Thursday 16 November 2017

Rohit Roy and Ram Kapoor to be present at India Bike Week

Mumbai, November 2017: Distinguished actors Rohit Roy and Ram Kapoor will be attending the fifth edition of India Bike Week, the sexiest bike rave in Asia which will witness over 20,000 bikers from across the country riding into Vagator on 24th and 25th November’17.
Rohit Roy, who owns a Honda Rune Limited, is an avid biker. For Ram Kapoor, biking is his passion. He is a  proud owner of a BMW S1000XR‬, BMW K1600B, Harley Davidson Fatboy, Ducati XDiavel S‬ and loves to zoom around on these machines.

Rohit Roy said, “I am really excited to be part of India Bike Week which is of course the biggest biker rave in Asia but more importantly, as a biker, it will be fun to be with my biking community friends. I have been an avid biker since school and always look for reasons to ride my machines in the country and abroad every time I get a chance.”

Ram Kapoor, said, “I’ve been a bike lover since I was a little boy and now I have a few bikes of my own. I’m now an avid rider and a proud member of the Indian biking community which seems to be growing by the second. I’m super excited that I’ve been able to make time for this year’s IBW as it’s one the best biking events of the calendar year. Will be riding down to Goa with my riding buddies. I look forward to a ROCKING weekend.”
India Bike Week will also have notable bikers like Freddie Spencer, one of the greatest and youngest world champions of the 80’s, a consecutive championship winner across two classes (250cc and 500cc), Freddie is the only man to achieve all this. Leslie Porterfield, riding since the age of 16, Leslie is today the Fastest Woman on a Motorcycle according to the Guinness Book of World Records’ title after setting the speed record in 2008 at Bonneville Speedway. With three land-speed records and a favourite of the Bonneville 200 mph club, she’s a businesswoman, mother of twins and a designer of motorcycles built for speed. The speakers for this year’s edition also include Vinod Rawat, Dhruv Dholakia, Kumar Shah, Melissa Pierson, Ravi Verma, Dilip Muralidaran, Neel Jagtap, Pooja Dabhi amongst others.

Nicole Mody, food curator and author will curate the Food Parks which will feature street food specialists, home chefs, food trucks, Goan food, kebab & barbecue experts and much more. IBW will also feature, interesting Beard and Tattoo competitions along with a Biker & Beach Fashion Show and the Moto Art Project. To compliment to the beach vibe, there will be Karaoke, daily sunset session and even Stand up Comedy! Vagator will be the place to be this November.

Event Details
  • What: India Bike Week
  • When: 24th and 25th November’17
  • Where: Goa
  • Tickets: Rs. 1,750 for two days, inclusive of taxes available on

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Ahimsa Festival closes by touching many lives

Mumbai, 12 November 2017:  The second edition of The Ahimsa Festival came to a culmination at Khar Education Society in the city. The Ahimsa Festival is the first event across India, and perhaps the world, to be based on ahimsa or compassion. The festival ran for 18 days and created awareness about the power of compassion and inspired people towards making lifestyle changes towards health and animal cruelty-free choices.

Convener of the event Dr. Rupa Shah who–is part of the six-member Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Group (APDG)–and has co-founded the annual Ahimsa Festival series stated, “The basic meaning of the word ‘ahimsa’ is–Do no injury, cause no harm. Ahimsa means non-violence, or to put it in a positive way–Compassion. Ahimsa is a universal concept that applies to all living beings, including all animals. All living beings have the spark of the divine spiritual energy; therefore, to hurt another being is to hurt oneself. The primary aspect of ahimsa is towards oneself–in particular towards one’s health. With the super-success that we enjoyed this year, we are all set to work harder for making it bigger and better next year.” The Ahimsa festival incorporates this principle into the festival that features a series of events that highlight the same value.

Monica Chopra, Curator of Fashion Show & Founder Of Eco Trunk said, “Being a fashion designer, one understands the excitement of a beautiful look put together but what's the point if it comes from pain and unhappiness? We, at The Eco Trunk, feel very passionately about animal rights and the environment and have put together a show highlighting organic, cruelty-free, sustainable materials that glide just as beautifully over the body. Makeup that we will use is cruelty-free and vegan that looks just as sparkling.” Monica featured organic and sustainable clothing range like organic cotton and hemp (daily wear, gowns, and traditional/ethnic wear); many of the famous models who showcased the designs were vegans. The make-up was done with brands that are free from animal products/ animal testing. The bags and wallets, featured in the show were upcycled and made from tyre tubes, and the luxurious ones made from cork materials. The Jewelry too was upcycled from a sari and made by the slum women in Mumbai.

