Thursday 29 June 2017

Saint-Gobain India Pvt. Ltd-Gyproc Business launches Habito™, an innovative solution in the gypsum board space


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Mumbai, India, 28th June, 2017 - Saint-Gobain India Pvt. Ltd-Gyproc Business today announced the launch of Habito™, its revolutionary gypsum board. It will create new benchmarks in Drywall solution by offering enhanced performance in load fixing strength, robustness and acoustics. This innovation is designed to give customers greater flexibility with their space and ease the process of loading on drywall.

Traditional building constructions have a massive impact on the environment. As urban construction is expected to rise, there will be an increase in demand for sustainable construction methods such as gypsum based drywalls. Habito™ the latest innovation of Gyproc India, will take the lead on sustainable habitat solutions in future combined with performance.
Habito™, a new variant in the drywall space, is installed like any other gypsum board, but allows users to fix items, such as TV brackets, cabinets, white board, lacquered glass, wall hanging instruments or any other heavy items. This can be done without specialist fixings or using ply support, by simply fixing the screw directly into the wall. It delivers load carrying capacity of 30 kg on each screw due to its dense core and patented technology - which means 120 kg can be safely mounted using only 4 screws. Apart from fixing strength it absorbs knocks and bangs and dramatically reduces wear and tear on wall.
Commenting on Habito™ launch, Mr. Venkat Subramanian – Regional CEO – Construction Products India & Managing Director – Gyproc India said “We, at Gyproc India, aim to spearhead innovation and technology-driven solutions with high-performance and superior products. Habito™ the latest innovation by Gyproc offers customer enhanced solutions in drywall offerings. Installed just like any other gypsum board, Habito™ drywall combines the strength and fixing capacity of masonry or ply with the benefits of drywall.”

Commenting on the launch, Sudeep Kolte, VP Sales & Marketing at Gyproc India says: “Buildings and living spaces need to adapt to the changing requirements of their occupants, hence flexibility is critical. Habito™ Drywall has been created with a new standard of performance that delivers superior well-being to occupants as compared to traditional options like brick and block or ply.”

The occupants or homeowners look for ease of loading, strength and flexibility from walls, with Habito™ we will be able to deliver the same in Commercial office space, Healthcare, Educational Institutes, Retail segments & also Residential. As a drywall solution, Habito™ delivers faster and lighter weight construction combined with strength of brick or block wall.

For more information on Gyproc Habito™ and its technical details, please visit

Sunday 25 June 2017

Aatman Innovations launches ‘I am Krishna – The Master of Mind & Life’ by best-selling author Deep Trivedi

