Monday 4 December 2017

"डॉ. तात्या लहाने | अंगार ... पावर इस विदीन” चे म्युझिक लाँच !!

"कथा मातृत्वाचीकथा संघर्षाची, कथा त्यागाची, कथा जिद्धीची"

पद्मश्री डॉतात्या लहाने यांच्या कारकिर्दीला मानवंदना देणारा आणि त्यांच्या संघर्षात्मक जीवनावर दृष्टिक्षेप टाकणारा "डॉतात्या लहाने | अंगार... पॉवरइज विदीनया चित्रपटाचा वणवा संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रभर पेटतच चाललाय. अश्या या चित्रपटाच्या गाण्याचा दिमाखदार प्रकाशन सोहळा सिटी लाइट बँक्वेट्समाहीम (पश्चिम) येथे करण्यात लायावेळी मकरंद अनासपुरेअलका कुबलडॉनिशिगंधा वाडसाधना सरगमचित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शक  निर्माते विरागमधुमालती वानखडेसहाय्यक निर्मात्या वंदना वानखडे, चित्रपट सादरकर्ते रीना ग्रवाल, समाजसेवक चंद्रकुमार जाजोदिया ई. मान्यवर उपस्थित होते.चित्रपटाने रिले सिंगिंगच्या माध्यमातून गिनीज बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड मध्ये विश्वविक्रम नोंदविलेल्या 'काळोखाला भेदून टाकू जीवनाला उजळून टाकू'  यागीताचे साधना सरगम आणि विराग यांनी सादरीकरण करून आनंद द्विगुणीत केला.
संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रातील गावा-गावात व खेड्यापाड्यात या चित्रपटाचे प्रमोशन सुरु असून अतिशय भरभरून प्रतिसाद मिळत आहे. बऱ्याच शाळा व महाविद्यालयांनी आपल्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी ग्रुप बुकिंग केले आहे. लायन व रोटरी क्लब तर्फे देखील गरीब विद्यार्थ्यांना व आश्रम शाळांना या चित्रपटाचा लाभ घेता यावा म्हणून ग्रुप बुकिंग ची मागणी केली आहे.
"डॉतात्या लहाने ... अंगार... पॉवर इज विदीनहा चित्रपट विराग मधुमालती एंटरटेनमेंट निर्मित असून तो १२ जानेवारी २०१८ रोजी चित्रपटगृहातप्रदर्शित होणार आहेहा चित्रपट डॉतात्या लहाने यांच्या जीवनावर प्रक्षेपित केला असून कसे त्यांनी बिकट परिस्थितीचा सामना करत आपले वैद्यकीयशिक्षण पूर्ण केले  या क्षेत्रात आपले एक वेगळे स्थान निर्माण केले आहे तसेच त्यांच्या आईने स्वतःची एक किडनी तात्यांना दान करून त्यांनापुनर्जन्म देऊन समाजाला अवयव दानाचा महत्वपूर्ण संदेशही यातून दिला आहेडॉलहानेंचा ध्यासकष्टसंघर्ष  त्यांच्या आईची त्यांना मिळालेलीसाथ एकूणच त्यांच्या आयुष्यातील घडलेल्या घटना इतरांसाठी प्रेरणादायी ठरणाऱ्या आहेतडॉतात्या लहाने यांची ही "बायोपिकआजच्या तरुणाईसाठीनक्कीच मार्गदर्शक ठरणार आहेहा चित्रपट समाजाला नवीन दिशा  विद्यार्थी वर्गाला नवचैतन्य  प्रेरणा देणारा ठरेल असा विश्वास चित्रपटाच्या विशेष सादरीकरणानंतर समाजातील प्रत्येक घटकांकडून व्यक्त करण्यात येत आहे.
या चित्रपटाने रिले सिंगिंगच्या माध्यमातून गिनीज बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड मध्ये विश्वविक्रम नोंदविला असून 'काळोखाला भेदून टाकू जीवनाला उजळूनटाकू'... हे गाणं सिनेमात गायिका साधना सरगम आणि विराग यांनी स्वतः गायले आहे“का रे माझ्या मना छळतोस तू मला” हे तात्यारावांच्या जीवनातील अनेक उतार चढाव दर्शविणारे गीत  केतकी माटेगावकर व विराग यांच्या आवाजात आहे. तसेच त्यांच्या बालपणीचा कठोर संघर्ष व त्यांची जिद्द  “झाले घाव जरी काळजा तरी..हूर हूर ना आता या जीवा” या गीताद्वारे मांडण्यात आली आहे. चित्रपटाचे संगीत “एक हिंदुस्तानी” नामक संगीतकाराने दिले असून त्यांनी आपले नाव गुपित ठेवून तात्यांच्या कार्याला आपल्या संगीताद्वारे मानवंदना दिली आहे. चित्रपटाचे पार्श्वसंगीत समीर – सचिन यांचे असून विराग मधुमालती व राहुल साळवे यांनी गाणी स्वरबद्ध केली आहेत.  
या चित्रपटात अभिनेता मकरंद अनासपुरे हे डॉलहाने यांच्या प्रमुख भूमिकेत असूनअलका कुबल ह्या त्यांच्या आई अंजना बाईंच्या भूमिकेत आहेत.डॉ. रागिणी पारेख यांच्या भूमिकेत डॉ निशिगंधा वाड असून भारत गणेशपुरे व रमेश देव यांनीही विशेष भूमिका साकारल्या आहेत."डॉतात्या लहाने | अंगार ... पावर इस विदीन” चे म्युझिक लाँच !!
"कथा मातृत्वाचीकथा संघर्षाची, कथा त्यागाची, कथा जिद्धीची"

