Wednesday 4 October 2017

राष्ट्रीय, आंतरराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त 'द सायलेन्स' चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलर लाँच!

येत्या ऑक्टोबरला होणार संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रदर्शित

इफ्फी, बंगळूरू, मुंबई, पुणे आणि कलकत्त्याबरोबरच जर्मनी, अमेरिका, ब्राझील, स्पेन, टांझानिया, चेक प्रजासत्ताक आणि बांग्लादेशसारख्या 35 हून अधिक नामांकीत चित्रपट महोत्सवांमध्ये हजेरी लावून 2 महाराष्ट्र राज्य पुरस्कारांबरोबर एकूण 15 पुरस्कारांवर नाव कोरलेला द सायलेंस हा चित्रपट येत्या 6 ऑक्टोबरला प्रदर्शनासाठी सज्ज झाला आहे.

राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेते दिग्दर्शक गजेंद्र अहिरे दिग्दर्शित द सायलेंस एक वास्तवदर्शी चित्रपट... चित्रपट महोत्सवांत जबरदस्तदुष्प्रवृत्तींविरोधात लढा देण्यास प्रवृत्त करणारा चित्रपटहा चित्रपट पाहताना उर भरून आला होताअशा अनेक भावूक प्रतिक्रिया मिळवणाऱ्या या चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलर नुकताच मुंबईत एका दिमाखदार सोहोळ्याद्वारे लाँच करण्यात आला. प्रसंगी चित्रपटाच्या निर्मात्या अश्विनी सिधवानीनिर्माते अर्पण भुखनवाला, नवनीत हुल्लड मोरादाबादी आणि अरूण त्यागीतर सहनिर्माते गौरीश पाठारे आणि सनी ख्नन्नाबरोबरच दिग्दर्शक गजेंद्र अहिरे यांच्यासमवेत अंजली पाटीलनागराज मंजुळेरघुवीर यादव यांसारखे चित्रपटातील नामवंत कलाकार आणि अॅड. पूजा कुटे उपस्थित होत्या.

अॅड. पूजा कुटे यांच्याकडे असणाऱ्या खटल्यावर चित्रपट बनवण्यासाठी कथा-पटकथा लेखन निर्मात्या अश्विनी सिधवानी यांनी केले असून दिग्दर्शन आणि संवाद लेखन गजेंद्र अहिरे यांनी केले आहे. तर संगीत इंडियन ओशन बँडने दिले आहे. तर छायाचित्रदिग्दर्शन कृष्णा सोरेन यांनी केले असून संकलन मयुर हरदास यांचे आहे.

हा चित्रपट येत्या 6 ऑक्टोबरला संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रदर्शित होणार आहे.

Saturday 30 September 2017

Essential Rose Gold Ballpoint Pen by Hugo Boss

Everybody loves a surprise gift! William Penn understands the joy of giving and receiving, the excitement of unwrapping the gift and finding something precious. So, here is a pen with accents of gold!

Hugo Boss is known as the epitome of style, an inspirational brand for the elegant gentleman. Hugo Boss reinvented their classic, well-balanced “Essential” pen to give it a more masculine feel: bringing you a classic, much – loved pen with a new modern persona. Plated in rich ebony black, with a technically clever matte diamond cut texture, the pen is set off with luxurious yet subtle rose gold accents. Elevate your writing experience with the sensuous feel, look and smooth flow of the essential rose Gold ballpoint pen. You will enjoy the touch of class of this premium Hugo Boss product. Imagine the surprise and delight of the recipient when you gift this black beauty: to a loved one, a colleague or a client. Make this festive season extra special with the essential Rose Gold Pen.

The Hugo Boss Essential Gold BallPoint Pen can be purchased at all William Penn stores across India as well as on their online store on for Rs. 9,100/-.

