music will be able to stream the immensely popular tracks & upcoming hits across genres like Pop, Bollywood, Punjabi, South Indian Films, Indie and Spiritual.
“Times Music brings some of the best and most popular tracks in languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil as well as a diverse selection across genres like Pop, Sufi & Devotional on Amazon’s Prime Music service. We are thrilled to add this selection on our service that will delight our customers as they enjoy this music ad-free and available for unlimited offline downloads when we launch.” said Sahas Malhotra, Director, Amazon Prime Music.

“Times Music is excited to collaborate with Amazon India to bring its vast & diverse music repertoire to Amazon Prime Music members,” said Mandar Thakur, COO, Times Music.

Times Music is one of India’s leading music labels and has a catalog that covers tracks across various Indian genres of music etc. They are a market leader in the Spiritual and Indie categories, who also have a fantastic track record in other popular Indian genres such as Indian Classical, Indi-pop, Bollywood, Bhangra, Urban Desi, Fusion, Wellness, Lounge & Electronica.

Amazon Prime already offers unlimited free One-day and Two-day delivery over 11 million products online to over 100 cities, 30 minutes early access for members on top deals and more benefits for an unparalleled shopping experience and instant access to latest movies and TV shows. Customers who are not already Prime members can learn more about the program at

Thomas Cook India honoured with Best Risk Management Award Travel & Leisure category


~ICICI Lombard-CNBC TV18 India Risk Management Awards 2018~

Mumbai, February 15, 2018: Thomas Cook (India) Ltd., India’s leading integrated travel and travel related financial services company, was honoured with the prestigious award for Best Risk Management Practices at the 4th edition of The ICICI Lombard-CNBC TV18 India Risk Management Awards 2018.

Presented by ICICI Lombard and CNBC TV18, the India Risk Management Awards 2018 recognized companies that have developed best in class risk management practices and capabilities across business categories. The award was conferred on Thomas Cook India for having constantly evolved and created new growth benchmarks while managing risks effectively in the Travel & Leisure category.
The stringent selection process comprised of analysis of company data, systems and frameworks and was judged by an independent panel of experts that included Ms. Arundhati Bhattacharya, former Chairman SBI and the awards were presented by Dr. Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics, NYU Stern School of Business and Chairman & Co-founder, Roubini Global Economics.
Mr. Madhavan Menon, Chairman & Managing Director, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. said, “In an extremely globalized and integrated world, risk management is now becoming a critical strategic tool for the sustainable growth of organizations. At The Thomas Cook India Group, we have been dedicated in our focus towards developing best in class business risk management practices. This noteworthy award from ICICI Lombard- CNBC TV18 hence serves as both recognition and inspiration to our teams, in sustaining and enhancing risk management practices across our enterprise.”

Wednesday 14 February 2018

On the backdrop of *Valentine’s day* introducing *Laj watate song* from upcoming Marathi film “Memory Card”...sung by *Javed Ali*

निरागस चेहरा, लाजरं प्रेम, अल्लड वय, प्रत्येकाच्या आयुष्यात येणारा हा क्षण आणि मनाच्या मेमरी कार्ड मध्ये जपून ठेवलेल्या आठवणी.... 
On the backdrop of *Valentine’s day* introducing *Laj watate song* from upcoming Marathi film “Memory Card”...sung by *Javed Ali* and music by Mitesh-Pritesh.
*Memory Card* releasing on 
*2nd March 2018*

Monday 12 February 2018

ICAI elects New Torchbearers for the year 2018-19

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established by the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants in India. The affairs of the ICAI are managed by a Council in accordance with the provisions of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.  The Council is composed of 40 members of whom 32 are elected by the members and remaining 8 are nominated by the Central Government generally representing the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Finance and other stakeholders.

On February 12, 2018, ICAI elected its new torchbearers CA. Naveen N.D. Gupta as the President and CA. Prafulla P. Chhajed as the Vice-President for year 2018-19.

CA. Naveen N.D. Gupta, President, ICAI

A man of professional wisdom, vision and strong organisational skills with a firm belief in inclusive growth of Indian accountancy profession, CA. Naveen N.D. Gupta has been elected as the new President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) by its 23rd Council, on February 12, 2018. A seasoned professional from Delhi with 22 years of standing, CA. Naveen N.D. Gupta is widely commended for his role in making the Income Disclosure Scheme, 2016 a success, which was acknowledged by the Finance Minister. His association as Central Council Member at ICAI, now running in 9th year since 2010, with position as Vice-President in 2017-2018; has made him traverse regimen of standard setting, quality assurance framework, and disciplinary mechanism. He is representing ICAI in many important committees constituted by the Government Ministries/ Regulators. With focus on innovation and niche enablement, he intends to position CA profession as aiding and upholding public interest by enhanced focus on Quality Assurance framework, calibrating Regulation with development and leveraging digital technology to turn disruptions arising out of changing paradigm of businesses to niche empowerment. 