पद्मश्री डॉतात्या लहाने यांच्या कारकिर्दीला मानवंदना देणारा आणि त्यांच्या संघर्षात्मक जीवनावर दृष्टिक्षेप टाकणारा "डॉतात्या लहाने | अंगार... पॉवरइज विदीनया चित्रपटाचा वणवा संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रभर पेटतच चाललाय. अश्या या चित्रपटाच्या गाण्याचा दिमाखदार प्रकाशन सोहळा सिटी लाइट बँक्वेट्समाहीम (पश्चिम) येथे करण्यात लायावेळी मकरंद अनासपुरेअलका कुबलडॉनिशिगंधा वाडसाधना सरगमचित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शक  निर्माते विरागमधुमालती वानखडेसहाय्यक निर्मात्या वंदना वानखडे, चित्रपट सादरकर्ते रीना ग्रवाल, समाजसेवक चंद्रकुमार जाजोदिया ई. मान्यवर उपस्थित होते.चित्रपटाने रिले सिंगिंगच्या माध्यमातून गिनीज बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड मध्ये विश्वविक्रम नोंदविलेल्या 'काळोखाला भेदून टाकू जीवनाला उजळून टाकू'  यागीताचे साधना सरगम आणि विराग यांनी सादरीकरण करून आनंद द्विगुणीत केला.
संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रातील गावा-गावात व खेड्यापाड्यात या चित्रपटाचे प्रमोशन सुरु असून अतिशय भरभरून प्रतिसाद मिळत आहे. बऱ्याच शाळा व महाविद्यालयांनी आपल्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी ग्रुप बुकिंग केले आहे. लायन व रोटरी क्लब तर्फे देखील गरीब विद्यार्थ्यांना व आश्रम शाळांना या चित्रपटाचा लाभ घेता यावा म्हणून ग्रुप बुकिंग ची मागणी केली आहे.
"डॉतात्या लहाने ... अंगार... पॉवर इज विदीनहा चित्रपट विराग मधुमालती एंटरटेनमेंट निर्मित असून तो १२ जानेवारी २०१८ रोजी चित्रपटगृहातप्रदर्शित होणार आहेहा चित्रपट डॉतात्या लहाने यांच्या जीवनावर प्रक्षेपित केला असून कसे त्यांनी बिकट परिस्थितीचा सामना करत आपले वैद्यकीयशिक्षण पूर्ण केले  या क्षेत्रात आपले एक वेगळे स्थान निर्माण केले आहे तसेच त्यांच्या आईने स्वतःची एक किडनी तात्यांना दान करून त्यांनापुनर्जन्म देऊन समाजाला अवयव दानाचा महत्वपूर्ण संदेशही यातून दिला आहेडॉलहानेंचा ध्यासकष्टसंघर्ष  त्यांच्या आईची त्यांना मिळालेलीसाथ एकूणच त्यांच्या आयुष्यातील घडलेल्या घटना इतरांसाठी प्रेरणादायी ठरणाऱ्या आहेतडॉतात्या लहाने यांची ही "बायोपिकआजच्या तरुणाईसाठीनक्कीच मार्गदर्शक ठरणार आहेहा चित्रपट समाजाला नवीन दिशा  विद्यार्थी वर्गाला नवचैतन्य  प्रेरणा देणारा ठरेल असा विश्वास चित्रपटाच्या विशेष सादरीकरणानंतर समाजातील प्रत्येक घटकांकडून व्यक्त करण्यात येत आहे.
या चित्रपटाने रिले सिंगिंगच्या माध्यमातून गिनीज बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड मध्ये विश्वविक्रम नोंदविला असून 'काळोखाला भेदून टाकू जीवनाला उजळूनटाकू'... हे गाणं सिनेमात गायिका साधना सरगम आणि विराग यांनी स्वतः गायले आहे“का रे माझ्या मना छळतोस तू मला” हे तात्यारावांच्या जीवनातील अनेक उतार चढाव दर्शविणारे गीत  केतकी माटेगावकर व विराग यांच्या आवाजात आहे. तसेच त्यांच्या बालपणीचा कठोर संघर्ष व त्यांची जिद्द  “झाले घाव जरी काळजा तरी..हूर हूर ना आता या जीवा” या गीताद्वारे मांडण्यात आली आहे. चित्रपटाचे संगीत “एक हिंदुस्तानी” नामक संगीतकाराने दिले असून त्यांनी आपले नाव गुपित ठेवून तात्यांच्या कार्याला आपल्या संगीताद्वारे मानवंदना दिली आहे. चित्रपटाचे पार्श्वसंगीत समीर – सचिन यांचे असून विराग मधुमालती व राहुल साळवे यांनी गाणी स्वरबद्ध केली आहेत.  
या चित्रपटात अभिनेता मकरंद अनासपुरे हे डॉलहाने यांच्या प्रमुख भूमिकेत असूनअलका कुबल ह्या त्यांच्या आई अंजना बाईंच्या भूमिकेत आहेत.डॉ. रागिणी पारेख यांच्या भूमिकेत डॉ निशिगंधा वाड असून भारत गणेशपुरे व रमेश देव यांनीही विशेष भूमिका साकारल्या आहेत.