The closing day had talks on raw food, spirituality, and live vegan cooking demos by chefs throughout the day. Prominent names like C.A. & Author Atul Shah, Vegan Restaurateur Harsish Shetty, Vegan Traveller Shivya Nath, etc. Sunanda Parthasarthy the daughter and disciple of Swami Parthasarathy enthralled people with her talk on how spirituality is not a retirement plan and compassion is at the core of every religion. At the closing ceremony, there were more than 20 pop-up food stalls, organic stalls, farmer’s market and a huge display of cruelty-free lifestyle products. There was a live music show by Flying Carpet Entertainment.

The show-stopper for the fashion show Ms. Pooja Bimrah Miss World Heritage 2015 & Miss Supermodel 2017 India said; “This is a unique fashion show that showcased products that are not only beautiful on the outside but also are made with processes and materials that have not caused trouble to any soul. They have not used materials like wool, leather, and cosmetics which are tested on animals. I really feel that there should be an increasing awareness about this and everyone should only use cruelty-free products.”

The festival which was inaugurated by Amruta Devendra Fadnavis and Dr. Will Tuttle - author of the international best-seller ‘The World Peace Diet’ along with Dr. Nandita Shah founder of Sharan and the recipient of the prestigious Nari Shakti Award 2016 the highest award for women in India; saw more than 100 satellite events taking place across the city ranging from film workshops, talks, webinars and seminars to treks with Kuntal Joisher – the first vegan to conquer Mount Everest, a run, and cyclothon, and potlucks–to spark curiosity and awareness about Ahimsa, Veganism and compassionate lifestyle across the city. The festival has touched the lives of more than twenty thousand people across the city. 

Facebook: @theahimsafest
Twitter: @theAhimsaFest
Instagram: theahimsafestival2017

Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Group
The Ahimsa Festival is an annual festival founded by like-minded individuals with an aim to spreading the fragrance of peace and love through simple lifestyle choices. The Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Group (APDG) was founded in 2015 to create awareness about the principles of ahimsa in everyday life. The group comprises six members who are leading professionals in their field of work, and have come together with the single vision of practicing and preaching non-violence in thought, deed and action. They are living examples of “ahimsaks” who are successfully practicing the Ahimsa way of living for many years.

Atul Doshi; He is a CA and an Honorary Director in an online company providing free education content across the globe, Atul Doshi has also penned a booklet titled, ‘We Vegetarian (?) People’ in English and Hindi.

Saroj Choudhary: She is one of the earliest advocators of vegan and wfpd (whole foods and plant-based diet) lifestyle in Mumbai.

Dr Rupa Shah: She is a Healer, Author, Speaker and Founder of circleohealth.

Pradeep Shah: An Electronics Engineer, who is a practicing ‘Nature’s Diet System’ for three years.

Reyna Rupani: The head of SHARAN-Mumbai, an NGO which advocates food as medicine. She conducts SHARAN workshops and helps in spreading awareness about the power of natural food in the world.

Ruchika Chitrabhanu: Her close association with leading saints further strengthened her belief that compassion is the basis of all religions. She has been a vegan for the last 10 years. 

येत्या २४ नोव्हेंबरला 'हॅपी बर्थ डे'!