A biography on Krishna’s life as An artist, A Lover, A Politician, A Psychologist, A Businessman, A Visionary, A Spiritual Guru
Mumbai22.06.2017: Renowned author and pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics, Deep Trivedi launched his book ‘I am Krishna – The Master of Mind & Life’ today at an event in a renowned club of Mumbai. ‘I am Krishna' is the world’s first attempt at historically documenting the life of one of the world’s most revered personalities – Krishna, a man of flesh and blood that walked the earth several centuries ago. The highlight of the event was the presence of popular Indian actress Ratan Rajput who was in discussion with Mr. Trivedi about the book and his thoughts behind his work.
An undeniably powerful personality, the book depicts Krishna’s personality and his journey from being a cowherd boy to becoming the King of Dwarka. Krishna was the master who knew the art of enjoying life to the fullest even in difficult times and his is a classic example of a Rags-to-Riches story.
When asked about the book, Deep Trivedi, author of the booksaid“’Krishna’ is a name synonymous with victory and flamboyance, yet he has always been an enigma. Through this book I have tried to bring out the diverse facets of his personality, which otherwise, are difficult or rather impossible to comprehend, in its entirety.”
He further added, “Krishna is such a multi-dimensional personality that there has never been a dearth of names by which he has been addressed such as Vasudeva, Madhusudan, Kanha, a supreme being or the numerous questions asked based on his personality and actions which invariably make people curious about him. This book contains the answers to all these questions, and that has been possible only after a long and thorough study of all the scriptures related to Krishna such as Mahabharat, Shatapatha Brahmana, Aitareya Aaranyak, Nirukta, Ashtadhyayi, Garga Samhita, Jataka Katha, Arthashastra, Indika, Harivamsa Puran, Vishnu Puran, Mahabhashya, Padma Puran, Markandey Puran and Kurma Puran to name a few.”
Since the author of the book is a pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics, the book depicts the psychology of Krishna at various important points and its subsequent transitions, which makes it clear for the readers as to what he did and why. Written in first person, the book gets Krishna to talk about his life, his thoughts and reasons for doing what he did. Most notably, it tells people that he was not born a god, and that he attained self actualisation from his deeds and actions. Assuming someone as god or destined to be god, shuts all your doors to learning from them and their legendary life whereas Krishna is the only perfect and complete man history has ever witnessed and his life offers a lot to imbibe and learn for everyone.
A lot of guests who were present at the event couldn’t let go of the opportunity of getting their personal copies of the book signed by the author himself and posed next to him and the actress for a memorable photograph.
The book is priced at Rs 399 and available at all leading book stores and e-commerce sites.
About Deep Trivedi:
Deep Trivedi is a renowned author and pioneer in psycho-dynamic spirituality, who not only writes with an insightful perspective, but also conducts lecture sessions on various life-altering topics. His lecture series on the Bhagavad Gita continued for about 168 hours over 58 days and has earned him a place in the India Book of Records and the Asia Book of Records. Besides, he also holds the record for the maximum number of lectures, unravelling the hidden gems of wisdom in the Ashtavakra Gita and Lao Tzu’s, Tao-Te-Ching. He has been conferred an honorary Docrorate by the World Records University for his works on psychology.
His book ‘I am The Mind’ published last year has been on the bestseller list throughout the year. This in itself proves his in-depth understanding of human psychology and his command over laws of nature. This is the reason why his works have brought about a transformation in lakhs of people who have listened to his lectures and read his books.

OneAssist Raises $18 Million in Series C Funding

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Investment would help develop the significant opportunity in the Assistance and Protection services market 

Mumbai, 22nd June 2017: OneAssist Consumer Solutions Pvt Ltd - a company that provides assistance and protection services to customers in areas of high everyday dependencies like wallets & cards, mobile phones and gadgets, today announced it has closed an $18 million Series C funding. The investment round was led by existing investor Sequoia Capital with participation from its other existing  investors Lightspeed Venture Partners and Assurant Inc. along with a new investor Moonstone Investments. The investment positions OneAssist to grow the significant market opportunities in the categories it operates in as well as develop new product segments.
With increasing penetration of Smartphones, payment cards and payment mechanisms as well as new opportunities covering home appliances and gadgets, the company aims to create and strategically build on the assistance and protection category in India.
With the #DigitalIndia revolution driving India, OneAssist plans to invest it’s capital in technology, service and innovative products while being focused at enhancing Customer Experience. The company aspires to expand its reach through key partnerships, improving distribution and by increasing awareness of its products.

“We are truly delighted and humbled with the support from our investors” said Gagan Maini, Co-Founder and Director OneAssist. “Our vision for OneAssist is to build and lead the Assistance & Protection category by providing differentiated and very relevant services for today’s customers. We will continue to invest in our current segments as well as explore more products  that enable our customers to be in control of their everyday critical dependencies.
“India is one of the fastest growing markets for smartphones, credit/debit card and home appliance and OneAssist is uniquely placed to tap the highly underpenetrated assistance and protection services market in India.” said Subrat Pani, Co-Founder & Director, OneAssist. As we sharpen focus for the next couple of years, we are excited to receive this investment into OneAssist from our existing and new investors to deliver on our strategy for providing innovative products and best in class services to Indian consumers”