Powerpay e-wallet app and a pre-paid card officially launched by Satyapal Singh, Minister of State for Human Resource Development

PowerPay, brings to you a unique e-wallet app and a pre-paid card that are synced together to give customers the best of both worlds

Mumbai, December 2nd, 2017: PowerPay, a unique e-wallet app and a prepaid card service was launched in a grand event on Saturday, 2nd December 2017, at NSCI Dome, Mumbai. The event was graced by Shree Param Pujya Naypadmasagarji Maharaj Saheb Swami and Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Mr. Satyapal Singh along with other dignitaries.

PowerPay, aims at accelerating digital forms of payments by providing a unique e-wallet app and a prepaid card service. The PowerPay e-wallet Service allows you to carry out online shopping, buying insurance, making bill payments and a whole lot more. The PowerPay card, on the other hand, can be swiped at the ‘brick & mortar stores’ to make your purchase. Customers can add funds to their e-wallet online or recharge their pre-paid card at the nearest grocery store.  The funds and expenditure will show online and will reflect on the card, on the account of both being synced together for the customers’ convenience. One can purchase the powerpay Card at INR 250/- only.

Powerpay additionally offers mediclaim insurance plan designed in a way to provide maximum benefits to its customers. PowerPay Prepaid card users can use insurance at a click of a button. These benefits are also for those who have been prediagnosed with diseases. The policy can be availed easily without any medical test and can be bought online through the PowerPay App and is applicable to adults till the age of 80. PowerPay generously offers maternity expense coverage for women along with tax benefits on medical treatments.

The event was graced by spiritual guru Shree Param Pujya Naypadmasagarji Maharaj Saheb Swami, the mentor and conceptualizer of Jain International Organization (JIO), showering his blessings and good wishes “We are grateful to Mr. Paras Shah for initiating a program which mainly focuses on the wellbeing of the society. Initiatives like these are a way to give back to our motherland. I am extremely elated to be a part of this noble gesture”. Said Shree Param Pujya Naypadmasagarji Maharaj Saheb Swami.

The event was a platform for people of all ages, from, several communities who served as an audience leading to an enormous footfall. Mr. Satyapal Singh launched PowerPay and emphasised on its two strong product offerings - the Mediclaim insurance and cashless digital payment. The discussion focused on the need for a robust digital payments ecosystem in the country and the importance of health insurance for every individual.

PowerPay has created an exciting marketplace that is complete with a wide product category keeping in mind the needs/choices of every age group. Customers can employ the e-wallet service to make payments and in case don’t have access to any device, they can completely rely on the PowerPay card.

“Our brand is designed for each one of you, the benefits of the card are massive and will aid in smoothening the transactional processes in India. Several people die every year due to improper medical facilities, this card will help them bear their medical expenses.” We have tried to offer the best possible deals and discounts. We sincerely hope that the product will be of immense support.” said Paras Shah, Managing Director, PowerPay India Pvt Ltd.

Saturday 2 December 2017

A veggie delight for Indian travelers from Singapore Tourism

Mumbai, 30 November 2017: Singapore has always been a holiday destination full of surprises for all footfalls from across the globe. From new activities, festivals, shopping and   entertainment, the focus is now on food.

For  the Indian travelers  who believe  in choosing their holiday locales  vis-a-vis food and  in particular vegetarian  food,   Singapore Tourism Board  has   gone way ahead  in presenting a scrumptious platter  through its latest  offering – a Vegetarian  Food Guide that will appeal Indian  travellers  beyond compare.

A meatless diet in Singapore is not difficult to digest and at a time when Indians have also joined the race of being health conscious and aspire to have ‘healthy holidays,’ Singapore Tourism gives a new fillip to this segment.

GB Srithar, Regional Director – South Asia, Middle East & Africa (SAMEA), Singapore Tourism Board, said, “The first of its kind food guide by Singapore Tourism for vegetarian footfalls presents a plethora of options which they can savour and relish.  Singapore allows you to go on (vegetarian) gastronomic adventures round-the-clock, with dining establishments and food stalls offering varied food options catered to your dietary needs. As more and more people seek to be healthier in their dining choices, they are increasingly turning to vegan options. And Singapore gives you the perfect reasons to be happy vegans, not just for health but also for splendid taste reasons, while you immerse yourself in your holiday or business trip.”