येत्या २४ नोव्हेंबरला कोणाचा वाढदिवस नाही परंतु 'हॅपी बर्थ डे' चित्रपट प्रदर्शित होणार असल्यामुळे त्याचा वाढदिवस आहे असं म्हणायला जागा आहे. हल्ली सहसा कुणीच 'वाढदिवस' साजरा करताना दिसत नाही. प्रत्येकजण 'बर्थ डे' साजरा करताना दिसतोय. कुणी 'जगायचं एक वर्ष कमी झालं म्हणून' तर कुणी 'अजून एक वर्ष जगलो म्हणून' 'बर्थ डे' साजरा करतो. ज्यांचं इंग्रजी कच्चं असतं ते 'आज माझा 'हॅपी बर्थ डे' आहे म्हणत वाढदिवस साजरा करताना आढळतात. परंतु जर का तुम्हाला समजले की पुढच्या वर्षी तुम्ही तुमचा बर्थ डे साजरा करू शकाल की नाही याची गॅरंटी नाही तर तुमची काय रिऍक्शन असेल ?
'थॅलॅसेमिआ' हा रक्ताच्या कर्करोगाचा एक प्रकार आहे जो अनुवांशिकतेने लहान मुलांना होतो. साधारण जन्माच्या तिसऱ्या महिन्यापासून या रोगाची लक्षणं दिसू लागतात. शरीरातील 'हिमोग्लोबिन' निर्माण करण्याच्या प्रक्रियेत गडबडी निर्माण झाली की रक्तक्षीणता जाणवू लागते. शरीरातील रक्ताच्या कमतरतेमुळे बाहेरून रक्तपुरवठा करावा लागतो. हे शारीरिक, मानसिक आणि सांपत्तिक दृष्ट्या त्रासदायक असून वाईट गोष्ट म्हणजे या आजारावर अजूनतरी इलाज सापडलेला नाही. अश्याच असाध्य रोगाने पीडित असलेल्या एका तरुण मुलाची गोष्ट सांगणार आहे एक चित्रपट ज्याचं नाव आहे 'हॅपी बर्थ डे' !
या चित्रपटाची कथा आहे एका टिनेजरची. मध्यम वर्गीय कुटुंबातील एका षोडशवर्षीय मुलाची, जय ची, जो थॅलॅसेमिआ या कधीही बरा न होणाऱ्या रोगाने आजारी आहे. पण त्याला याची कल्पना नाही. आई वडील बहीण आणि तो अशा चौकोनी कुटुंबात राहणारा जय लहानपणापासूनच अत्यंत खोडकर तरीही सर्वांचा लाडका. थॅलॅसेमिआ ने पंडित असल्यामुळे जगण्यासाठी दर पंधरवड्याला त्याला रक्त द्यावं लागत असतं तरीही त्याचं पुढचं आयुष्य किती हे डॉक्टर्ससुद्धा ठामपणे सांगू शकत नसतात. त्यालाही आश्चर्य वाटत राहायचं आणि प्रश्नही पडायचा की घरचे त्याला मैदानी खेळ खेळायला का पाठवत नाहीत किंवा पावसात मनसोक्त भिजायला का देत नाहीत ? त्याच्या सोळाव्या वाढदिवशी त्याला अचानकपणे त्याच्या आजाराबद्दल कळते आणि हे ही समजते की तो सतराव्या वाढदिवसाला या जगात असेल की नाही याची शाश्वती नाही. ह्या सर्वांच्या अनुषंगाने पुढे काय काय घडते ते 'हॅपी बर्थ डे' चित्रपटातून मांडण्यात आले आहे.
मुकुलिना चित्र आणि रेड स्मिथ प्रॉडक्शनच्या बॅनरखाली या चित्रपटाची निर्मिती केली आहे दिलीप कोलते यांनी आणि सहनिर्माती आहे सायरा सय्यद.  थॅलॅसेमिआ आजाराने ग्रस्त एका षोडशवर्षीय मुलाची ही कथा असून याचं दिग्दर्शन केलंय नारायण गोंडाळ यांनी. चित्रपटात 'रिंगण' फेम शशांक शेंडे व 'श्वास' फेम अरुण नलावडेमहत्वपूर्ण भूमिकांत आहेत. निमेश किजबिले, अमरदीप ठोंबरे, सेजल घरत, शुभम नारिंगीकर, ओजस ठोंबरे, आर्या केळशीकर, गौरांगी शेवडे, अमित पाटील, मनाली ठोंबरे आणि मयुरी फडतरे यांचादेखील या चित्रपटात भूमिका आहेत.
या चित्रपटाचे संगीत विक्रांत वार्डे यांनी केलं असून गीतकार मनीष अन्सुरकर आणि विक्रांत वार्डे यांच्या शब्दरचनांना रोहित राऊत व आनंदी जोशी (तू येताना सामोरी) आणि जावेद अली (दान आभाळाचे) यांनी स्वरसाज चढवला आहे. दोन्ही गाणी वेगळ्या जॉनर ची असून उत्कृष्ट झाली आहेत जी प्रेक्षकांना खूप भावतील.
'हॅपी बर्थ डे' चित्रपटाला अंबरनाथ फिल्म फेस्टिवल मध्ये सर्वोत्कृष्ट प्रथम निर्मिती, सर्वोत्कृष्ट कथा, सर्वोत्कृष्ट गीतकार, सर्वोत्कृष्ट पदार्पण अभिनेता, सर्वोत्कृष्ट संगीतकार, सर्वोत्कृष्ट पार्श्वगायक आणि सर्वोत्कृष्ट पदार्पण दिग्दर्शक अशी सात नामांकनं आहेत.
येत्या २४ नोव्हेंबरला 'हॅपी बर्थ डे' प्रेक्षकांच्या हृदयाला स्पर्श करायला येत आहे.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Double Celebration as Wagh Bakri Wins INDIASTAR 2017 Award for Two Tea Collections

The Wagh Bakri Tea Group has been a pioneer in sourcing the finest, most flavourful and aromatic teas from storied tea estates, for their valued customers. The cream of the crop is carefully curated and elegantly packaged for your drinking pleasure.

It is no wonder that Wagh Bakri Tea Group has just been awarded the INDIASTAR 2017, the highest recognition for excellence in packaging in India; as it speaks of their devotion to bringing the delights of tea, fresh to their customers. The Indian Institute of Packaging, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Commerce, honored Wagh Bakri which exemplifies a gold standard in fine teas.