संगीताचा एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव ‘छंद प्रितीचा’

-चित्रपटाचा म्युझिक लाँच सोहळा संपन्न

सध्या सर्वत्र चर्चेचा विषय असलेला सुबोध भावेसुवर्णा काळे आणि हर्ष कुलकर्णी अभिनित 'छंद प्रितीचाया आगामी मराठी चित्रपटाचे म्युझिक मुंबईत नुकत्याच झालेल्या एका दिमाखदार सोहळ्यात लाँच झाले. या प्रसंगी 'छंद प्रितीचा'चित्रपटाचे निर्माते चंद्रकांत जाधवलेखक-दिग्दर्शक एन. रेळेकरअभिनेते सुबोध भावेअभिनेत्री नृत्यांगना सुवर्णा काळेअभिनेते हर्ष कुलकर्णीविकास समुद्रे,संगीतकार प्रविण कुंवर उपस्थित होते.

या सोहळ्याची सुरुवात विकास समुद्रे आणि जयवंत भालेकर यांच्या दमदार स्कीटने होत चित्रपटाचं पहिलं-वहिलं असं "आलं आभाळ भरून" हे रोमँटीक गाणं लाँच करण्यात आलं. तितक्यात टांग टांग टांग धित तांग धित तांग... चा आवाज कानावर पडला आणि सजग होऊन सगळ्यांचे कान टवकारले जाऊन "निस्ती दारावर टिचकी मारा..." या ठसकेबाज लावणीचा आस्वाद घेतला गेला. बेला शेंडे आणि वैशाली सामंत या दोन्ही नामवंत गायिकांच्या सुरेल स्वरातील  फटकेबाज सवाल-जवाबांनी मैफिलीला रंगत आली. त्यानंतर सुवर्णा काळेच्या मोहक अदांनी रंगलेल्या "नाही जायचं घरीवाजो पहाटेचे पाच..." या ठसकेबाज लावणीने मनमुराद डोलायला लावले.

प्रेमला पिक्चर्स निर्मित 'छंद प्रितीचाचित्रपटात एकूण आठ गाण्यांचा समावेश असून गीतकार एन. रेळेकर यांच्या लेखणीतून ती अवतरलेली आहेत. आजचा हिंदी आणि मराठी चित्रपटसृष्टीतील आघाडीचा गायक जावेद अली तसेच बेला शेंडेआदर्श शिंदेवैशाली सामंतकेतकी माटेगावकर यांसारख्या एकापेक्षा एक मातब्बर अशा सरस गायक-गायिकांच्या मधुर स्वरांनी नटलेल्या या चित्रपटातील गीतांना संगीतकार प्रविण कुंवर यांनी संगीतबद्ध केलेले आहे.

प्रेमला पिक्चर्स निर्मित 'छंद प्रितीचाचित्रपटाची निर्मिती निर्माते चंद्रकांत जाधव यांनी केलेली असून चित्रपटाचे लेखन आणि दिग्दर्शन एन. रेळेकर यांनी केलेले आहे.

दिलखेचक लावण्याठेका धरायला लावणारं संगीत आणि कान तृप्त करणारे गायक – गायिकांचे कर्णमधूर आवाज त्यात कलाकारांचा उत्कृष्ट अभिनय तर सोंगाड्या सुंदरचे खळखळून हसवणारे मार्मिक विनोद यांनी नटलेली कलाकृतीछंद प्रितीचा’ येत्या 10 नोव्हेंबरला संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रदर्शित होत आहे.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Wipro, CloudGenix Partner to Deliver Managed SD-WAN Services             

Joint SD-WAN offering makes it easy for clients to move to a digital network architecture

San Jose, USA and Mumbai, India - September 26, 2017: Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO), a leading global information technology, consulting and business process services company and CloudGenix Inc., a leading provider of Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) products, today announced a partnership to offer open  and managed SD-WAN services. Termed as WANFreedom, the service allows enterprise customers to rapidly deploy cloud, SaaS (Software as a Service) and data center applications over any combination of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), Internet broadband and LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks, thereby enabling a rich user experience and IT infrastructure cost optimization. 