Data has it that more than a million Indian travellers visit Singapore annually. Taking into consideration the fact that Indian visitors to Singapore may have specific dietary requirements, Singapore Tourism ensures that being vegetarian is not a challenge. Whether street food, food courts, main stream restaurants or hotels, Singapore tourism has added a new flavour to vegetarian food through its new campaign ‘Passion made Possible’ for Indian travellers. It brings out the best that Singapore has to offer its vegetarian visitors at its over 500 vegan and vegetarian restaurants.

The food guide has sections on Vegan, Gluten-free & even Organic food. This guide not only offers information about the best places to eat at but it also has details on where to find specific ingredients, cooking classes that Indian travellers can sign up for & food-related souvenirs that travellers should come back with. With a fun, colourful layout it also comprises conversations with passionate individuals who add vibrancy to Singapore’s gastronomic fabric.

The Vegetarian food guide with mesmerising pictures and in-depth content on food to appeal vegetarians is already on the stands.


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~ M.S. Ramaiah Institute Of Technology College Student wins the Red Bull Desert Wings University Challenge National Finals in Mumbai ~
~ Winner gets a chance to compete for the Ultimate Dakar experience in Peru ~

30th November 2017: Narsee Monjee, Vile Parle witnessed the national finals of the inaugural edition of Red Bull Desert Wings University Challenge, a thrilling competition for students who are motorsport enthusiasts. At this highly competitive, remote controlled, ‘mini Dakar’ race with 8 finalists, Rohith Mahalikudi set the fastest time – 7.518 secs- on a specially created track.

Taking place for the first time ever in India, Red Bull Desert Wings University Challenge had five qualifiers in Patiala, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Mumbai. Winners from each qualifier competed in the finals at Narsee Monjee College, Mumbai on 30th November 2017. The winner Rohit Mahalikudi has earned an all-expenses paid trip to Peru to compete in the World Finals at the University of Le Havre on 16th January 2018. The national winner will also get the opportunity to witness the toughest rally raid the Dakar Rally in Lima, Peru. Any university student above 18 years of age and holding a valid passport is eligible to participate.

After winning the Red Bull Desert Wings Rohit said, “I never expected such a big opportunity to come my way. Two days ago I did not imagine I’d be taking part in such an event. Red Bull changed all of that, they came to my college and I took part. I’m very surprised and pleasantly shocked that I’m going to Peru, I’m sure it’s going to be an amazing experience.”
Date: 12th November 2017
Venue: Thapar University, COS Complex, Patiala
Winner: Sarthak Gupta - Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College popularly known as S.D. College, Chandigarh – 14.3 seconds
Number of Participants: 81 took part (147 registrations).

Date: 18th November 2017
Venue: Birla Institute of Technology & Science, basketball court, Pilani, Hyderabad
Winner - Ashutosh Andhari – BITS Pilani - 16.183 seconds
Number of Participants: 84 took part (148 registrations)

Date: 24th November 2017
Venue: Amity University, Atrium Area, Kolkata
Male winner: Piyush Jindal – Amity University, Kolkata – 10.506 seconds
Woman winner (wildcard entry): Vidhi Singrodia – Amity University - 14.083 seconds
Number of participants: 84 took part (106 registrations)

Date: 28th November 2017
Venue: Ramaiah Institute of Technology, MSR Nagar, New BEL Road, Bangalore
Winner: Rohith  Mahalikudi – M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology – 10.076secs
Number of Participants: 64

Date: 30th November 2017
Venue: Narsee Monjee College, Vile Parle, Mumbai
Wild Card entry winner - Desert Wings challenge conducted at IGX is – Manan Nagda
Winner: Ayush Gurnani - Narsee Monjee College, Vile Parle- 10.042 secs
Number of participants: 84

National Finals
Date: 30th November 2017
Venue: Narsee Monjee College, Vile Parle, Mumbai
Winner: Rohith Mahalikudi - M.S. Ramaiah Institute Of Technology – 7.518 secs

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मिस अर्थ इंडिया' हेमल इंगळे चं मराठी चित्रपट 'आस' मधून पदार्पण !