Open the gold-engraved, specially designed wooden box and your air of anticipation will be pleasantly rewarded as theWagh Bakri Connoisseur Collection showcases 12 specialty packs of tea-bags encased in golden wrappings to delight the true tea-lover. As you press to open the easy magnetic lock, an assortment of 120 perfectly-packaged tea-bags with divine flavours, the aromas and the richness of teas created with love and expertise will enchant your senses. Wake up to green tea mint, lemon, ginger or cardamom tea or the popular “masala” chai… as your fancy dictates. Pamper your palate with earl grey tea or green tea Tulsi. Savour the experience of premium non-flavored teas: Premium Assam, Darjeeling, English breakfast, Classic Assam or green tea. Don’t settle for one tea, when you can indulge in the sheer luxury of drinking a new delight daily. This jewel of a box is a perfect gift: for who can resist the charms of tea in so many avatars?

Wagh Bakri has designed this beautiful, fold-out Organic Tea Treasure Pack, which would adorn any corporate desk and make a fabulous gift. 3 composite packs of 100% Certified Organic Teas: Organic Darjeeling, Organic Darjeeling Green Tea and Organic Leaf Tea will thrill the discerning tea-lover.

Wagh Bakri Connoisseur Collection: 120 tea bags in an assortment of 12 flavours, making an elegant presentation, no matter what the occasion. It contains 12 packs of tea bags which include Flavoured – Cardamom, Ginger, Masala, Lemon, Earl Grey, Green Tea Mint, Green Tea Tulsi and Non-Flavoured – Premium Assam, Darjeeling, English Breakfast, Classic Assam, Green Tea. It has 12 packs*10 tea bags each = 120 tea bags. Wooden 12 compartment box with internal partition, matt finish with gold engraving in front and inside Wagh Bakri logo printed on velvet fabric with magnetic locking for easy operation. Inner tea box is printed on FBB board with special gold colour for reducing the cost of imported paper. Outer pack is designed for easy carrying. The pack is constructed by E-Flute Carton with Matt Lamination and window punching.

Wagh Bakri 100% Certified Organic Tea Treasure Pack: Beautifully packed 3 composite packs of 100% Organic Certified Teas. This gift pack consists of 100% Certified Organic Darjeeling Tea, Organic Darjeeling Green Tea and Organic Leaf Tea. An ideal gift for your loved ones and can also go as an excellent corporate gift. Top outer box is made of KAPPA Board with matt lamination to match old British look. The special construction is very precise. Inside box which is made of foam material that helps the box to lock and special ribbon and magnetic lock for easy operation. Inside 100% Certified Organic Tea box is printed on 350 GSM FBB board with the metalized pet. The pack is printed with 6 colours. The pack is given UV finish texture to look more authentic. It has gloss UV with embossing done on the box to make it more attractive.

तेजस्विनीने साजरा केला बालदिन तिच्या मुलांसोबत!

गेली अनेक वर्षे तेजस्विनी पंडित ममता फॉउंडेशन ह्या HIV बाधित मुलांसाठी काम करणाऱ्या संस्थेशी जोडली गेली आहे. हि भारतातली एकमेव संस्था आहे जी HIV बाधित लहान मुलांसाठीच हक्काचं घर आहे. ह्या संस्थेतल्या तीन स्त्रिया HIV बाधित मुलांसाठी अविरत काम करत असतात. 

तेजस्विनी पंडित ह्या संस्थेसाठी गेले अनेक वर्ष काम करत आहे. केवळ आर्थिक सहाय्य करणे इथवर तेजस्विनीचे काम सीमित नाही. कामात कितीहि व्यस्त असली तरी देखील तेजस्विनी ह्या मुलांना वरचेवर भेटत असते. त्यांच्यासोबत चित्रपट पाहणे, त्यांना शॉपिंगला घेऊन जाणे , त्यांच्यासोबत लंच करणे यांसारख्या अनेक गोष्टी ती या मुलासांसाठी करते! आणि हे ती गेली अनेक वर्षे करत आहे आणि ह्या गोष्टीची तिने मीडियाला भनकहि लागू दिली नाही! पण ह्यावेळेस मात्र आपले काम लोकांसमोर आणले आहे. तिने या वेळेसचा 'बालदिन' ममता फॉउंडेशनच्या मुलांसोबत साजरा केला आणि त्याची एक  छोटीशी व्हिडीओ क्लिप आपल्या सोशल मीडियावर टाकली. 