Traditional WAN products based on proprietary hardware and complex routing protocols result in substantial dependencies and inhibit cloud adoption.  With WANFreedom, customers will be freed from dependencies on WAN transport, proprietary hardware routers, networking complexity, therefore freeing up IT teams to focus on rapidly delivering business value.

Over the next five years, SD-WAN sales are forecast to grow at a 69.6% compound annual growth rate, reaching $8.05 billion in 2021, according to the IDC Worldwide SD-WAN Forecast: 2017–2021 (doc #US42904317, July 2017) report. This growth is fueled by rapid adoption of cloud, SaaS and data center applications, the commoditization of connectivity boosted by low-cost and high-capacity broadband availability, and the digitization of remote offices.

Kiran Desai, Senior Vice President & Global Head, Global Infrastructure Services, Wipro Limited said, “By partnering with CloudGenix, Wipro now offers its customers an end-to-end managed WAN, delivering a host of benefits including WAN transport independence, the ability to seamlessly integrate multiple telecom and network carriers and WAN types, improved WAN availability, uncompromised access to cloud, SaaS and rich media applications, elimination of proprietary hardware routers, and significant cost savings. These capabilities provide enterprises the freedom to adopt cloud, UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service), SaaS and other modern applications without compromising security, performance, or visibility.”

Kumar Ramachandran, CEO, CloudGenix said, “Wipro is a recognized global leader in deploying, managing, and operationalizing network infrastructure. Wipro’s WAN assessment and prescriptive service delivery model ensures customers gain instant time to value without needing to ‘rip and-replace’ their legacy WAN infrastructure.”

Wipro’s SD-WAN capabilities meet enterprise customers’ digital business needs while ensuring robust performance, security and compliance in line with their business application policies. Supported by its Software Defined Everything (SDx) Center Of Excellence and ServiceNXT, a next-generation managed services framework, Wipro’s enterprise assessment and consultancy services ensure efficient delivery of SD-WAN solution for clients. 

CloudGenix’s SD-WAN is powered by CloudGenix AppFabric that enables a self-healing network built on machine learning, which ensures faster time to market and better response to business needs.


IL&FS Financial Services enters 5th year of “I Run For Fun” A BKC run supporting differently abled children

Mumbai, 26th September, 2017: Registrations are now open for the fifth edition of I Run For Fun organised by IL&FS Financial Services (IFIN) on November 12, 2017 at Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC, Mumbai).  For the past four year the run has attracted business leaders and professionals from corporate houses and financial institutions across Mumbai and especially around BKC. This year State Bank of India (SBI) joins the run as co-sponsors.

For registration participants can visit:

Open to all age groups, a notable addition to this years race categories, is the inclusion of the 16 km run. The 5km and 10km run continues to encourage and introduce running as a daily sport among professionals. All the registration proceeds will go to ADAPT (Able Disabled People All Together) the event charity partners and a non-government organisation.

Mr. Ramesh C. Bawa, Managing Director & CEO, IL&FS Financial Services, said, Running has not only been considered as an effective physical activity to chase good health and fitness leading to a healthy body, soul and mind, but this also brings perseverance in one's life to achieve the desired goals and ambitions. 'I Run For Fun' is an initiative undertaken by us five years ago with a motive to boost the morale of our employees and other participants to replicate the aspect of 'Run-to-Chase' in their personal and professional life. Besides this, we also feel privileged to provide financial support to one of the foremost 'Non-Profit' organisations in the country called 'ADAPT' with the funds collected from this event. I welcome all the participants to join hands towards a healthier, soulful, social and noble approach.

Indian Oil Corporation are the associate sponsors, while Striders the popular fitness-training group are knowledge partners to the run.