भारताच्या मानुषी छिल्लर ने नुकताच 'मिस वर्ल्ड' 'किताब जिंकला आणि देशवासीयांची मान अभिमानाने वर केली. सतरा वर्षांपूर्वी 'मिस वर्ल्ड' चा मुकुट प्रियांका चोप्राने भारतात आणला होता. त्यानंतर प्रियंकाने अभिनयक्षेत्रात मेहनतीने आपले वेगळे स्थान निर्माण केले व हॉलिवूडमध्ये यशस्वी होत बॉलिवूडची ती पहिली इंटरनॅशनल स्टार बनली. सौंदर्यस्पर्धा जिंकल्यावर बऱ्याच विजेत्या सुंदरींचा पुढचा स्टॉप असतो तो म्हणजे चित्रपटक्षेत्र. आणि त्यात वावगं काहीच नाही कारण चित्रपट आणि सौंदर्य हातात हात घालून चालत असतात. अशीच एक सौंदर्यस्पर्धेची विजेती आपल्या मातृभाषेतील चित्रपटक्षेत्रात पाऊल टाकतेय. 'मिस अर्थ इंडिया' चा मुकुट संपादन केलेली हेमल इंगळे मराठी चित्रपट 'आस' मधून मराठी चित्रसृष्टीत पदार्पण करीत आहे.
कोल्हापुरात वाढलेल्या या मराठमोळ्या मुलीने, हेमल इंगळे ने, पर्यावरण संवर्धनावर आधारित असलेल्या सौंदर्यस्पर्धेत 'मिस अर्थ इंडिया' हा प्रतिष्ठित 'किताब मिळवला. दिल्लीत रंगलेल्या या स्पर्धेत महाराष्ट्रातून ५ तर देशभरातून ३५ मुलींनी भाग घेतला होता आणि अंतिम फेरीत हेमल इंगळे भारताची प्रतिनिधी म्हणून अव्वल ठरली होती. त्यानंतर हेमलने सातासमुद्रापार अमेरिकेत होणाऱ्या 'मिस अर्थ वर्ल्ड' या जागतिक सौंदर्यस्पर्धेत भारताचं प्रतिनिधित्व केलं होतं.

तर, हेमल इंगळे ही सौंदर्यवती आता आपल्या मातृभाषेतील चित्रपटक्षेत्रात पदार्पण करीत आहे. कथा-पटकथा-संवाद लेखक तसेच निर्माते आणि दिग्दर्शक मनोज विशे यांच्या 'आस' या चित्रपटात ती मध्यवर्ती भूमिकेत आहे. 'पहिल्यांदाच चित्रपटात भूमिका करत असूनही तिने नवखेपणाचा लवलेशही दर्शविला नाही. खरोखरच हेमल इंगळे ही 'ब्युटी विथ ब्रेन्स' आहे. तिचा अभिनय बघून ती लवकरच आघाडीची अभिनेत्री होणार यात शंकाच नाही' असं 'आस' चित्रपटाचे निर्माते- दिग्दर्शक मनोज विशे यांनी सांगितलं.

स्वरनाद क्रिएशन ची प्रस्तुती असलेला मनोज विशे दिग्दर्शित 'आस' लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येत आहे.

Monday 27 November 2017

Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and many more attend the Memorial Day 26/11 event

CM Shri Devendra Fadnavis at 26/11 Memorial Day program organised by Forum for awareness of National Security (FANS) honored the families of our martyrs who lost their lives in the 26/11 attacks. This event was to highlight the sacrifices of our unsung heroes.

The event was graced by the presence of Mananiya Indresh Kumar Nat. Exec. Member, RSS, and Hon’ble Minister of State for Home Affairs, Hansraj Gangaram Ahir. Also to extend their love and support to the families, present at the event were Bhushan Kumar, Smt Kirit Somaiya, MP, Mumbai North East, and Maharashtra ,Sh. Jasbir Singh, Chairman Rajasthan Minority Commission 

Saturday 25 November 2017

Goa in the list of top five Indian States in Tourism

Panjim, Nov 24: Here’s a huge year ending cheer for Goa! The 5th biennial Hotelivate State Ranking Survey for Tourism done in association with the World Travel & Tourism Council-India Initiative (WTTC-II) has ranked Goa 3rd in the list of top five states in tourism. While Delhi and Maharashtra are at the top two places, Goa stands third followed by Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.
The survey   which looked  at States from the hospitality industry’s standpoint considered 11 parameters  namely: state expenditure on tourism, number of tourist visits, number of branded hotel rooms, GSDP per capital, literacy, aircraft movement, ease of doing business, urbanization, road and rail network, marketing campaigns and some intangible aspects.

In the survey report, Goa is placed among the top three positions in four parameters: State Expenditure on Tourism, Presence of Branded Hotel Rooms, GSDP per Capita and Urbanization.

The reports states that Goa has the second-highest density of Branded Hotel Rooms in India, and has consistently been maintaining its rank over the last four surveys. Both these aspects highlight Goa's attractiveness as a tourist destination from the perspective of tourists, hoteliers and the government alike.

Unlike Delhi or Haryana, Goa being one of India's foremost leisure destinations, its branded hotel room supply, showed a growth by 14.0% since the last edition of this report. The report states that this it is an indication of the lucrative nature of the market for the hotel industry.

As far as State expenditure on tourism, Goa leads the states in terms of tourism spend in 2016-17 with 0.673% of its expenditure allocated for travel and tourism. Moving up from rank 3 to rank 1, Goa has displaced Sikkim which previously maintained rank 1 for the past three editions of this report.