CA. Prafulla P. Chhajed, Vice-President, ICAI

A blend of erudition, experience, foresight, technical expertise and professional excellence worth emulating, CA. Prafulla Chhajed , has been elected as the Vice-President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) by its 23rd Council, on February 12, 2018. A Fellow Chartered Accountant from Mumbai with over 20 years of experience in Auditing & Taxation, he is a prolific speaker at national and international forum. He has been contributing to various Publications and his articles on Taxation and Investments have been published in well-known Marathi daily ‘Maharashtra Times’ since 14 years and also in other Publications.

Goa fest receives unprecedented response

लोकांच्या उत्स्फूर्त  प्रतिसादाने गोवा फेस्टीवलचा २०१८ समारोप* 

दोन दिवसीय गोवा फेस्टिवालचा लोकांच्या उत्स्फूर्त  प्रतिसादाने शानदार समारोप करण्यात आला.
महोत्सवाच्या दुसऱ्या दिवशी विविध स्पर्धाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते यात गुटगुटीत बालक स्पर्धा , पाकस्पर्धा , टॅलेन्ट स्पर्धा,  संगीत कार्यक्रम आदींचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते तसेच नाट्य संगीत क्षेत्रात उत्तुंग कामगिरी करणा-या अरविंद पिळगावकर यांना जीवन गौरव पुरस्काराने सन्मानित करण्यात आले. या वेळी अरविंद पिळगावकर म्हणाले  मी नाटक  क्षेत्रात काम करताना संगीताची नाळ न तोडता मी सर्व प्रकारच्या भूमिका केल्या. मला चांगले गुरू लाभले म्हणून मी आज चांगला घडू शकलो म्हणून आजच्या पिढीनी नाटक व संगीत क्षेत्रातील  माहिती केवळ इंटरनेट वरून न घेता त्याचा सखोल अभ्यास करावा असे  युवा पिढीला त्यांनी मार्गदर्शनपर सांगितले तसेच त्यांनी गोवा फेस्टिवल आयोजित करून नवोदित उदयोजीकाना प्लॅटफॉर्म निर्माण करून दिल्याबद्दल त्यांचे कौतुक केले व पुढील कामगिरीला शुभेच्छा दिल्या. 
दोन दिवसीय गोवा फेस्टिवलला गेल्या वर्षीच्या तुलनेने यंदा खूप चांगला प्रतिसाद लाभला . ह्यावर्षी अंदाजे वीस हजारापेक्षा जास्त लोकांनी भेट देऊन गोवंन फूडचा आस्वाद घेतला  व गोव्याच्या विविध वस्तू विकत घेण्याचा आनंदही घेतला.
गोवा म्हणजे मासांहार व मद्य असा लोकांचा समज असतो परुंतु तसे नसून शाकाहारी मध्ये ही गोव्याच्या पदार्थांची खूप  विविधता आहे असे आम्ही गोयांकारचे सचीव संजय हेगडे यांनी सांगितले तसेच पुढील वर्षी  यापेक्षा व्यापक प्रमाणात कार्यक्रम करण्याचा आमचा मानस असून  मुंबईच्या बाहेर जिथे गोवंन लोकवस्ती आहे तिथीही गोवा फेस्टिव्हलचे आयोजन करून तेथील लोकांनाही प्लॅटफॉर्म निर्माण करून देण्याचा आमचा निर्धार आहे.

Goa fest receives unprecedented response 
The two day long “Eighth Goa festival organised by “Aami Goyenkar”, at Dr. Antonio da Silva Technical High School at Dadar in Central Mumbai was concluded with over 20,000 people attending grand finale on Sunday.
On the occasion, a veteran dramatist Arvind Pilgaonkar was felicitated with “Life Time Achievement Award’.Replying to felicitation, he said that he could essay various roles in plays/dramas, since he never severed his ties with music. I received excellent guidance from my superiors and I accepted all type of roles, instead of being choosy. He advised youngsters to study deep, instead of collecting information only from the Internet. Pilganokar also lauded efforts by “Aami Goyenkar”, in organising the fest to encourage and make available market to artists/artisans.
In his speech, “Aami Goyenkar” Secretary Sanjay Hegde said that it was a misconception that Goa food means drinks and non-vegetarian food. In fact compared to non-vegetarian food, there are more food delicacies of vegetarian food. Such festival will be organised also outside Mumbai, where Goan people reside so that they would be able to interact with artists, artisans and others, he added.
The festival was made up of over 50 stalls set up at strategic places around the grounds. The chefs used their considerable talent and expertise to best showcase the best of the Goan culinary delights. The festival offered mouth watering delicacies, including fish cuisines and other culinary flavours.  
The food ranged from the down-to-earth cooking to the sublime heights of haute cuisine a flavourful fusion of Goan and Western cooking. The delicacies were not restricted to savoury and spicy dishes but ranged over sweet meats and desserts as well. The festival tempted even the most finicky of palates, titillating their taste buds. Besides food, there were also stalls displaying handicrafts, household articles and artistic work etc.
There was also an exciting line up of events. They included an elocution contest in Konkani and other events like “Gajali”(chatting), “Udags” (memory) related to Konkani literature, healthy child contest, cookery contest, talent hunt, debates, musical and entertainment programs. These events undoubtedly turned to be a fan favourite.