Race Categories 
  • 5 Kilometer - Fun Run: Open for all age (Minimum 6 years and above)
  • 10 Kilometer and 16 Kilometer Run - The category is ideal for the experienced runners and running enthusiasts.
Age Category
Men (Age as on 12.11.17)
Women (Age as on 12.11.17
Open Category
15 years to under 50 years
15 years to under 45 years
Veteran Category
50 years and above
45 years and above

Key details:
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017
Venue: Start and Finish at IL&FS Financial Centre, Bandra Kurla Complex
Assembly Time6:00 am 
Race Timings:
  • 16 Km Run: Start Time 6:15 am
  • 10 Km Run: Start Time 6:30 am 
  • 5 Km Fun Run: Start Time 6:45 am 

CaratLane unfurls Butterfly: A vibrant collection to celebrate the spirit of women

A butterfly isn’t born with its beautiful wings; it works towards becoming its glowing and graceful self. It goes through a journey of radical transformation, one that organically mirrors a woman’s change into her authentic self. By drawing inspiration from this thought, CaratLane, India's leading omnichannel jeweller, unfurled Butterfly, a collection that celebrate the spirit of women.

“The butterfly is a striking symbol of beauty, change and hope and thus best personifies the woman of today. The butterflies in this collection come in shades of blue, orange and green to represent three unique identities. We made them in three colours to ensure that any woman who buys it can relate herself with the collection.”, said Aakrosh Sharma, SVP, Merchandising & Fulfillment, CaratLane. 

Price: The collection starts at Rs. 14,126

Tuesday 26 September 2017

GJEPC presents 7th edition of India International Jewellery Week (IIJW 2017) on 23rd-24th September



Mumbai, 25th September, 2017: C Krishnaih Chetty Group of Jewellers closed the final day at the glamorous India International Jewellery Week 2017 powered by GIA with a grand collection accompanied by music, dance, mime, commentary, glitz and drama.  The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), apex body of the gems & jewellery sector, presented the 7th edition of the India International Jewellery Week (popularly known as IIJW) powered by GIA (Gemmological Institute of America); co-partnered by Forevermark and Platinum Guild International on 23rd and 24th September 2017 at St. Regis, Mumbai. IIJW 2017 is a BY INVITATION exclusive annual event to showcase or launch enticing jewellery collections. Bright Outdoor Advertising is the Outdoor Partner.
What a magnificent end it was at the India International Jewellery Week 2017, when C Krishnaih Chetty Group of Jewellers unveiled their stunning ‘Sprezzatura’ Collection as the finale for their Navrasa Show featuring the 9 emotions of fashion. At the end of the spectacular show Shreyas V. Cotha, Executive Director, C Krishnaih Chetty Group of Jewellers and Bhavna Cotha walked down the ramp to thunderous applause for the sensational show.

One of the most respected and honoured names in the jewellery business, C Krishnaih Chetty Group was founded in 1869 and is known as one of the world’s finest heritage businesses.
Appointed jewellers to the Royal House of Mysore, C Krishnaih Chetty created hundreds of pieces of the Double Headed Eagle known as Ghanda–Bherunda which was presented to the important contributors every six months by the Kingdom of Mysore. That symbol is now the official seal of the Karnataka State. With 6 superb showrooms in Bangalore, C Krishnaih Chetty is all set to move into the 21st century with stunning designs for jewellery admirers in India and around the globe.