Under Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP), Goa, Delhi and Sikkim continue to maintain the top three positions in the country.  As far as urbanization, Delhi, Goa and Mizoram ranked 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Hon’ble Minister for Tourism, Mr. Manohar Ajgaonkar said, “Goa Tourism is in the spotlight again for achieving success in various tourism parameters. It should be our endeavour to break rank and get to the top and work on improving in those parameters where we are lagging behind.  Our focus should be to increase and improve our infrastructure, investments and attract more tourists to Goa. I congratulate all the teams working in Goa Tourism and GTDC for their contributions in helping Goa Tourism reach its goals. In the coming years, Goa Tourism will be a leading tourism destination in all sectors.”

Hon’ble Chairman of Goa Tourism Development Corporation, Mr. Nilesh Cabral said, “The year 2017 is drawing to a close on a successful note yet again. It has always been the endeavour  of the Goa Tourism Development  Corporation  to work in  sync with various segments of tourism whether infrastructure,  accommodation, tourism activities,  tourism  related development and so on.  It is encouraging to see that the State’s tourism industry is faring well and is taking on its competitors with flying colours. I am optimistic that in the near future, we will break new records and rank high in all tourism segments.”

Friday 24 November 2017

Mickey Mehta ups fitness quotient through strategic alliance with Talwalkars

Global leading holistic health guru, wellness wizard & corporate life coach, Dr. Mickey Mehta with Mr. Prashant Talwalkar, MD & CEO of Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited

Global leading holistic health guru, wellness wizard & corporate life coach, Dr. Mickey Mehta, announced a strategic alliance with Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited (Talwalkars), one of Asia’s largest fitness companies. The two titans of fitness and wellness have partnered in a global endeavour to start a wellness revolution for human evolution. The agreement was signed by Dr. Mickey Mehta and Mr. Prashant Talwalkar, MD & CEO of Talwalkars at St. Regis Hotel, this afternoon.
With the health and fitness industry evolving, Mickey wants to bring a holistic offering to the fitness industry. This partnership helps consolidate his leadership position in the industry enabling him to make world-class holistic health and wellness offerings accessible to everyone across India and eventually across the globe. With Mickey Mehta’s branded workout programs, products, services, wellness intellectual properties and Talwalkar’s organizational strengths, infrastructure and national network, both brands complement each other and will collectively grow to reinvent fitness standards and thus get this world ‘Mickeymized!’

The visionary guru plans to revolutionize the usual gym workout, by transforming the mindsets from conventional fitness modalities to adopting ancient wellness wisdom & philosophies. Today Mickey has 15 wellness centersacross Mumbai propagating Mickey’s wellness programs. With Talwalkars’ industry leadership and national footprintof over 220 fitness centers, this partnership will leverage Talwalkar’s infrastructure to promote Mickey’s signature wellness offerings and branded IPs in India which will help him build a global brand footprint. Some of Mickey’s signature wellness offerings and branded IPsinclude wellness foods, nutraceuticals, fitness/sports merchandise and programs such as ‘Learn swimming in 24 hrs’, ‘Grow Tall with Mickey Mehta’, ‘Be stronger, Live longer- Age Reversal Program’ and most importantly Mickey’s ‘Eco-friendly Go Green Workouts-the first ever green work-out in the world amongst many others.Apart from this Mickey plans to strengthen his digital presence and launch Mickey Mehta 2.0across the world!

Speaking about the alliance, Dr. Mickey Mehta says, “I want to make wellness the religion No.1, and this partnership takes me one step closer to fulfilling that dream. This alliance represents the coming together of a fitness and wellness brand who share the same ideologies, values and vision tobring a holisticoffering to consumers in the health and wellness category. My partnership with Talwalkars gives me a national platform and is just the first step in building a global brand footprint.
Prashant Talwalkar, MD and CEO of Talwalkars say, “We believe in Mickeys’ vision and want to create more value through wellness foods, nutraceuticals, merchandise, digital Mickey and Mickey’s IPs and services via the Talwalkars network. We are excited about this partnership, and believe the synergies this  will benefit not only our audiences in the markets we directly impact, but thousands of people pan India in our effort to make our nation live fitter, thus have healthier and happier souls walking this earth.” 