Wednesday 21 June 2017

विजय तेंडुलकर यांच्या नाटकावर आधारित “झाला अनंत हनुमंत” चित्रपटाचा मुहूर्त

स्फोटक विषय आणि पारंपरिक तंत्राला धक्का देणारा नाट्यबंध विजय तेंडुलकर यांच्या लेखनातील
प्रयोगशील जाणिवांचा अविभाज्य भाग होता. विशिष्ट तत्त्वज्ञानाचाविचारसरणीचा ठसा नाकारून तेंडुलकर मनस्वीपणे लिहीत गेले. त्यांनी लिहिलेली 'शांतता कोर्ट चालू आहे', 'सखाराम बाईंडर', 'घाशीराम कोतवाल', 'माणूस नावाचे बेट', 'मधल्या भिंती', 'सरी गं सरी', 'एक हट्टी मुलगी', 'अशी पाखरे येती', 'गिधाडे', 'छिन्नआदी नाटके रूढ सामाजिक संकेतांनातसेच नाट्यसंकेतांना हादरा देणारी आणि वादग्रस्त ठरली. त्यांचे अजून एक प्रभावशाली नाटक 'झाला अनंत हनुमंत' यावर निर्माते गिरीश वानखेडे चित्रपट बनवीत आहेत आणि त्याचा मुहूर्त नुकताच कोल्हापुरात मराठी चित्रपटक्षेत्रातील अनेक मान्यवर आणि चित्रपटाचे कलाकार व चित्रपटाशी निगडित व्यक्तींच्या उपस्थितीत मोठ्या दिमाखात पार पडला.
कथा एका सामान्य माणसाची ज्याला असामान्य सिद्धी प्राप्त होते. गरिबीमुळे ग्रासलेला. कटकटी तरीही प्रेमळ बायकोसतत आजारी असणारा मुलगाबापाकडून अवास्तव अपेक्षा बाळगणारी मुलगी असा त्याचा छोटासा परिवार. त्यातच दुष्काळात तेराव्या महिन्याप्रमाणे फुकटखाऊझटपट श्रीमंतीची स्वप्न बघणारा मेव्हणा. कथेत अंधश्रद्धेबाबत असं काही घडतं की सर्वांना धक्काच बसतो.
श्रद्धा आणि अंधश्रद्धा यावर नेहमीच चर्चा सुरु असतात. गेल्या काही वर्षात अंधश्रद्धा निर्मूलनासाठी झटण्याऱ्या काही लोकांवर सनातनी विचासरणीच्या लोकांनी प्राणघातक हल्लेही केलेत. तेंडुलकरांनी आपल्या बोचक आणि खोचक शैलीत 'झाला अनंत हनुमंतनाटकात यावर प्रकाश टाकला आहे. त्यांच्या प्रतिभावान लेखणीतून उतरलेल्या या कलाकृतीचा सन्मान करण्याच्या हेतूने निर्माते गिरीश वानखेडेयांनी या नाटकावर चित्रपट बनविण्याचा धाडसी निर्णय घेतलाय.
नाटकाप्रमाणेच चित्रपट उपहासात्मक डार्क-कॉमेडी असेल. कुटुंब व समाज यातील नातेसंबंधावर चित्रपट भाष्य करेल. (Entity One Pictures) एंटीटी वन पिक्चर्सच्या बॅनरखाली झाला अनंत हनुमंत ची निर्मिती करीत आहेत गिरीश वानखेडे. त्यांची ही पहिलीच चित्र-निर्मिती असली तरी चित्रपट-व्यवसायाचा त्यांना दांडगा अनुभव आहे. विजय तेंडुलकरांच्या कथेवर झाला अनंत हनुमंतची पटकथामुन्नावर भगत यांनी लिहिली असून दिग्दर्शनही तेच करणार आहेत. त्यांच्या आधीच्या हृदयनाथ मंगेशकरांसाठी बनविलेल्या 'निवडुंगया चित्रपटाला समीक्षक आणि प्रेक्षक यांनी उत्तम प्रतिसाद दिला होता. चित्रपटात नंदू माधव मंगेश देसाई, सिया पाटील, शांता तांबे, पूजा पवार, सोनाक्षी मोरे यांच्या प्रमुख भूमिका असणार आहेत.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Nargis Fakhri turns Singer teams up with singer-composer Parichay

Your chance to meet Superstar Salman Khan is here!