Bajaj Electricals R&D Centre “AB SQUARE” gets LEED Platinum certification

Image result for bajaj electricals logo

February 12th, 2018, Mumbai: The R&D Centre - ‘AB SQUARE’ developed by Bajaj Electricals has been certified Platinum status for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) which is the highest Green Building Standard for its design, operation and maintenance that aims to help, building owners and operators be environmentally responsible.

As a strong step towards commitment for protecting the environment, Bajaj Electricals went about this process by evaluating all the parameters and got themselves rated under their LEED BD+C Ver.3-2009 Rating Program which is the highest award in this category. With the key objective of enhancing occupant comfort and well-being with optimized energy & water consumption, all these features of the project achieved 85 out of total 110 points, making it a Platinum rated building.

Mr. Anant Bajaj, JMD, Bajaj Electricals, speaking about the event said, “It is a proud moment for Bajaj Electricals to receive the prestigious LEED certification for our R&D Centre, which speaks volumes about our efforts as an environmentally sustainable & responsible organization. We are optimistic that we continue to develop such projects and balance the environment at large. We hope to inspire other organizations to step forward & contribute to the surrounding in their own possible ways”.

This is a remarkable achievement by Bajaj Electricals in the field of building design and construction and especially R & D centre which is generally looked as cost centre for the company.

BCL Team Mumbai Tigers roar with renewed confidence

9 February 2018, Mumbai: Team Mumbai Tigers which has been one of the most popular teams of BCL has strengthened the team further with new players. This year Balraj Syal will be the new skipper; Balraj used to play for a competing team for the past 3 years. Speaking on the occasion Balraj said, “I love cricket, it’s a gentleman’s game. The best part of BCL is that you get paid for playing cricket with your friends. Our team owner Santosh Gupta is a dear friend, as well his company manages my work as well. All the players in the team are buddies.”

The Mumbai Tiger’s team comprises of Arjun Bijlani (also a co-owner), Suyash Rai, Mayank Gandhi, Shikha Singh Shah, Aarti Singh, Navraj Hans, Ashish Sharma, Gaurav Bajaj, Manu Punjabi, Alok Narula, Zaan Khan, Abhilash Chaudhary, Shiny Doshi, Chirag Sethi, Vaishali Takkar, Purva Rana and Aakash Ahuja. Arjun who was present for the launch said, “It’s a fact that Cricket and Bollywood are like a religion in our country. I used to be glued to TV set for hours as a kid while India was playing. Sachin Tendulkar was my God and I had a big poster of him in my room.”

Actress Vaishali Takkar said; “Sometimes the schedule becomes hectic as we practice late in the night after everyone packs up. We practice daily as the tournament is near.”
An ecstatic Santosh Gupta said, “This year the show will target the youth and the viewers of the digital platform. I am sure that the one of a kind unisex cricket matches will be a good source of fresh content for the young generation. I am sure that with a strong team like ours, we will lift the trophy this time.”

Hindi: बीसीएल की सबसे लोकप्रिय टीमों में से एक टीम मुंबई टाइगर्स ने नए खिलाड़ियों के साथ टीम को और मजबूत किया है। इस साल बलराज स्याल नए कप्तान होंगे; बलराज पिछले 3 वर्षों से एक प्रतिस्पर्धी टीम के लिए खेलते थे। 

इस अवसर पर बोलते हुए बलराज ने कहा, "मुझे क्रिकेट पसंद है। हमारी टीम के मालिक संतोष गुप्ता एक प्रिय मित्र हैं, साथ ही उनकी कंपनी मेरे काम को भी व्यवस्थित करती है। टीम के सभी खिलाड़ी दोस्त हैं। "