तेजस्विनीला याबाबत विचारले असता तिने म्हटलं, "हि गोष्ट मीडिया समोर आणून त्याचा शो ऑफ करणे हे मला पटत नव्हते म्हणून मी आजपर्यंत ह्या बद्दल काहीच बोलले नाही. परंतु पुढे अनेकांनी समाजवल्यानंतर मी माझ्या या  मुलांना व्हिडीओमध्ये घेऊन आले. ममता फॉउंडेशन हि एकमेव संस्था जी HIV बाधित मुलांसाठी काम करते, जी एक जोडपं स्वकष्टावर चालवत आहे. माझ्या द्वारे ह्या संस्थेला लोकांपर्यंत पोचवता येईल आणि इतर अनेक मदतीचे हात पुढे येतील, हा उद्देश ठेवून मी हा व्हिडीओ सोशल मीडियावर टाकला आहे. २०१७ चा हा बालदिन स्पेशल व्हिडीओ ह्या मुलांच्या आयुष्यात अनेक मदतीचे हात घेऊन येतील अशी अपेक्षा आहे." 

तेजस्विनीचा हा छोटेखानी बालदिन सोहळा नक्कीच फार वेगळा आहे. तिचा हा प्रयत्न ममता फॉऊंडेशनच्या मुलांच्या आयुष्यात नक्की चांगले दिवस आणेल, हि  अपेक्षा आहे. 

Monday 13 November 2017

Duracell got families running for Mumbai’s first family run- Durathon

Mumbai, November 12, 2017 - Duracell, the iconic consumer battery company and the leading manufacturer of high performance alkaline batteries worldwide launched  ‘Durathon’ – Mumbai’s first family run; on Sunday, November 12, 2017 at Bandstand Bandra, Mumbai.

Mandira Bedi, actress, anchor, designer initiated the run with her energetic son, Vir. She said, “It was such an amazing experience to run with Vir. I have always promoted fitness and well-being and this time, my son got to join me in my objective. My son, immensely inspired by the energy of the Duracell Bunny ran with great enthusiasm at the event. A family that runs together has fun together and that is the uniqueness of Durathon”

Being an early morning start, participants were surprisingly energetic and enthusiastic for the run. Like the famous running Duracell Bunny, kids and parents ran together to show how they can go stronger for longer as they unlocked their inner power when finishing together the 2 KM or 5 KM run. Duracell celebrated this run with more than 200 families with 700 participants along with Children’s Day which is on November 14, 2017.

David Abraham, Duracell Marketing Director for Middle East and India explains, “We are very happy to have initiated Mumbai’s first family run, Durathon. Such experiential marketing makes Duracell contextually and emotionally relevant. People simply love the Duracell Bunny that runs stronger for longer and always graciously wins. It was a great experience to see so many families unlock their power during Durathon when they ran together, stronger for longer. Just like the Bunny, just like our Duracell batteries.”

Zee Marathi launches musical extravaganza ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa – Ghe Panga Kar Danga’

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~ Show to go on-air starting 13th November 2017, every Monday and Tuesday at 9:30 PM ~

Mumbai, 10th November 2017: Music connects hearts and souls, surpassing barriers and external factors alike. Connecting lives across Maharashtra and Goa with music, Zee Marathi launches Indian television’s most successful musical franchise, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. Themed as ‘Ghe Panga, Kar Danga’, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa gives Marathi musical talent from Maharashtra and Goa the perfect platform to showcase their singing prowess and wow audiences. As challenges galore raise the bar on entertainment, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, this season, will be judged by ace director Ravi Jadhav and chartbusting singer Bela Shende. Urging the contestants to put their best foot forward at every stage of the competition will be host Rohit Raut who will motivate and inspire them. Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will go on-air on 13th November 2017 at 9:30 PM and will air every Monday and Tuesday on Zee Marathi.

A widely acclaimed show, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa illustrates the raw singing talent that makes Maharashtra the ultimate powerhouse. Providing a platform for the singers willing to go the extra mile to pursue a career in music, this edition of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will be bigger, better and grander than ever before. Through the theme ‘Ghe Panga, Kar Danga’, the show promises to create tons of surprises for contestants and viewers alike. Auditions for Sa Re Ga Ma Pa have been conducted in 6 markets including Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Kolhapur and Goa urging budding singers between 16-30 years of age to live their dreams. From every market, 10 singers will be shortlisted to travel to Mumbai for the final auditions of which 24 handpicked contestants will proceed to the Galas. These contestants will undergo a series of challenges and musical tests from which the ultimate winner of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will be selected.

Judging the show this season will be popular film director Ravi Jadhav and multiple award-winning Marathi singer Bela Shende. Joining the celebrity brigade as the show’s host is young singer Rohit Raut.
Commenting on the launch of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’s latest season, Nilesh Mayekar, Business Head – Zee Marathi said, “Carrying on a legacy of excellence right since the launch of the show, Zee Marathi’s Sa Re Ga Ma Pa has contributed a lot towards the prosperous musical journey of Maharashtra so far. Zee Marathi has given an established platform to aspiring singers, giving the country some of its most acclaimed singers. The latest season of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa is the season of newness and viewers are surely going to thoroughly enjoy the show as there is a slight change in the format of it. I’m sure that the musical journey of the latest season of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will be a memorable one for everyone.”