रंगणार राणा आणि दलजितचा वज्रकेसरी सामना

तुझ्यात जीव रंगला या मालिकेत गेले काही काळ ज्या क्षणाची सर्वजण वाट पाहाताहेत तो क्षण अखेर येऊन ठेपलाय. राणाचा अपघात झाल्यानंतर त्याने शेती आणि कुस्तीची आशाच सोडली होती. त्यामुळे नैराश्याच्या गर्तेत गेलेल्या राणाला अखेर या मातीनेच पुन्हा उठून उभं राहाण्याचं बळ दिलं. अंजली आणि गावकऱ्यांच्या साथीने राणा वज्रकेसरीसाठी पुन्हा उभा राहीलाय. येत्या २६ नोव्हेंबरला राणा आणि दलजितचा जंगी कुस्तीचा सामना रंगणारेय. अंजलीला वाढदिवसाची भेट म्हणून वज्रकेसरीची गदा आणण्याचा राणाचा निश्चय आहे. पण दलजितला हाताशी घेऊन नंदिताने काही नवे डावपेच आखलेत. अटीतटीच्या या सामन्यात हिमालयाला सह्याद्रीचा मावळा भिडणारेय.
या महाएपिसोडसाठी १७ ते १९ नोव्हेंबरला कोल्हापूर जवळील इचलकरंजी इथे शूटिंग पार पडले. शूटिंगच्या पहिल्या दिवशी खऱ्या खुऱ्या पैलवानांच्या अनेक प्रदर्शनी कुस्तीही इथे झाल्या. राणा आणि दलजीतचा सामना पाहाण्यासाठी गावा गावातून लोकं आली असून या विशेष भागासाठी कुस्ती क्षेत्रात अढळ स्थान मिळवलेले काही दिग्गज मान्यवरही उपस्थित होते. उपस्तित दिग्गजांची यादी खालील प्रमाणे.
दुखण्याला घाबरत नाही तो सच्चा पैलवान! त्यामुळे राणादा दलजितला धुळ चारत मैदान मारणार यात शंकाच नाही. हा अटीतटीचा सामना बघायला विसरू नका २६ नोव्हेंबर साध्य. वा. फक्त झी मराठी आणि झी मराठी एचडी वर!

१. मालिकेची संपूर्ण स्टारकास्ट
२. रुस्तम ए हिंदमहान भारत केसरी पै. दादू मामा चौगुले
३. हिंद केसरी पै. गणपतराव आंदळकर
४. हिंद केसरी पै. दिनानाथ सिंह
५. हिंद केसरी पै. योगेश दोडके
६. डबल महाराष्ट्र केसरी पै. चंद्रहार पाटील
७. महाराष्ट्र केसरी पै. सईद चाऊस
८. उपमहाराष्ट्र केसरी पै. रामा माने
९. ऑलिंपिकवीर बंडा मामा रेठरेकर
१०. पै. मारुती मानुगडे
११. पहिले हिंदकेसरी पै. श्रीपती तथा अण्णा खंचनाळे
१२. महापौर केसरी पै. अमृत भोसले तथा मामा भोसले

१३. प्रसिद्ध कुस्ती निवेदक शंकर अण्णा पुजारी

Thursday 23 November 2017


Mumbai, 21 November, 2017: Mr. Goutam Ghosh has been appointed as Technical Director-Mahanagar Gas Limited from November 20, 2017.

Mr. Ghosh has held operational and strategic roles in offshore exploration, development & production in national and international companies viz., ONGC, TOTAL, TATA, ARCO, BG and Shell. In a career spanning over 35 years, he has worked and lived in India, USA, France and UK and has successfully led multinational teams in large operated ventures to deliver as per global standards.

Before taking over his current role in MGL, he was Head, HSSE & Assurance, BGEPIL (a part of the Royal Dutch Shell plc group of companies) and a member of the Asset Leadership Team of BGEPIL since 2011. Apart from leading the HSSE and Engineering functions in BGEPIL, he was also the Shell HSSE Focal Point for all Integrated Gas Ventures of Shell in India.

Mr. Goutam Ghosh is a Post-graduate from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad and earned a Diploma in Management from Chartered Management Institute, UK. He has also attended Global Advanced Management Programme by ISB/ Kellogg School of Management. A trained Shell Safety Leadership Coach, and Shell HSSE & Social Performance Control Framework Auditor, he is affiliated to the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) USA.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Goa a ‘hot shot’ tourism destination- film and film producers bringing name and fame for Goa on the silver screen

Goa and its connection with films is something that goes back a long way. Whether it is the scenery in movies like Ek Duje Ke Liye or the forts that became iconic after Dil Chahta Hai or even the majestic Dudhsagar falls that formed the backdrop for a vital scene in the blockbuster Chennai Express, Goa has always treasured a special place among film makers. It is not just the Indian film industry that’s smitten by Goa, Hollywood too hasn’t escaped the charms of this state. The second of the Bourne series - 'The Bourne Supremacy' was shot in a number of locations, one of them being the picturesque beach state of India, Goa.

It is not just beaches that Goa has to offer. The runaway hit Aashiqui 2 highlighted the gorgeous Panjim Church, Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahani highlighted some more unknown locations. Hits like Singham Returns were shot in Aldona, whileFinding Fanny, which didn’t feature a single shot of the beach, captured the beauty of the hinterlands of Goa.

The iconic silver screen personality Amitabh Bachchan, whose debut film  Saat Hindustani was shot in Goa, has also shot several other films in Goa one of them being ‘Bhootnath’ developing a close and warm relationship with this state. One of Shah Rukh Khan's best performances in Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa shot the Holy Spirit Church, Margao. His recent  hit Dear Zindagi also  captures  the best of Goa’s heritage and  architecture.

What has also helped is that these movies have done well at the box office, as a result, Goa has added to its repertoire of landmarks to include the ‘Dil Chahta Hai’ Fort or the ‘Singham’ bridge!