~Cox & Kings partners with Tubelight to launch 'Pose Karo, Tubelight se Milo' contest ~

Mumbai, 20th June 2017: It’s time to celebrate as Superstar Salman Khan’s new film Tubelight is set to release on 23rd June. Joining the celebrations is Cox & Kings which has partnered with Tubelight to launch `Pose Karo, Tubelight se Milo’ contest. The lucky winners stand a chance to live their fan moment of meeting Salman Khan.

Sparking curiosity among the fans about what's new in Salman Khan's next, they have already started making note of the locations where he has been dancing carefree with his real and reel brother Sohail Khan.

Moreover, it’s music to the ears when the songs 'Nach Meri Jaan' and 'Radio' shot at iconic destinations of Ladakh and Manali are already making waves.

The contestants have to click a selfie at their favourite location seen in the movie and post it on Facebook with the hashtag #BharatDekoTubelight. Cox & Kings has curated special itineraries covering the specific locations where the movie was shot. Alternatively, one can simply visit the nearest Cox & Kings' store to book a package and click a selfie with Salman Khan's cut-out and post it with the hashtag.  The lucky few will be picked from the hashtag feed and will win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet Salman Khan.

Speaking about the partnership, Yusuf Poonawala, Head – Bharat Deko, Cox & Kings said, "The film Tubelight will transport you to picturesque and scenic locations where the movie was shot and by booking our package you get an opportunity to meet your favourite Superstar Salman Khan.’’

He added, ``As part of our celebrations we have launched exclusive Bharat Deko packages called `Tubelight tours to destinations such as Manali, Ladakh, Shimla, and Amritsar, where the movie was filmed. ‘’

The famous songs of the film Tubelight provide a glimpse of the scenic beauty of North India.

Cox & Kings has also launched products keeping the movie theme in mind.

Tubelight - Manali 05 Days / 04 Nights
* Ex - Chandigarh
PRICE INR 17,099 Per Person 

Tubelight - Ladakh 07 Days / 06 Nights
* Ex - Leh
Leh, Nubra Valley & Pangong
PRICE INR 29,999 Per Person

Tubelight - Manali with Chandigarh 06 Days / 05 Nights
* Ex - Chandigarh
Chandigarh & Manali
PRICE INR 20,799 Per Person

Tubelight - Himachal 09 Days / 08 Nights
* Ex - Chandigarh
Chandigarh, Manali, Dharamshala & Dalhousie
PRICE INR 32,999 Per Person

Turner’s New Generations Report

“Turner’s New Generations™ 2016 puts the spotlight on lifestyle, opinion, behavioural pattern and spending habits of kids in India.”

Kids are no longer mere consumers but rather high purchase influencers today. They are extremely conscious of the environment they live in and willing to explore non-traditional career choices, while constantly challenging notions and redefining their roles.
Turner’s flagship research study, New Generations™, puts the spotlight on lifestyle, opinion, behavioural pattern and spending habits of over 6000 kids surveyed in India ranging between two age groups: 4-6 years and another being 7-14 years of age.
The report highlights that Television ranks as the No.1 form of media consumption at 97% with cartoons being the most watched genre by kids and parents alike.
The report covers the following topics of research:

a.       Media Consumption: Television ranks as the number one media consumption
b.      Purchasing power: Pocket money given to kids in 2015 has grown a 100%
c.       Future perspective: Kids are ready to take on the world and are up for exploring non-traditional careers
d.      Habits and lifestyle: How Media consumption is affecting kids around the country and their food habits
First unveiled in 2001, this New Generations™ study is the largest kids’ lifestyle survey in the Asia Pacific region. New Generations research covers all town classes including towns with a population of less than 1 lakh individuals as well [LC1 towns]. Understanding kids is a part of Turner’s DNA and being genre leaders, it becomes imperative to keep in tune with the dynamic and ever evolving lifestyles and changing habits of kids.
Here’s a brief note on the series of infographics based on the data and trends from the report.

a)      The report focusses on 'The Plurals' - those born between 1997 and 2015. The Plurals, however, differ intuitively from the millennials primarily based on learned versus native behaviour. Plurals have access to new age media and the internet. They have more access to the social media platforms and have more world awareness

TV is the most consumed media platform by children and adults alike and cartoons ranks the highest in terms of genre of preference for kids. Plurals have more access to the internet, social media and other media platforms to keep them connected to the world.
Out of 10, only 9 parents have control over their children’s social media activity and monitor their activity lesser than before. 90% Kids own mobiles and other electronic devices and use them frequently. 62% Indian kids are using their parents or other family member’s mobile devices whereas, 4% of the kids share their handsets with their siblings. Gaming and making/ receiving calls the two most popular activities followed by listening to music, texting and watching videos. The survey has derived the fact that 32% children download applications out of which 70% download the paid applications.