While expressing his opinion, National award winner and one of the leading directors from the Marathi and Bollywood film fraternity, Ravi Jadhav said, “First of all I’m very excited to don the judge’s hat. Since today’s young generation is aware and passionate about music and after witnessing their extraordinary performances it has become really challenging for us to hunt and bring together the best untapped talent across Maharashtra. Through this season of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, I will try my level best to hunt the finest gem for the music fraternity, whose melodious voice will rule over millions of hearts.”

A renowned singer from Marathi film fraternity who has made the audiences go gaga over her phenomenal performances in various languages, Bela Shende said, “Sa Re Ga Ma Pa is not just reality show, it a larger than life musical journey. Sa Re Ga Ma Pa is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to discovering the hidden talent and providing them with a prestigious platform to showcase their skills. I was stunned after seeing the kind of energy and enthusiasm amongst the contestant from Maharashtra. I’m learning a lot while knowing the contestant and guiding them for their further journey. I’m really enjoying the role of a Judge. I’m sure the contestants will set fire on the stage with their extraordinary performance. This season of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will amaze everyone for sure.”

Undoubtedly one of the biggest shows on Indian television, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa has been known to provide the ideal platform to aspiring singers, to cultivate them into singing superstars. With widespread national and international appeal, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa entices music lovers to not only audition for the show, but also watch true talent’s journey on television. With every passing season, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa has surpassed previously set benchmarks defining newer standards of entertainment.

Watch musical talent flourish on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa as the show goes on-air starting 13th November 2017, every Monday and Tuesday at 9:30 PM on Zee Marathi!

Global leadership guru – Randy Slechta delivers leadership sessions across India

Mumbai, New Delhi and Vadodara were a part of the tour

National, November 10, 2017: Randy Slechta, the global leadership guru, creator of the Total Leader® Concept and co-author of ‘The 5 Pillars of Leadership’ successfully concluded his three day India tour today. In his sessions, aptly called “Business For Breakfast”, Randy addressed leaders across Mumbai, New Delhi and Vadodara on ‘Managing Leadership During Turbulent Times’. The breakfast sessions saw active participation from senior management representing leading private and public sector organisations including Citibank India, Ecole Hotelier and Shaman Wheels.

During the sessions, Randy also addressed various concerns and challenges that often arise among leaders and suggested efficient techniques to tackle them. He shared statistics with regards to LMI's Indian market, and how companies need to address and invest in leadership training. Randy also shared details from his experience running LMI for over 30 years.  He highlighted a comparative trend analysis in the L&D industry from 15 years ago to now, as to how industries globally have imbibed leadership development as part of their training.  Post the session, there was an interactive Q & A session with the CEO's wherein Randy addressed real-life instances and recommended solutions to lead better in such scenarios.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Randy Slechta, President & CEO, LMI said, “We have been looking forward to hosting a seminar in India for a long time. There is tremendous growth potential in the country, which can be optimised with good leadership. We are hoping to fill this leadership deficit. We are taking back a lot of learning's about the Indian market which we will work on and put an international perspective too. And of course, we look forward to a continued association with our delegates.”

Dr. Hiru Bijlani, Master Licensee, LMI India added, “Our team in India has been working towards this for a while now and we are glad we could tap into the markets that we did. While Mumbai is a prime business hub, we felt markets like Vadodara and Delhi have potential, but need the right guidance. It was an honour having Randy Slechta help leaders gain insights from his over 30 year journey at LMI and we hope to continue his works across the country.”

‘ट्रेंडी टेस्टी ट्रीट’