 मुंबई टाइगर की टीम में अर्जुन बिजलानी (सह-मालिक भी), सुअयेश राय, मयंक गांधी, शिखा सिंह शाह, आरती सिंह, नवराज हंस, आशीष शर्मा, गौरव बजाज, मनु पंजाबी, आलोक नरुला, जॅन खान, अभिलाष चौधरी, शाइनी डोशी, चिराग सेठी, वैशाली टक्कर, पुरवा राणा और आकाश आहूजा हैं। इस प्रक्षेपण के लिए उपस्थित हुए अर्जुन ने कहा, "यह सच है कि क्रिकेट और बॉलीवुड हमारे देश में एक धर्म की तरह हैं।"

उत्साही संतोष गुप्ता ने कहा, "इस साल यह शो युवाओं और डिजिटल मंच के दर्शकों को लक्षित करेगा। मुझे यकीन है कि युवा पीढ़ी को इस तरह का यूनिसेक्स क्रिकेट मैच पसंद आएगा। मुझे यकीन है कि हमारी मजबूत टीम के साथ, हम इस बार ट्रॉफी उठा लेंगे। "

Marathi: बीसीएलची सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय टीम मुम्बई टायगर्सने संघाला आणखी मजबूत केले आहे. या वर्षी बलराज स्याल हे कप्तान आहे. बलराज गेल्या तीन वर्षांपासून प्रतिस्पर्धी संघासाठी खेळत होता. या प्रसंगी बोलताना बलराज म्हणाला, "मला क्रिकेट आवडते, ही एक सज्जन माणसाची खेळ आहे. आमचा टीम मालक संतोष गुप्ता एक प्रिय मित्र आहे. "

मुंबई टायगरच्या टीममध्ये अर्जुन बिजलानी (सह-मालक), सुयश राय, मयंक गांधी, शिखा सिंह शाह, आरती सिंग, नवराज हंस, आशिष शर्मा, गौरव बजाज, मनु पंजाबी, आलोक नरुला, झॅन खान, अभिलाष चौधरी, शाइनी डोशी, चिराग सेठी, वैशाली टक्कर, पुरवा राणा आणि आकाश आहूजा आहे. लॉन्च करण्यासाठी उपस्थित असलेले अर्जुन म्हणाले, "क्रिकेट आणि बॉलिवूड आमच्या देशात धर्माप्रमाणे आहेत हे सत्य आहे. लाहनपनात सचिन तेंडुलकर माझा देव होता आणि माझ्या खोलीत माझ्यासमोर मोठा पोस्टर होता. "

संतोष गुप्ता म्हणाले, "या वर्षी हा कार्यक्रम युवकांना आणि डिजिटल प्लॅटफॉर्मच्या प्रेक्षकांना लक्ष्य करेल. मला खात्री आहे की आमच्यासारख्या मजबूत संघासह आम्ही यावेळी ट्रॉफी उचलणार आहोत. " 

9 February 2018, Mumbai: Team Mumbai Tigers which has been one of the most popular teams of BCL has strengthened the team further with new players. This year Balraj Syal will be the new skipper; Balraj used to play for a competing team for the past 3 years. Speaking on the occasion Balraj said, “I love cricket, it’s a gentleman’s game. The best part of BCL is that you get paid for playing cricket with your friends. Our team owner Santosh Gupta is a dear friend, as well his company manages my work as well. All the players in the team are buddies.”

The Mumbai Tiger’s team comprises of Arjun Bijlani (also a co-owner), Suyash Rai, Mayank Gandhi, Shikha Singh Shah, Aarti Singh, Navraj Hans, Ashish Sharma, Gaurav Bajaj, Manu Punjabi, Alok Narula, Zaan Khan, Abhilash Chaudhary, Shiny Doshi, Chirag Sethi, Vaishali Takkar, Purva Rana and Aakash Ahuja. Arjun who was present for the launch said, “It’s a fact that Cricket and Bollywood are like a religion in our country. I used to be glued to TV set for hours as a kid while India was playing. Sachin Tendulkar was my God and I had a big poster of him in my room.”

Actress Vaishali Takkar said; “Sometimes the schedule becomes hectic as we practice late in the night after everyone packs up. We practice daily as the tournament is near.”
An ecstatic Santosh Gupta said, “This year the show will target the youth and the viewers of the digital platform. I am sure that the one of a kind unisex cricket matches will be a good source of fresh content for the young generation. I am sure that with a strong team like ours, we will lift the trophy this time.”