48% parents of children from 7-14 years and 29% parents of children from 4-6 years send their kids for tuitions. 55% parents are involved in their child’s daily activities; they encourage their children to take part in extracurricular activities and encourage them to opt for newer career choices.

Children are now more open to newer career choices and are picking subjects that are newer to the earlier generation. Children spend more time pursuing subjects they are passionate or interested in rather than the pattern that is tried and tested.


Parents are more and more worried about their child's health as they grow older, Irregular eating habits and loss of appetite are some of the few ill effects of poor eating practises of kids. The plurals are spending lesser time outdoors and this leads to lethargy and an unhealthy lifestyle; a rising concern for parents.

The survey also marks the most opted for choices of breakfast as well as snacks around the country and dairy is the most consumed product by kids followed by biscuits and chips.

The monthly average pocket money of kids has increase from Rs. 275/- in 2012 to Rs. 555/- in 2015. This is a 100% increase in pocket money since 2012. 52% kids receive pocket money out of which 50% save it (majority being girls), and the balance 50% spend their money on buying clothes, shoes, junk food and toys. At an annual spending potential of INR 22,594 Crores, Indian Kids have more money to spend than the GDP of 50 smaller countries of the world including Bhutan, Aruba & Maldives.

प्रभात चित्र मंडळाचा सुवर्ण महोत्सव

सिनेरसिकांसाठी उत्तमोत्तम चित्रपटांची वर्षभर मेजवानी

गेली 50 वर्ष महाराष्ट्रातील सिने रसिकांना चित्रपट माध्यमाचे अभ्यासपूर्ण रसग्रहण करायला उद्युक्त करणारी, समर्पित भावनेने कार्य करणारी एक अग्रगण्य संस्था म्हणजे प्रभात चित्र मंडळ. प्रभात चित्र मंडळ येत्या 5 जुलै 2017 रोजी सुवर्ण महोत्सवी वर्षात पदार्पण करीत आहे. त्या निमित्ताने विविध विशेष महोत्सवांचे आयोजन करण्यात येत आहे. येत्या 5 जुलै रोजी संध्याकाळी 7 वाजता प्रभात स्थापना-वर्धापन दिन सोहळ्याचे आयोजन प्रभादेवी येथील रवीन्द्र मिनी थिएटर येथे आय डॅनियल ब्लॅक या जागतिक पातळीवर नावाजलेल्या दिग्दर्शक केन लॉच यांच्या चित्रपटाच्या प्रदर्शनाने शुभारंभ होणार आहे.
5 जुलै 1968 रोजी सत्यजित रे यांच्या चिरीयाखाना या चित्रपटाच्या विशेष प्रदर्शनाने प्रभात चित्र मंडळाची स्थापना झाली होती. जगातील सर्वोत्तम चित्रपट मुंबईतील मराठी भाषिक सिनेरसिकांपर्यंत पोहोचावेत या हेतुने काही सिनेपत्रकारांच्या साहाय्याने व्ही. पी. साठे यांनी प्रभात चित्र मंडळाची मुहूर्तमेढ रोवली. विविध देशातील सकस चित्रपटांचा आस्वाद घेण्यासोबत अभ्यास म्हणून ते पाहिले जावेत या उद्देशाला अनुसरून आजही प्रभात चित्र मंडळाची घोडदौड अविरत सुरू आहे.
या सुवर्ण महोत्सवी वर्षाच्या निमित्ताने विविध ठिकाणी चित्रपट रसास्वाद शिबिरे, मराठी चित्रपट महोत्सव, ऑस्कर पुरस्कार विजेत्या चित्रपटांचा महोत्सव,चित्रभारती-भारतीय चित्रपटांचा महोत्सव,  मान्यवरांच्या पसंतीच्या चित्रपटांचे प्रदर्शन, अभ्यास शिबिरे, चर्चासत्र आणि वास्तव रूपवाणी विशेषंकाचे प्रकाशन त्याच बरोबर विविध कार्यक्रमांचे आयोजन करण्यात येणार आहे.
प्रभात चित्र मंडळाच्या सुवर्ण महोत्सवी वर्षानिमित्ताने ज्येष्ठ सिनेदिग्दर्शक शाम बेनेगल, गोविंद निहलानी, नीना कुलकर्णी, रवी जाधव, दिलीप करंबेळकर, मनमोहन शेट्टी आदी मान्यवरांची एक स्वागत समिती गठीत करण्यात आली आहे. या सर्व दिग्गजांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली प्रभात चित्र मंडळाचा सुवर्ण महोत्सव साजरा करण्यात येणार आहे, अशी माहिती प्रभात चित्र मंडळाचे सचिव प्रा. संतोष पाठारे यांनी दिली.