खमंग,चमचमीत,खुमासदार,चटपटीत,लज्जतदार हे शब्द कानावर पडले की तोंडाला पाणी सुटल्याशिवाय राहतच नाही पण प्रश्न हा आहे की आपल्यासाठी हे पूर्णब्रम्ह बनवणार कोण? कूकिंग म्हटलं तर दोन हात लांबच असा विषय मानला जातो.डब्यात काय द्यायचं ह्या पेक्षा मोठा प्रश्न उरलेल्या अन्नच काय करायचं? असा प्रश्न अगदी घरात असलेल्या सामान्य स्त्रीला देखील पडतो.
     असेच काही प्रश्न सोडवण्यासाठी व उत्तम प्रकारे सोप्या व कमी वेळेत वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे पदार्थ शिकवण्यासाठी व ते उत्तम प्रकारे कसे बनवायचे ह्यासाठी मराठीतील अभिनेत्री 'भार्गवी चिरमुले' तिची पहिली वेबसीरीस 'ट्रेंडी टेस्टी ट्रीट' या नावाने घेऊन येत आहे.
     ‘ट्रेंडी टेस्टी ट्रीट चा पहिला प्रोमो ७ नोव्हेंबर ला यूट्यूब वर ट्रेंडी टेस्टी ट्रीट च्या चॅनेल वर लाँच करण्यात आला व पहिला एपिसोड १० नोव्हेंबर ला प्रसारित केला त्यात भार्गवी ने प्रोमो मध्ये विचारलेला पहिला प्रश्न ‘कॅन मेन कूक?’ च उत्तर शेफ सचिन जोशी यांच्यासोबत शोधल.पहिल्या एपिसोड मध्ये शेफ सचिन जोशी यांनी ‘टोमॅटो ब्रूसचेता असा सोप्पा व सुंदर पदार्थ बनवला.सचिन जोशी गेली २५ वर्षां पेक्षा जास्त आंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यासपीठावर सक्रिय आहेत व कार्निवल क्रूसलॅन्डस ही अमेरिकेतली नामांकित कंपनी आहे त्यासाठी सचिन यांनी काम केलंय आणि सध्या पुण्यात मल्टि-कुसीन रेस्टॉरंट चालवत आहे. त्याचप्रमाणे ते हॉटेल मॅनेजमेंट फॅकल्टी सुद्धा आहे.
         शेफ सोबत भार्गवी कूकिंग ह्या विषयावर अनेक प्रश्नांची उत्तरे ह्या कार्यक्रमा दरम्यान शोधणार आहे.भार्गवी म्हणते 'सध्याच्या ह्या करियर ओरिएंटेड जगात स्त्रिया देखिल जेवण बनवण्यापासून दोन हाथ लांब राहतात. कूकिंग हा प्रत्येक माणसाचा महत्वाचा विषय आहे आणि मी स्वतः त्यात खूप वाईट आहे.आपल्याला वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे खाद्यपदार्थ खायला आवडतात परंतु ते कसे बनवले जातात हे माहिती नसतं तसेच खाद्यात देखील फ्युजण हा प्रकार आम्ही खूप वेगळ्या पद्धतीने लोकांसमोर आणणार आहोत व अगदी अवघड पदार्थ सोप्या पद्धतीने करून सांगणार आहोत.'

Glenmark aims to transform the treatment for Psoriasis in India Launches Apremilast – a revolutionary advanced Oral Treatment for Psoriasis in India

·      Glenmark is the first company to launch the breakthrough oral drug Apremilast for the management of Psoriasis in India
·      Glenmark is the first company to receive the DCGI approval and marketing authorization for Apremilast in India
·      Apremilast is an oral therapy which addresses various limitations of the current therapies available in India
·      Apremilast will be manufactured by Glenmark in India from API to formulations

Mumbai, India; November 10, 2017: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited, a research-led global integrated pharmaceutical company, announced the launch of Apremilast in India. Apremilast is the first advanced Oral Systemic treatment for Psoriasis in India. Apremilast is a phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor which is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe Psoriasis. The launch of Apremilast will revolutionize the treatment of Psoriasis impacting close to 33 million Indians suffering from the condition.

Apremilast is an advanced oral treatment for Psoriasis which addresses the limitations of the current available therapies in India. It acts in a targeted manner at an early stage of the disease progression. Also, it is an immunomodulator whereas the other available drugs in the country are immunosuppressant including biologics and are mostly indicated for the treatment of oncological conditions. Immunosuppressants suppress the immune system thereby making the body susceptible to various infections. Apremilast being an immunomodulator does not suppress the immune system and treats the condition of psoriasis at an intracellular level which will benefit psoriasis patients across the country.

Apremilast is an oral therapy which can be self-administered unlike some of the currently available injectable therapy which have to be administered by paramedics. Further, Apremilast is a safer drug having no effects on other organs like the liver and kidney and does not require routine laboratory diagnostic tests like CBC, liver & Kidney test or TB screening as required in the case of other therapies used currently.

Glenmark has launched Apremilast under the brand name ‘Aprezo’ indicated for the treatment of Psoriasis.Glenmark received approval from DCGI for Apremilast after conducting clinical trials on the molecule as per the regulatory requirements.

Sujesh Vasudevan, President and Head – India, Middle East and Africa, “Glenmark is proud to be the first player to introduce Apremilast, an advanced oral and safe treatment for Psoriasis, in India. Glenmark has been in the field of Dermatology for 4 decades bringing advanced therapies to Indian patients. With the launch of Apremilast, we are aiming to transform the treatment paradigm for millions of Psoriasis patients in the country.”

Rajesh Kapur, Senior Vice President – Sales & Marketing, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, said, “Apremilast is a safer and efficacious treatment compared to the existing treatment available in the country. Apremilast is the only oral medicine available in the country exclusively for Psoriasis. In addition to this, it also addresses the several limitations of existing treatments like routine laboratory monitoring. We hope that millions of patients in India will now be able to live a better quality of life with this revolutionary treatment.”