Hindi: बीसीएल की सबसे लोकप्रिय टीमों में से एक टीम मुंबई टाइगर्स ने नए खिलाड़ियों के साथ टीम को और मजबूत किया है। इस साल बलराज स्याल नए कप्तान होंगे; बलराज पिछले 3 वर्षों से एक प्रतिस्पर्धी टीम के लिए खेलते थे। 

इस अवसर पर बोलते हुए बलराज ने कहा, "मुझे क्रिकेट पसंद है। हमारी टीम के मालिक संतोष गुप्ता एक प्रिय मित्र हैं, साथ ही उनकी कंपनी मेरे काम को भी व्यवस्थित करती है। टीम के सभी खिलाड़ी दोस्त हैं। "

 मुंबई टाइगर की टीम में अर्जुन बिजलानी (सह-मालिक भी), सुअयेश राय, मयंक गांधी, शिखा सिंह शाह, आरती सिंह, नवराज हंस, आशीष शर्मा, गौरव बजाज, मनु पंजाबी, आलोक नरुला, जॅन खान, अभिलाष चौधरी, शाइनी डोशी, चिराग सेठी, वैशाली टक्कर, पुरवा राणा और आकाश आहूजा हैं। इस प्रक्षेपण के लिए उपस्थित हुए अर्जुन ने कहा, "यह सच है कि क्रिकेट और बॉलीवुड हमारे देश में एक धर्म की तरह हैं।"

उत्साही संतोष गुप्ता ने कहा, "इस साल यह शो युवाओं और डिजिटल मंच के दर्शकों को लक्षित करेगा। मुझे यकीन है कि युवा पीढ़ी को इस तरह का यूनिसेक्स क्रिकेट मैच पसंद आएगा। मुझे यकीन है कि हमारी मजबूत टीम के साथ, हम इस बार ट्रॉफी उठा लेंगे। "

Marathi: बीसीएलची सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय टीम मुम्बई टायगर्सने संघाला आणखी मजबूत केले आहे. या वर्षी बलराज स्याल हे कप्तान आहे. बलराज गेल्या तीन वर्षांपासून प्रतिस्पर्धी संघासाठी खेळत होता. या प्रसंगी बोलताना बलराज म्हणाला, "मला क्रिकेट आवडते, ही एक सज्जन माणसाची खेळ आहे. आमचा टीम मालक संतोष गुप्ता एक प्रिय मित्र आहे. "

मुंबई टायगरच्या टीममध्ये अर्जुन बिजलानी (सह-मालक), सुयश राय, मयंक गांधी, शिखा सिंह शाह, आरती सिंग, नवराज हंस, आशिष शर्मा, गौरव बजाज, मनु पंजाबी, आलोक नरुला, झॅन खान, अभिलाष चौधरी, शाइनी डोशी, चिराग सेठी, वैशाली टक्कर, पुरवा राणा आणि आकाश आहूजा आहे. लॉन्च करण्यासाठी उपस्थित असलेले अर्जुन म्हणाले, "क्रिकेट आणि बॉलिवूड आमच्या देशात धर्माप्रमाणे आहेत हे सत्य आहे. लाहनपनात सचिन तेंडुलकर माझा देव होता आणि माझ्या खोलीत माझ्यासमोर मोठा पोस्टर होता. "

संतोष गुप्ता म्हणाले, "या वर्षी हा कार्यक्रम युवकांना आणि डिजिटल प्लॅटफॉर्मच्या प्रेक्षकांना लक्ष्य करेल. मला खात्री आहे की आमच्यासारख्या मजबूत संघासह आम्ही यावेळी ट्रॉफी उचलणार आहोत. "

Saturday 10 February 2018

Bajaj Electricals partners with Kala Ghoda Art Festival 2018 as the presenting sponsor for the second consecutive year

Image result for bajaj electricals logo

Aims at promoting a sustainable future for our planet by engaging young audience through a mélange of art and culture

Mumbai, February 09, 2018: Bajaj Electricals Ltd., India’s leading consumer durable and lighting company, has yet again partnered with the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2018 for the second consecutive year as the presenting sponsor. Bajaj Electricals integration with the festival aims to support the ‘go-green’ theme and strengthen its connect with the youth.  The nine day multicultural festival is scheduled from February 03, 2018 to February 11, 2018 in Mumbai.

Every nook and corner of this South Mumbai’s festival promises to provide a never-before experience to the audience through multiple activities, craft stalls, amazing performances and cuisines.

Bajaj Electrical has again designed some interesting installations for the attendees to be inspired, be comforted and get indulge into their creative expressions. 

Bajaj Electricals Hara Ghoda - Corresponding to the theme this year, Hara Ghoda - the preservance of nature through art, Bajaj has created a beautiful art of a Horse with Bajaj LED Lights with the aim of transforming a fast growing concrete unsustainable terrain into a green landscape as it rides with a mission to spread the message of sustainable greener world.