Glenfiddich launches Second Season of the World’s Most Experimental Bartender Competition

Bartenders across India invited to showcase their maverick creativity

19 June, 2017, : Glenfiddich, the world’s most awarded single malt Scotch whisky, announced the launch of the second season of the World’s Most Experimental Bartender in India. Bartenders across India have a unique opportunity to participate in the competition to take a shot at becoming the world’s most experimental bartender.

Glenfiddich’s World’s Most Experimental Bartender is a global programme that recognizes and rewards individuals, who collaborate with a master in another field like a musician, chef, designer or artist to co-create a more surprising, unusual and inventive Glenfiddich drinking experience.

The shortlisted finalists from India and around the world will be invited to an all-expenses-paid trip to the Glenfiddich Experimental Bartender Academy in Scotland. At the distillery, the participants will compete to win the priceless opportunity to bring their idea to life, supported by Glenfiddich. The winner will be awarded with the title of ‘The World’s Most Experimental Bartender’ and their creativity showcased globally.

James Pennefather, Managing Director, William Grant & Sons India comments, “Glenfiddich has always been at the forefront of innovation in the whisky industry; recognised as both the world’s most awarded single malt and the brand that challenged the norm by taking single malt beyond Scotland’s borders to create the category as it is known today. With this global competition, Glenfiddich aims to create a platform for bartenders to explore, innovate and create more exciting drinking experiences for patrons.”

The Indian leg of the entries will close on 15th July, 2017. A jury panel will short-list ten best entries which would be announced in the third week of August. These short-listed participants will then be introduced to their respective collaborators for the final round of the competition. This will be followed by the India winner announcement on 10 September 2017.

The 2016 India finalists that went on to compete globally were Brijesh Vyas, Mumbai-based bartender along with his collaborator Prateeksh Mehra, photographer-turned-beer-brewer, for their delectable whisky-and-cheese offering in a 1940s setting that spoke of jazz and all things American.

About the competition (

The competition requires participating bartenders to collaborate with a master of another field to                co-create something unique inspired by Glenfiddich experience. Winners from countries around the globe namely- Australia; Switzerland; Germany; United Kingdom; United States of America; the United Arab Emirate of Dubai; Colombia; South Africa and Indiawill be invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to the Glenfiddich Experimental Bartender Academy in Scotland, where they will compete to win the priceless opportunity of bringing their idea to life, supported by Glenfiddich.

This competition will be an intense and immersive three-day experience where the collaborators will be taught how to make whisky from scratch. They will have the exclusive opportunity to absorb knowledge from Glenfiddich’s distillery experts; from the mash man to the cooper, the still man to the malt master; and these extraordinary craftsmen will share the techniques that have made Glenfiddich the most awarded single malt Scotch whisky today.

Armed with fresh knowledge and tools, the collaborative pairs will then refine their innovative ideas to pitch to a panel of judges that will include Master Blender at William Grant and Sons, Brian Kinsman, Glenfiddich global brand ambassador, Struan Grant Ralph and Kirsten Grant Meikle, Director of prestige UK for Glenfiddich owner William Grant & Sons.