The records available with Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG), a state government body dealing with permissions for film shootings, show that even tele-serials and reality shows are stepping into the scene.

There are several reasons why filmmakers choose to shoot in Goa. One is the landscape - the beautiful beaches, water bodies, waterfalls and mountains. The other reason is the architecture - the churches, temples and houses. What also works in the state’s favour is that there is ample amount of connectivity and transport - railways, roadways, airways, waterways, etc.

Accommodation is never a problem – so whether you are looking for resorts, five star hotels, boutique properties, hostels or homestays – Goa has it all. And the last, but certainly one of the most important reason, are the Goans themselves for their warmth and hospitality.  They are non-interfering, friendly; don’t disturb the stars by thronging at the venue of the shoot nor clamor for pictures or autographs. 

What is the reason behind this affinity towards Goa? Several filmmakers say that the calm and peaceful environs of the state forms a perfect backdrop that allows them to pen their stories. During this time, they develop a fondness for the state which leads them to shoot here as well. At the same time, filmmakers also admit that the challenge lies in exploring places in Goa that haven’t been captured on the screen already.

Today Konkani Cinema is also taking the world by storm with some really good quality movies produced by Goan film producers. While budgets may not be as high as those of Bollywood,  yet Konkani films have scored well at the box office and featured in international film festivals and bagged national  and   international laurels. The Goan film industry made a small beginning in the early 60’s.

The first full-length movie was made in 1950 Mogacho Anvddo by Jerry Braganza from Mapusa. Another landmark movie was produced and released in the year 1977 under the title Bhuierantlo Munis which was shot in USA, Paris and Russia and it was produced by Tony Coutinho and Chris Perry under the banner of Chripton Motion Pictures. Since then Konkani cinema has been rolling.

The first Konkani film to make an impact internationally was Laxmikant Shetgaonkar’s Paltadcho Munis (The Man across the Bridge) which won the FIPRESCI award at the Toronto Film Festival in 2009. Amche Noxib (1963), Nirmon (1966) and Bhuierantlo Munis (1977), the first colour film in Konkani are some significant Konkani movies over the years.  Likewise Aleesha (2004) and Antarnaad (2006) won the National Award, while O’Maria (2010) went on to become one of the biggest hits ever. Enemy, Home  Sweet Home,  Nachom-ia-Kumpasar, Digant, K Sera Sera have been  some  recent  successful  Konkani films which have entertained audiences  nationally and globally.

Marathi film producers have also done Goa proud. Films like Eka Sagar Kinare,, Disha, Hello Gandhe Sir, Chandi by Dnyaneshwar Govekar  and  many more have also been  hits at several film festivals.

The International Film Festival India – Goa  which is now  a permanent  festival venue in Goa has  also encouraged Goan film producers  as several Konkani and Marathi films  are being featured in  the Indian Panorama section.  The state government’s financial assistance has also facilitated film producers in Goa to come forth with good quality films. Use of technology and quality content has also given a fillip to Goan cinema.

Realizing the potential  that Goa has for developing Goa  as a Film Tourism Destination,  the government  is proposing  to have various infrastructure facilities in place such as a film city  which will facilitation film production and  various  segments of  film making,  training etc. Providing equipment like cranes, spot lights, reflectors, camera etc. and many other production facilities needed for film shootings and editing will also be an area which will create employment opportunities, directly and indirectly. Today Goa has also got multiplexes in some of its cities and theatres of the past have upgraded to make screenings more comfortable an enjoyable.
Hon’ble Minister for Tourism, Govt. of Goa, Mr. Manohar Ajgaonkar, said “Goa is the most preferred destination for film shootings. Goa’s picturesque locations make it a hot spot for films and producers to come and capture the scenic locations of Goa which includes the beaches, heritage, hinterlands, monsoons, adventure activities, festivals and much more. Goa is all set to organize the annual International Film Festival (IFFI) and will draw the film fraternity and film fans to Goa in large numbers. The Entertainment Society of Goa also plays an important role in easing out procedures and permissions for film shootings in Goa through a single window system. Films produced in Goa serve as a platform for promoting the state nationally and worldwide showcasing its bountiful beauty, facets, avenues and a lot more.”

Friday 17 November 2017

Amruta Fadnavis singing new cherishable song

    Amruta Fadnavis being a trained classical singer reached to the masses from her first music video ‘Phir Se’ which gained nearly 2 million views is now set to woo every heart with her new song  which mainly emphasizes on imperishable bond of mother and daughter.
    Amruta Fadnavis is going to sing for new upcoming Marathi movie ‘ Pari hoon mai’ the song titled ‘Chandana Bilori Kalya…’ which shows enduring relationship which she surely has with her daughter too. This melodious song has been written by Abhishek Khankar and music is given by Samir Saptiskar. The movie which stars Nandu Madhav in lead role directed by Rohit Shilwant.

Microwave based Brix measurement technology will help sugarcane farmers .

Ministry of Electronics & IT MeitY's R&D Institute SAMEER transfers technology for Sugar Content Measurement to two private enti...