The Ballroom of St Regis was converted into a wedding pandal with 10 ornate pillars on the stage. White cubes lined the ramp along with rows of flowers that streamed down from the ceiling to form a perfect backdrop for the show.
The Navrasa show – featuring the 9 emotions of fashion was a grand glorious display that held the audience in awe and enthralled them with the gorgeous jewels on the ramp.
The opening dancers performed a modern version of the Bharat Natyam to the beautiful concept and script by The Bioscope Diary. The story of birth, love and marriage unfolded as the models draped in splendid brocade saris by designer Gaurang glided down the ramp and posed gracefully.
Sprezzatura is the perfect word that described the C Krishnaih Chetty Group of Jewellers’ collection that blended seamlessly the unconventional with design concepts. The Heritage Collection was a great revival of the most amazing creations using handmade and modern 3D printing technology.
The brilliant Valanda diamonds nestled creatively with the Cabochon Rubies and twinkling emeralds as the jewellery, which drew from the ancient craft and antique designs dazzled on the ramp. The fabulous specialised traditional closed and open back setting styles of South India and the Deccan were very evident in the intricately crafted pieces. There was a grand medley of colour and immaculate finishes along with rare coloured stones and diamonds that formed the Sprezzatura range of jewellery.
The wedding on the ramp with the bride’s and groom’s entourage was the focal point of the show that unveiled the splendorous jewellery for the wedding. Temple Raani Haars, diamond chokers, matching cummerbunds, pearl bangles and long gem chains were magnificent. The Thaali or Thirumangalyam presented by the groom to the bride was a work of eternal beauty.
Large pearl tasselled earrings, Maang Tikkas, Maatha Paatis, and the very fabulous plait ornament or jadanagam was created in the most intricate designs. Jewels for the bride were opulent to the extreme as Haath Phool, bangles, tikkas, Raani Haars, Jhumkhas, waistband and uncut diamond necklaces along with superbly crafted gold pieces looked ethereal.
Mr. Praveenshankar Pandya, Chairman, GJEPC, said, “In sync with the Prime Minister’s vision of showcasing the best of Indian creativity and craftsmanship to global customers, IIJW is an initiative to showcase the finest in indigenous Make In India jewellery. Be it design or innovation, or top-of-the-line craftsmanship, technology and quality, Indian jewellers are comparable to the best in the world. The most renowned of Indian jewellers will showcase their inspired and admired classic and contemporary jewellery collections to the crème-de-la-crème of Indian society comprising socialites, celebrities, aesthetes, policy makers, trade constituents and influentials amongst others. IIJW is an extravaganza, a celebration and a bonanza for jewellery lovers who can get a sneak preview of the most extraordinary, exquisite and extravagant collections for this festive season.”
The leading retail houses and top designers showcasing their collections at IIJW 2017 powered by GIA (include Nakshatra World, Caratlane, Azva, PC Jewellers on 23rd September; IIGJ Mumbai in association with Izaara by Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers; Surya Golds in association with Swarovski Gemstones; Pallavi Foley presented by; Mehta & Sons by Narendra Mehta in association with IGI; Laksh Pahuja presented by Gemma & HRD Antwerp, Anmol using Australian Diamonds; Reliance Jewels using Australian Diamonds; C. Krishnaih Chetty Group of Jewellers on 24th September 2017.

राष्ट्रीय, आंतरराष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त 'द सायलेन्स' चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलर लाँच!

येत्या ऑक्टोबरला होणार संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रदर्शित

इफ्फी, बंगळूरू, मुंबई, पुणे आणि कलकत्त्याबरोबरच जर्मनी, अमेरिका, ब्राझील, स्पेन, टांझानिया, चेक प्रजासत्ताक आणि बांग्लादेशसारख्या 35 हून अधिक नामांकीत चित्रपट महोत्सवांमध्ये हजेरी लावून 2 महाराष्ट्र राज्य पुरस्कारांबरोबर एकूण 15 पुरस्कारांवर नाव कोरलेला द सायलेंस हा चित्रपट येत्या 6 ऑक्टोबरला प्रदर्शनासाठी सज्ज झाला आहे.

राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेते दिग्दर्शक गजेंद्र अहिरे दिग्दर्शित द सायलेंस एक वास्तवदर्शी चित्रपट... चित्रपट महोत्सवांत जबरदस्तदुष्प्रवृत्तींविरोधात लढा देण्यास प्रवृत्त करणारा चित्रपटहा चित्रपट पाहताना उर भरून आला होताअशा अनेक भावूक प्रतिक्रिया मिळवणाऱ्या या चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलर नुकताच मुंबईत एका दिमाखदार सोहोळ्याद्वारे लाँच करण्यात आला. प्रसंगी चित्रपटाच्या निर्मात्या अश्विनी सिधवानीनिर्माते अर्पण भुखनवाला, नवनीत हुल्लड मोरादाबादी आणि अरूण त्यागीतर सहनिर्माते गौरीश पाठारे आणि सनी ख्नन्नाबरोबरच दिग्दर्शक गजेंद्र अहिरे यांच्यासमवेत अंजली पाटीलनागराज मंजुळेरघुवीर यादव यांसारखे चित्रपटातील नामवंत कलाकार आणि अॅड. पूजा कुटे उपस्थित होत्या.