The winning collaborative idea will be announced at the end of the programme, and Glenfiddich will, thereafter, work with the winning duo throughout 2017 to bring their creation to life for the on-trade, an impressive addition to any creator’s portfolio.

Sunday 18 June 2017

Celebrating the success of ‘The Coolest Summer Job’, Havmor Ice Cream appoints Four Chief Tasting Officers

Mumbai, June 16, 2017: Havmor Ice Cream Ltd, today announced the successful culmination of their latest initiative, “The Coolest Summer Job” at an event in Ahmedabad. The event witnessed the felicitation of the ‘Chief Tasting Officers’ (CTOs) as they were welcomed to the company by Havmor board members. The event celebrated the induction of the candidates and the first mentoring session by renowned chefs, Vicky Ratnani and Sanjana Patel. The CTOs were briefed in detail on the ice cream manufacturing process, right from sourcing ingredients, technological know-how all the way to the manufacturing process of pure milk ice creams at Havmor.

Devashree Sharma (Mumbai), Saimandar Waghdhare (Mumbai), Rohini Basu (Delhi) and Sahej Chopra (Patiala) are the four deserving candidates that have been selected from over 4400 entries. To provide an in-depth knowledge on the significance of taste, texture and flavor, the four new employees were given their first mentoring session by Chef Vicky Ratnani and Chef Sanjana Patel. Chef Vicky Ratnani, spoke at length about the importance of creativity in developing a new flavor and then fusing it with local ingredients, while Chef Sanjana focused on the ice cream texture and presentation. The Chief Tasting Officers will be given detailed mentorship and will develop new flavors for the coming period.

Talking about the success of the campaign at the event, Ankit Chona, Managing Director, Havmor Ice Cream Ltd. said, “The Coolest Summer Job is a significant initiative and a matter of great pride for us at Havmor. We felt the need to delve deeper into understanding the local palate and this initiative has enabled us to build strong in-roads with the consumer. At Havmor innovation is of prime importance, as we constantly work towards creating products that consumers want and value, this spirit has helped us break barriers and further venture into bringing four new officers on board who will share a consumer perspective with us. We welcome the four candidates to the Havmor family and wish them ample success in their career.”

The campaign that received tremendous response from the consumers across cities, will now venture into the next innovation phase, by empowering the Chief Tasting Officers to create flavors that appeal to the Indian palate. A path breaking initiative by Havmor, where for the first time in the country, a manufacturer has provided a platform for consumers to actively participate in the process of ice cream creation. The four officers, kick started their journey today, with a successful mentoring session that highlighted techniques to successful ice cream creation. Post three days of immersion into the ice cream making process and mentorship the four officers will launch new ice cream flavors in the market.

Commenting on the winning entries and the initiative, Chef Vicky Ratnani said, “It has been a privilege to be part of a forum where one can mould and mentor young enthusiastic minds. This session is an opportunity for the four candidates to enhance their skills and explore unlimited possibilities by working with the best in the business. I congratulate the winners and Havmor for creating this platform and providing an opportunity for these candidates.”

Further Chef Sanjana added saying, “Havmor has created a great learning platform for these young officers through this initiative. It is going to be a learning experience for them, as they embark on this journey with Havmor, they receive an opportunity to gain recognition as inventors of ice cream flavors in the Indian market. Since ice cream is gaining popularity in the dessert category and is consumed largely irrespective of weather conditions, there is a larger scope for these young minds to showcase their creativity and win the hearts of the Indian consumers.”

Speaking at the event, Chaitanya Rele, VP – Head of Marketing, added, “Our nationwide job hunt for ice cream tasting and creating has been a great success. With four new ‘Chief Tasting Officers’ on board, we look forward to launching new flavors across our 200 ice cream parlors and 40,000+ retail outlets.”

The campaign was launched publicly in May 2017 with an aim to create a new ice cream flavor directly involving the consumer.  The campaign created curiosity and received a tremendous response online as well with over 1.7 million digital impressions and over 4400 entries.

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