Bajaj Electricals Tunnel - For an unforgettable ramp to art lovers, Bajaj has created an 80 feet long tunnel made full of energy efficient LED Lights promoting greener and sustainable future.

Bajaj Wishing Tree - The festival goers will also witness an exclusively designed wishing tree where 1000 LED Bulbs are installed which consumes 0.5k watt energy. 

Bajaj Electricals “Kitaab” – Understanding the electricity problems in rural areas and small towns, this year Bajaj Electricals is promoting education for children by creating a special place “Kitaab” using solar energy and LED bulbs supporting the initiative where children can study at night.

Bajaj Electricals Lounge - From a beautiful combination of nature, lights and technology with Bajaj Electricals Lights, appliances, coolers and fans, Bajaj has created a lounge, where art lovers can relax and take a break from being wowed by all the art around. 

Bajaj Electricals being the exclusive appliance partner has also organized a cookery workshop with the celebrity chefs where visitors can learn some scrumptious recipes using Bajaj’s most innovative appliances.
To revel the joy of music lovers, Bajaj Electricals has also sponsored Benny Dayal’s live concert.

Mr. Anant Bajaj, JMD, Bajaj Electricals, speaking about the event said, “We are extremely delighted to be associated with Kala Ghoda festival for the second time. It is a one stop destination for people interested in art, culture and literature. This partnership will strengthen our ties with the youth and reinforce our brand ethos, providing us a platform to drive the message of eco-friendliness and preservance of nature. With all the interesting installations our strong focus is to enhance overall consumer experiences which provide us a perfect platform for a larger brand connect.”

Thursday 8 February 2018

दादरमध्ये रंगणार दोन दिवासीय गोवा फेस्टीवल २०१८

मुंबई दि. ५ – प्रतिनिधी - दरवर्षी प्रमाणे यंदाही आठव्या गोवा फेस्टीवलचे आयोजन दादर येथील डॉ. अँटोनियो डिसिल्वा टेक्निकल हायस्कूल येथे करण्यात आहे.   १० व ११ फेब्रुवारी २०१८ असे दोन दिवस गोवा फेस्टीवल होणार आहे. गोव्यातील संस्कृतीचा प्रसाररोजगार निर्मितीसाठी व तेथील वस्तुंना जागतिक बाजारपेठ उपलब्ध व्हवी या हेतूने या गोवा फेस्टीवलच आम्ही गोयंकार या संस्थेतर्फे करण्यात आले आहे.
या दोन दिवसाच्या महोत्सवात पन्नास स्टॉल्स असून  हे स्टॉल्स दोन्ही दिवस सकाळी १० ते रात्री १० पर्यत खुले राहणार आहेत.  यामध्ये विविध स्पर्धा ,चर्चासत्र संगीत, मनोरंजानाचे कार्यक्रम  आदी चे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. दरवर्षी प्रमाणे यंदाही या गोवा महोत्सवात रसिकांना निःशुल्क प्रवेश राहणार आहे.  
महोत्सवेच उदघाटन १० फेब्रुवारी २०१८ रोजी सकाळी १० वाजता  होणार आहे. सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या मंगल वागळे यांच्या हस्ते होणार आहे. याप्रसंगी गणेश स्तोत्र व अर्थवशीषचे पाठ हे सामाजिक सेवा संघाचे विद्यार्थी करणार आहेत. याप्रसंगी मंगल वागळे व गीता कपाडिया याच्यांशी संवाद साधला जाणार आहे. त्यानंतर फळे व फळभाज्या शास्त्रशुद्ध पद्धतीने कसे स्वच्छ करावे याचे मार्गदर्शन पिंकी खाबिया करणार आहेत. त्यानंतर  कोंकणी बोलण्याची स्पर्धा कोंकणी साहित्याचे उगडास गजाली  आणि गीता यासारखे कार्यक्रमाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. महोत्सवाच्या दुसऱ्या दिवशी विविध स्पर्धाचे आयोजन करण्यात आले असून यामध्ये गुटगुटीत बालकांची स्पर्धा पाकस्पर्धा टॅलेन्ट स्पर्धा,  संगीत कार्यक्रम तसेच विविध क्षेत्रात उत्तुंग कामगिरी करणा-या व्यक्तींना जीवन गौरव पुरस्काराने सन्मानित करण्यात येणार आहे.  यंदा गोवा महोत्सवामध्ये भारती दानैत याचे एक्यूप्रेशर  हे खास वैशिष्ट्य असणार आहे.  