अॅड. पूजा कुटे यांच्याकडे असणाऱ्या खटल्यावर चित्रपट बनवण्यासाठी कथा-पटकथा लेखन निर्मात्या अश्विनी सिधवानी यांनी केले असून दिग्दर्शन आणि संवाद लेखन गजेंद्र अहिरे यांनी केले आहे. तर संगीत इंडियन ओशन बँडने दिले आहे. तर छायाचित्रदिग्दर्शन कृष्णा सोरेन यांनी केले असून संकलन मयुर हरदास यांचे आहे.

हा चित्रपट येत्या 6 ऑक्टोबरला संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रात प्रदर्शित होणार आहे.

Make your floor alive, with living expression collection Pergo Living Expression Collection



Pergo is recognized around the world as a leading innovator of high quality laminated flooring brand.  The Pergo Living Expression Collection will make your floor come alive. Pergo has always aimed at being simply the best when it comes to flooring.

Pergo Living Expression highlights the natural character of wood, even down into the bevels. The matt finish brings out the best of wood. Living Expression collections are equipped with Pergo’s trademark technology TitanXTM and PerfectFold™ 3.O that not only keep its elegant finish year in and year out but also fast and easy to install. Pergo Living Expression is the perfect combination of beautiful design and performance to revamp a place with the finest flooring with easy maintenance and care.

The Living Expression collection features with Pergo Genuine™ wood texture, a lightly polished structure that follows the wood grain in every detail, complemented by a silk matt finish. The Living Expression quality level is suitable for all-round domestic use, because of its extreme durability making it stand against wear, stains and fading.

The Price for Pergo Living Expression Collection is Rs 250 per sq ft.

For more information, please log on to or visit

Wrangler announces the Winners of True Wanderer 2017

Wrangler’s True Wanderer,started in 2012, hasevolved into a community of like-minded enthusiasts who share a common love for adventure and exploration. It continues to be an increasingly popular annual event for travelers across the country to celebrate their love for the open road.
True Wanderer Season 6.0, organized by Wrangler in 2017, was presented in a brand-new avatar- bigger, better and bolder than ever before.Thousands applied to be a part of the journey and 25 True Wanderer finalists were selected to go on the trip of a lifetime who were flagged off from Wrangler stores across 13 cities. The finalist could choose to travel by car, bike, foot or any mode of transportation of their choice, completing travel-related challenges set by Wrangler. The 25 finalists were styled in Wrangler’s range of apparel.

The 25 finalists took wandering to a whole new level as they showcased the passions that drive their wanderlust. They captured the highlights of their epic road trips and shared it with the True Wanderer community with interesting and inspiring stories, photographs and videos. Their experiences can be found at
Based on votes and the scores of an elite judging panel, Wrangler announces the winners of True Wanderer 2017:

The first prize is a trip to Australia and the winner is Rahul Gupta from Jammu.

The winner of the second prize – a trip to Bali - is Dheeraj Solanki from Agra

The third prize – a trip to Sikkim – has been won by Rajat Patranabish from Delhi

Rohini Haldea, Marketing Head, Wrangler India, says “We are delighted to announce that Rahul Gupta,Dhreeraj Solanki & Rajat Patranabish as the winners of True Wanderer 2017 and to present them with the trips to Australia, Bali & Sikkim respectively. The True Wanderer contest epitomizes the spirit of freedom and adventure that Wrangler stands for. It has been an exciting journey for the brand to ride along with those who share its passion for the open road.”

Microwave based Brix measurement technology will help sugarcane farmers .

Ministry of Electronics & IT MeitY's R&D Institute SAMEER transfers technology for Sugar Content Measurement to two private enti...