Globally, about 3% of the world population has some form of Psoriasis. Another study reveals that the prevalence of psoriasis in countries ranges between 0.09% and 11.43%, making psoriasis as one of the serious issues.

India has now become one of the largest patient pool in the world and is estimated to have around 33 million psoriasis patients. As per a study on psoriasis in India, based on data collected across various medical colleges located in Lucknow, Dibrugarh, Calcutta, Patna, Darbhanga, New Delhi and Amritsar, it was found that the incidence of psoriasis among total skin patients ranged between 0.44 and 2.2%. It was also found that the ratio of male to female (2.46:1) was very high and the highest incidence was noted in the age group of 20-39 years.

Apremilast will revolutionize the treatment for 33 million psoriasis patients in the country. Apremilast is the first oral treatment in India specific for psoriasis treatment; it is convenient to administer, it is safer compared to existing therapies and will transform the psoriasis treatment regime in the country.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Nelito Systems Bags Multi-Country Contract From Indian Overseas Bank for Archiving & Retrieval of Data

Mumbai, November 7 2017Nelito Systems Limited, India’s prominent financial software and services Company catering to Banking and Non-banking Financial Institutions, has bagged a  multi-country contract from Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) to automate the process of archiving and retrieving decades old financial transactions for their clients and customers.

IOB has major presence in Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Hong Kong and has migrated their core banking solutions across these countries. The bank frequently receives requests from their corporate and retail customers to provide them with historical data be it transactions, master entries, reference details for various purposes which at times becomes difficult as it is a tedious consuming physical activity.

IOB was using different core banking solutions where it wanted to maintain and manage the data residing in the legacy applications. With Nelito’s FinDart™ solution, the Bank would be able to archive all types of legacy database and schemas. It would also make the process much more customer centric and economical along with maintaining all regulatory compliance across countries.

Commenting on this engagement, Mr. Ashish Varun, Head-International Sales, Nelito Systems Limited said, “We are glad to win the confidence of Indian Overseas Bank, which has presence in some of the key markets across Asia. With increased importance of conserving archived data, the bank wanted someone who understands their business requirements and has experience in handling such projects internationally. Nelito's expertise and experience in building and executing global mandates has been a major reason for this business win.”

Nelito’s expertise in data extraction, archival and management solutions has already helped major banking groups like HDFC Bank, UCO Bank (Hong Kong & Singapore), United Bank of India, Syndicate Bank (London) and many more for similar projects. Once the process is completed, the Bank’s customers would be able to access the archived data online. Although due to non-disclosure agreement between the companies, the financial details on the size of the deal could not be known.

In March 2017, Japan’s DTS Corporation had acquired 44.5% stake in Nelito Systems. The Company had chalked out ambitious plans to expand its global footprint, especially in the US and South Asian markets post selling the stake to DTS Corporation.

David Chang, Global Sales Director, Gionee to spearhead India operations


·         In a bid to become the leading smartphone player in India, Gionee strengthens its leadership team
·         Aims to double the market share by end of next financial year

India, November 6, 2017 Gionee India, the ace smartphone manufacturer,  announced that Mr. David Chang, Global Sales Director, Gionee Communication Equipment Co., Ltd will now lead the India operations for the brand.

The strategic announcement comes at a time when Gionee with a loyal customer base of 1.25 crore in the country is bullish on strengthening  its regional penetration. With its retail presence in over 42,000 stores and with 600 exclusive service centers, the brand targets to be in the top five smartphones of the country.

Speaking on his appointment, Mr. David Chang, Global Sales Director, Gionee Communication Equipment Co., Ltd said, “India as a nation, has been exhibiting a great deal of potential for the smartphone business. As part of our global marketing strategy, India ranks number one and the success witnessed in a span of last five years has given us immense optimism to further invest and expand our presence in the market. I am profoundly honoured to be a part of the India growth story and maximise Gionee’s impeccable trajectory advancing our customer base as well as being among the top 5 phone brands by the next fiscal.”

Gionee India has already established its leadership in the Indian smartphone market and with Mr. Chang’s skilled management the company aims to further consolidate its ranking amongst the top-selling brand in the country. Ranked at No. 10 globally, Mr. Chang has been instrumental in taking the brand to this position.

He has 13 years of robust industrial experience, and has been associated with Gionee Communication Equipment Co., Ltd for over a decade. In his earlier capacity he has been responsible for driving global sales of the organization. With his strong experience, Mr. Chang has led his team through several significant accomplishments.

In his new role, Mr. Chang will lead Gionee India’s next phase of growth in the country, wherein he will drive the overall operations and reinforce the brand positioning in the country, with emphasis on retail expansion, sales volumes and after sales establishing the connect with customers.

Microwave based Brix measurement technology will help sugarcane farmers .

Ministry of Electronics & IT MeitY's R&D Institute SAMEER transfers technology for Sugar Content Measurement to two private enti...