गोवा महोत्सवाचे आकर्षण तेथील विविध प्रकारचे स्टॉल्स असणार असून  रसिकांना या महोत्सावात गोवाचे वैशिष्टय असलेली कलाकुसरी पाहायला व खरेदी करण्याचाही आनंदही मिळणार आहे. तसेच खाद्यप्रेमींसाठी गोव्याचे प्रसिद्ध असलेले माश्याचे विविध प्रकाराच्या पाककृतीच्या चवीचा आस्वादही मिळणार आहे.

Saturday 3 February 2018


- 'Fandry' and 'Half Ticket' makers collaborate on the upcoming 'Raakshas'
- Directed by Dnyanesh Zoting, the film stars Sharad Kelkar and Saie Tamhankar in the lead
- The film is being touted to be one of the most awaited Marathi films of 2018

After collaborating on acclaimed films like 'Shala' and 'Fandry', National award winning producers Vivek Kajaria and Nilesh Navalakha are uniting for this unique film under their banners, Nilesh Navalakha Arts and Holy Basil Productions. Also this time, producer - director Samit Kakkad will be joining the two as a presenter of the film under his label Samit Kakkad Films.

The highly anticipated feature directed by Dnyanesh Zoting today launched it’s official trailer at a grand event with the entire cast and crew present, including Marathi super stars Saie Tamhankar and Sharad Kelkar. The film is set to release on February 23, sees Zoting’s childhood experiences visiting tribal areas woven into the premise of the film.

Starring highly acclaimed actors Saie Tamhankar and Sharad Kelkar in the lead, the film also boasts a supporting cast of noted actors Rutuja Deshpande, Dayashankar Pandey, Vijay Maurya, Yakub Saeed, Purnanand Wandekar, Sakshi Vyawahare, Abhijit Zhunzarrao, Somnath Limbarkar among others.

The story of Raakshas unfolds in a deep forest that is dark and mysterious. It shows Sai Tamhankar in search of something, a little girl who says her ‘Father has been swallowed by a monster in the Forest’.

The mega feature 'Raakshas' is set to release on 23rd February across Maharashtra.

With Passion, Forging New Possibilities: Singapore Tourism Board connects with travel trade in three cities

2017 was a record year for Singapore Tourism Board - India jumps to third largest source market for visitors into Singapore
Mumbai, 2 February 2018: India has moved up to the third position from the fourth in terms of visitor arrival to Singapore along with a double digit growth of 17% growth until October 2017 and it continues to be the third largest tourism receipts generating market for Singapore. To deepen this relationship with the Indian travel trade, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) organized a two-city roadshow in Mumbai and Jaipur and set up a Singapore: Passion Made Possible pavilion at SATTE New Delhi 2018. The first road show was flagged off in Mumbai on 23 January followed by Jaipur on 25 January and wrapping up in Delhi with SATTE from 31January – 2 February 2018.
2017 was a landmark year for STB with strategic associations with a major Bollywood movie ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’, participation in cruise forums, travel trade conferences such as SATTE, partnerships with airlines, launch of the Vegetarian Food Guide, penetration in the regional markets such as Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow, etc. and the unveiling of a new brand identity, Singapore: Passion made Possible. Taking this forward, this year will be centered around the theme ‘With Passion, Forging New Possibilities.’
The roadshows featured stakeholders from Singapore representing hotels, airlines, integrated resorts, attractions, Destination Management Companies (DMC) and cruise operators interacting and networking with STB’s travel and trade partners in India. The delegation was led by Mr. G.B Srithar, Regional Director (SAMEA) for Singapore Tourism Board, Mr. Adrian Kong, Area Director (South Asia) for Singapore Tourism Board. Joining them was Ms. Lynette Ang, Chief Marketing Officer, Sentosa Development Corporation.
Mr. GB Srithar, while addressing the audience, spoke about deepening existing partnerships and fostering new ones with the travel trade partners. He emphasized the need to bring unique and evolving travel experiences in Singapore to the Indian audience. He said, “India has always been a key source market for Singapore. We are happy to have already crossed 2016’s full year 1.1 million visitor arrivals mark from India as at end October 2017. We humbly thank all our travel and trade media fraternity for their support in bringing our destination promotion messages to our audiences. Through our roadshows and participation at SATTE Delhi 2018, we seek to renew our ties with the travel trade, entrench existing partnerships and forge new ones through creative promotions, and in the process, ensuring meaningful results for both our Singapore stakeholders and the local travel trade. With overall tourist outbound from India on the rise, we look forward to another successful year of Indian visitorship to Singapore.”

Thursday 1 February 2018

Sanjay Jadhav’s Ye Re Ye Re Paisaa continues to shine at the box office

        “Ye Re Ye Re Paisa” had a blockbuster opening at the box office in this new year. We have seen that there’s always a drift going on between the number of theatres allotted to Marathi film and Hindi film. Generally, any Marathi film gets an opening of 100+ theatres. It is very hard for a Marathi film to sustain for a long time in theatres, very few of them could make this possible for example "Lay Bhari" "Sairat" and now "YRYRP". “Padmavat” got released after facing too much of contravening which also got a good opening at box office. Despite all of this Sanjay Jadhav’s No-Logic Comedy Entertainer “Ye Re Ye Re Paisa” seems no plan to stop at the box office. In its fourth week, the film is successfully running with 125 theatres. Having such big-budget Bollywood film frontward but audiences have more commendation towards “YRYRP” which is a very big deal for a Marathi Entertainment Film. That shows new-gen audiences has become wiser over the period of time.

फिटनेस फ्रिक अमृता


                नुकत्याच झालेल्या 'महाराष्ट्राचा फेवरेट कोण?'  ह्या सोहळ्यात अभिनेत्री अमृता खानविलकर चा धमेकदार नृत्य पाहून प्रेक्षकांनी तिला भरभरून दाद दिली आहे. सोहळ्याची तयारी पासून ते सोहळा संपन्न होईपर्यंत अमृताचा कमालीचा उत्साह तिने टाकलेल्या सोशल साईट वरच्या विडिओ वरून दिसत आहे. विडिओ मध्ये ती डान्स ची रिहर्सल करताना दिसते.

          त्यावर नुकतंच तिने सोशल साईट वर  लाईव्ह येऊन प्रेक्षकांशी संवाद साधला. ह्या वेळी आणखी एक घोषणा तिने केली ती म्हणजे नव्या वर्षात अमृता फिटनेस बद्दल चाहत्यांना काही टिप्स देणार आहे. "तू फिट काशी राहतेस किंवा तू मुळातच बारीक आहेस असं अनेकांनी मला सांगितलं पण असं नसून फिटनेस साठी सातत्य आणि मेहनत ह्या दोन गोष्टींचा सामना करावा लागतो आणि म्हणून पुढचे काही महिने मी फिटनेस वर बोलणार आहे" असं अमृता सांगते. या लाईव्ह चॅट मध्ये चाहत्यांनी तिला राजकारणात यायचा विचार आहे का? ते तिच्या आवडत्या कलकारा बद्दल प्रश्न विचारले. 

               सध्या अमृता डान्स इंडिया डान्स चं सुत्रांसंचालक करत आहे तर मेघना गुलजार दिग्दर्शित 'राझी' ह्या हिंदी चित्रपटात ती दिसणार आहे.

सुमेधच्या "बकेट लिस्ट" मध्ये नवा चित्रपट


               'व्हेंटिलेटर' आणि 'मांजा' या दोन सुपरहिट चित्रपटानंतर सुमेध मुद्गलकर पुन्हा एकदा चाहत्यांच्या बकेट लिस्ट मधील इच्छा पूर्ण करण्यासाठी सज्ज झाला आहे. २०१७ मध्ये आपल्या अभिनयाच्या कारकिर्दी मधून सुमेध नेहमीच चर्चेत होता. झी टॉकीज प्रस्तुत "महाराष्ट्राचा फेव्हरेट कोण?" आणि "रेडिओ सिटी सिने अवॉर्ड्स" या दोन्ही पुरस्कार सोहळ्यामध्ये सुमेधने वेगवेगळ्या कॅटेगरी मध्ये त्याने नामांकन पटकावली. तसेच या आधी 'डान्स महाराष्ट्र डान्स','डान्स इंडिया डान्स सिझन ४', 'दिल दोस्ती डान्स' आणि सम्राट अशोका यांसारख्या मालिका आणि रिअॅलिटी शो मधून अभिनेता सुमेध मुद्गलकर हा घराघरात पोहोचला. 

             प्रत्येक वेळीस एखादी वेगळी भूमिका करण्याचा प्रयत्न अभिनेता सुमेध मुद्गलकर करत असतो. त्याच्या याच अनोख्या अंदाजामुळे हा नवोदित आणि तरुण अभिनेता पुन्हा एकदा चर्चेत आला आहे तो म्हणजे माधुरी दीक्षित - नेने स्टारर "बकेट लिस्ट " ह्या चित्रपटामुळे.  काही महिनांपुर्वी सुमेधने माधुरी दीक्षित सोबतच फोटो सोशल मीडिया वर अपलोड केला होता त्यामुळे सुमेध आता कोणत्या नवीन भूमिकेमध्ये असणार या साठी त्याचा चाहता वर्ग वाट बघतोय.

Microwave based Brix measurement technology will help sugarcane farmers .

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